Aura Hotfix.

I know it's not typical of BHVR to do hotfixes, but the aura issue really needs a hotfix. It absolutely decapitates the experience for colorblind players, ESPECIALLY colorblind killers. This isn't something that can wait until the next patch, or even 6 patches from now or however it will take for the sound bugs to finally be fixed. It's a game breaker.
Can you guys look into this?
If Decisive Strike gets a hotfix within 5 days of it being bugged versus Doctor, then the horrendous auras should get a hotfix too.
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No joke.
It hurts killers more, I think, but it definitely affects both sides.
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And that is why they will say it is fine...
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I can't even see totems auras because they are too small. Needs like triple the charges of a map now to find them
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Yes please.
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It depends. Killers can now see survivors directly through generators, but how well they can depends on their graphics quality, and it's harder than ever to see individual aura's as a whole. Either way, my fun, goofy Kindred/Bond/Open Handed build is gone.
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That's cool and all - but now aura's are so dim that colorblind users literally see nothing.
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I agree. The Auras are an eyesore.
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Yea new auras are REAL bad
but Unlink Nea set too pls
i hate spamming about it buts its ridiculous given bunny feng isnt linked and does clip
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Why did they change the auras anyway?
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Because the previous version was perfect with very minor flaws
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Because they werent broken. Like Bilky and knockout werent broken but they "fixed" those too.
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With my colorblindness, I literally cannot see red or pink auras anymore. At all. It's like a permanent Blindness status that I cannot get rid of. Impossible to play on killer and I have to just let my teammates die on hook because I can't see them as survivor
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Hell I'm not colour blind and I have trouble spotting auras now. I can only imagine how hard it is for people who are actually colour blind.
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This has made the game unplayable for colorblind people. I mean, it's so bad that even normal-sighted players are having difficulty seeing auras.
This needs to be dealt with ASAP. I can't even imagine how the devs thought this was a good idea. The least they can do is fix it quickly.
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Please listen to the community, if you can hotfix DS so quick, you can hotfix auras. Whatever you're hoping to achieve with them is not ready yet, keep it on PTB until you figure it out. It's... really bad. I'm all about breaking up the meta but if you're trying to screw with aura stuff work from the perk level, not the aura visual level. If nothing else, give us an option of what kind of aura to use.
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Yeah I don't understand this either I've been playing DBD for a few years now and have never had any issue with the previous auras, nor have I ever seen anyone else complain about it.. if anything the only complaint I ever seen before is that even the previous version was too difficult to see sometimes, specifically on totems.
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The issue here is that the DS bug was an issue for survivors. In this scenario, Killers rely a lot more on aura reading so this is not an issue that'll be fixed anytime fast.
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It also hurts survivors.
I can't see ######### with BBQ, Bond, Kindered or any other aura perk, doesn't matter which side you play.
Yesterday I had a survivor game on Ormond - I couldn't even see the aura of the hooked survivors at all a lot of times!
Seeing survivors on gens with BBQ is also really hard, same for totem auras. It definetely hurts both sides a lot and needs to be fixed asap!
I wonder if someone really tested these bs auras and was like "Yeah, that's looking good, let's release this!"
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On top of just generally this new change being not received very well because it seems to be a general overall downgrade in quality and visibility for everyone. This is a seriously valid and relevant concern that I hadn't even thought about, is BHVR really going to alienate it's color-blind playerbase? @Peanits @not_Queen
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the Aura issue is known, and they generally have two hot fixes after the major patches (chapter and midchapter) one week later and then the next week after that. and will do hot fixes after if it really is game breaking. it's been said they know about the auras and it has been stated not only do they know of the issue but ALSO even before this they have been working on a completely new aura system as well.
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this happened a few patches back where the auras were like this and it was fixed once they identified the issue.
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Alienating those with disabilities would be a PR nightmare. Companies get cancelled over things like that.
I'm sure the fine, more than competent folks at BHVR wouldn't let that happen, would they?
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Although this time it states "Aura Rework" in the actual patch notes..
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Stop making it a survivors vs killers thing, I'm a survivor main and I can't see #########. I sometimes can't even spot where my teammates have been slugged or hooked, let alone totem auras with Detective's Hunch or a map.
