Hillybilly NEVER overheats now.

I am a bad Hillybilly and played 3 matches as him now (all 4k at rank 1) and I never overheated A SINGLE TIME.
They hard nerfed his heat mechanic, you will never overheat anymore to be honest, it's a mechanic that doesn't affect you at all. It's stupid in my opinion. If they want to keep the overheat mechanic make it a mattering factor when playing Hillbilly.
I agree. It's like it doesn't exist. So let's leave it that way :)
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Yeah seen him on a few streams, chainsaws across the map 3 times in a row then instadowns 2 survivors without even coming close to overheating.
What an absolute joke. There was no point in even adding the cooldown. The balance team identify an issue but then cave in to pressure from the loudest voices online. Its really kind of sad how much control a small number of people have over the development team.
I wouldnt be surprised if he gets some charge time and curve add ons back in the hotfix too.
Its cowardly.
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They should have nerfed his ability to run a lap around the map and THEN be able to chase a survivor around a loop. Most players wanted to see the skill part of his game kept but his map presence would dominate in the right hands.
Addons were nerfed though which was the real necessity.
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Yeah, I was wondering who would say such stuff about the most balanced killee until I read your name.
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Cheer up, you can still loop him wth zero threat now since they deleted his addons.
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It keeps people from revving the chainsaw in someone's face on the hook. The change is fine.
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Quit crying, instasaw is gone, that's all he needed removed and the devs pretty much agree, thank God.
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The most balanced killer.....lol. They literally said he was overperforming dude.
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From dev update : "We want to focus on the skill-based gameplay and put an emphasis on using your chainsaw effectively, only adding a small drawback to misusing your chainsaw."
Overheating is not supposed to limit billy, it's supposed to punish misusing his chainsaw like hard camping with it 90% revved up. Billy isn't supposed to be overheated just because he wants to use his power. So if overheating is rare then it's working as it's supposed to be.
Imagine making survivors trip for running too long, same thing, it would be really dumb change to punish either side for wanting to play efficiently.
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Does anyone here know what the word minimal means? The saw now trulet needs to be misused for the overheat to matter as it always should have been..now we just need to address his useless addons and he will be fine
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and this is supposed to be an issue? Im fine with that, leave it as it is
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BuT bIlLy iS dEad
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Yeah feathering wasnt the issue, it was being able to run from corner to corner, instadown, run to other side of map, instadown, run back to other side to tunnel off hook.
He can still do all of that no problem.
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Introduces overheat system
Tones it down
Smh can never make the dbd community happy.
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I think most people would be happy if the overheat mechanic was gone for good.
At least I would be happy.
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I think its perfect in line, it helps counter some of the face camp potential with the overheat, and also punishes way over use of chainsaw plus its a very cool visual effect.
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so many crying killers, they need 4k everygame
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Yea, the visuals are really nice.