I had been wondering all day about how this might have affected colorblind people because if I, not colorblind, have been struggling to see anything at all, the game must have become unplayable for them. I came to the forums specifically to find out it's true.
This hurts both survivors and killers. Get the us vs them nonsense outta here.
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Just look at the screenshots people post in the feedback section. when you are on Ormond, you can barely see you downed teammates. I had to open that screenshot in full screen in order to see where that body was.
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I use kindred, and I can't see the other survs and I can't see which killer I'm playing against.
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I do not know if this will help as I am not colorblind myself, but in Windows 10, you can go to Settings>Ease of Access>Color Filters and enable one of the colorblindness filters found there that pertain to your condition.
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I am not colorblind but i have to play with low resolution and i came here to say that new auras completely ruin my game experience. I cannot see most generators on the map and sometimes even hooks right next to me do not have a noticeable aura. Also BBQ&chili does not work since i simply cannot see auras on the distance it starts working. I'm not even talking about totems, RIP my hex builds. If i could get the refund on everything i spent on this game and addons, i would do it right now
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It is 2020, aura colors and intensity brightness should be menu option.
For real.
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If they nerfed all killers to run at 50% speed there would be survivors claiming it was a nerf to them. If they made each generator take 10 minutes to complete there would be killers that would find some way to claim it was meant to hurt killers.
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New auras are game breaking IMO.
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I would love to hear what BHVR plans to do with the overall dissatisfaction with the aura change.
It really is game breaking for both sides....
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"We've been receiving great feedback, and the majority of our playerbase enjoys the new Auras, so we're keeping them."
And that's that.
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I'll bet
for nothingthat devs asnwer are"nah, we just change it what we like and we ain't revert it. Get used it or CIV5" or something
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Say what?
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Don't give them ideas 😂
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Make a Q&A question thread. Submissions are currently open.
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I mean they must have seen for them self that this is a huge aura nerf. Let's see if they will nerf vision or sound also, it's so stupid but it's their game they can destroy it if they want.
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Your wish is my command. Link to my post above.
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I hate the new auras, I can barely see them. I used to run BBQ all the time on many killers but because of the new aura, I don't want to use any aura based perks at all as I don't find them reliable anymore.
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Anyone notice how quiet they've been with all the threads on this really large issue? I'm expecting either a quiet hotfix or they'll do nothing at all. If it's the latter, they lose a lot of people. I genuinely hope if they don't do anything, that it becomes the worst thing they've done to themselves. I know for a fact I won't and can't support them at this point.
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It needs reverted. I can't see ######### with the current auras. BB&C is pretty much useless.
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Please address the auras; i am not color blind but my vision isn't the best and the auras cause eyestrain. Make them brighter (had ZERO issues with the auras prior to this change) now, I find myself getting headaches. PLEASE make this change; I cannot continue to play the game under the current conditions.
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Probably a survey.
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You are correct, I misheard some things but not the key words: "We are working on the issue" so it is not exactly what they wanted so it'll be fixed ... we will see how soon enough
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It's not about survivor vs killer, but there's no denying that colorblind killers will suffer because of this more than colorblind survivors. Being that the very foundation of finding survivors (which is patrolling generators based on aura location) is completely borked here for them. Survivors don't rely on aura reading to do their objective.
Stating the obvious isn't making it survivors vs killers. It's called stating the obvious. Does it hurt both sides? Yes. Does it effect killers more? Yes.
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Im new and i just play survivor for now. The auras are hurting my eyes.
A dying survivor far away looks like a straight horizontal red line and i cant see them well through grass or a wall or stuff.
A hooked survivor far away looks like a vertical red line. Good luck finding that. It is easier to find the killer than saving someone with those auras.
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I managed to finally get used to it in my last handful of games. But still have difficulties. As hard as it is, keep going as the more I did the better I got at working with them. Unfortunately my partner and friends have vision issues and are having problems adapting. So I can only hope we get it fixed soon. But my Hope's are not too high on that for obvious reasons. =/
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It's quite disheartening to not have an official response to this yet.
Meanwhile, they'll crack jokes in other threads, and poke fun at people with opinions.