Holy crap dude. If you are downed and waiting to be healed up while others chase the killer around don't crawl UNDER pallets. Be on one side or the other. If someone needs to use the pallet they go to heal you instead OR the pallet gets dropped while they are trying to heal you and brings the killer back. For the love of my sanity guys please 😂
They're doing nothing wrong by sitting under the pallet. That's a smart move. That means that if the killer picks them up, they're for sure going to be within stunning distance. Sitting on one side of it means the the killer can pick them up and be safely far enough away from it.
Ideally you shouldn't be leading the killer on a chase around that pallet, and you definitely shouldn't use it at that point unless you're saving them. The only exception being if they're already fully recovered, then it makes sense for them to crawl to one side so you can drop it and pick them up while the killer breaks it.
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Do you even play your own game? Sitting directly under the pallet is the worst place to be for everyone on your team. Any good player and good streamer says the same thing. It makes for mistakes such as the healing survivor pulling down the pallet instead of healing and drawing the killer back. I meant to say that if another survivor draws the killer away you need to move to one side of the pallet so you can be healed up. Of the killer comes back you are still close enough to the pallet for a pallet save and it makes sure the healer doesn't accident drop the pallet trying to get you up.
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You seem inexperienced always crawl under the pallet for the pallet save.
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Mistakes that happen if you leave the key bindings limited.
My pallet button is L3. Heal is R1. I have no issues.
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sitting under a pallet either makes the killer paranoid someone is around for the save and waste time looking, or is a quick means of getting people up if your teammates drop it. there is no reason to not go under a pallet, i've never seen anyone accidentally drop it healing me.
9 -
Why do you have the healing action and the pallet drop action on the same button? That's your own fault tbh.
I heal with M1 and drop pallets with M4, no issues at all.
It is the smartest move to stay under the pallet, so somebody can get a pallet save if the killer picks them up. If you're fully recovered and someone is looping the killer around the pallet, it's a good move to crawl a bit in the direction the survivor is looping, so if they drop the pallet, the killer is on one side of the pallet and the crawling survivor pushed to the other side and can get picked up while the iller breaks the pallet.
Crawling far away from the pallet is a dumb move.
8 -
Console has half the actions on the same button. Pallet, vault and heal are all the same button by default from memory.
As for the OP, both Peanits and Almo do say that they play and I have heard that they both stream. Waiting under a pallet is also for the possibility of a pallet save, which while rare is a possibility and can make a killer hesitate going for the pick-up. If they feel safe, then they might crawl towards you to avoid the accidental throw, or it also takes half a second to see if it's on the right command or not.
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You're wrong the dev is right. You play on console and is only a console problem its not a problem on pc and if you actually just stand there and wait or move around a little for the prompt to change it will go to heal. So hush
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I personally don't go for pallet saves. I go for cj techs.
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If someone has a flashlight and you're down in a pallet hold your run button to cancel out the healing action so they can use the pallet and get away or for them to try a cj tech for the save , either way if you're in a pallet, under the hook , by a window etc... hold your run button so other survivors can get the prompt they want nothing is more frustrating than going to unhook and someone being down right by them and you start healing instead of unhooking
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If you drop the pallet instead of healing or vice versa then you’re a potato. Change the key binds.
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And X for skillchecks to do them with one hand. :D
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this is so stupid its incredable change your key binds i use space to drop pallets and m1 to heal i thought this was default. i had no problems
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Crawling to a pallet is extremely smart. I judge randoms who drop pallets I'm under, especially when they could've just taken a hit. Saved, and been saved countless times for "I'm on a pallet" callout
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No, the smart move really is to sit at one side or the other. If the killer pick you up, their giant hitbox will still be caught and your team will still get the save. Otherwise, they can heal to in relative safety, since if the killer comes along from the other side of the pallet you get the stun and finish healing. You cannot do that if you are in the middle of the pallet, both because the survivor healing you has a much harder time and will often get hit whilst trying to drop the pallet, and because you will often get shoved to the killers side of the pallet for a free pickup. So, if a teammate is looping the killer, make sure you're lying at the side they will be when they drop it, so they can finish your recovery whilst the killer is kicking the pallet instead of throwing you into the killer.
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One problem with this theory, though:
Say, for example, you crawl to the left of the pallet.
The killer just goes through the right of the pallet, through the pallet, PAST YOU, turns around, and picks you up in safety. What happens to your plan now?
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...change your keybinds?
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It's not even a console issue. Considering they allow button mapping to be any you choose on the controller
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No, I don’t think I will
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Funny how you insult a dev for sharing a smart move. Get over yourself dude, you're clearly the odd one out here.
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Also let's not forget OP you cannot stun a killer if they are in animation. If you are not in the MIDDLE of the pallet a (good) killer will spam hit M1 to lunge out of the pallets hit box as soon as the animation has ended, this means you cannot get the pallet save on your team mate and could risk losing a health state. Stay in the middle of the pallet to ensure that you are giving your team the option to pallet save you.
My final advice is if you are looping around a downed survivor (or worse a hooked survivor) you are playing the game wrong...
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I'm surprised this managed to get 6 upvotes when it's so clearly wrong.
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He kind of helped make the game. So...
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I mean, yeah but that doesn't mean all the Devs play dbd to a high level. Look at the changes for Billy for example, no one at high ranks thought Billy needed a change (maybe infectious fright and instasaw but not base kit billy) but Devs still did it.
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I throw the pallet down and the killer teleports to the other side while still holding teammate.
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Uhh what? Healing and Dropping pallets are literally 2 different buttons.. Healing is M1, dropping pallets is Spacebar,
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Not on console it's the same key
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Shhhhh the console pleb hasn't worked out how to remap his controller yet....
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Rank 1 survivor every reset 🤷
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You have to time it as the animation ends. Like I said earlier YOU CANNOT STUN A KILLER MID-ANIMATION
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He clearly is inexperienced, he still thinks ranks mean skill...
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Finally someone who understands
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I understand you, and i recommend not wasting time doing posts, i tell you for experience. You are talking stuff to casual players, its like talking to a wall.
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I don't think you meant to quote me but I did point out earlier the reason not to do this is because you cannot stun a killer mid animation and a killer can immediately lunge out of the pallet hit box by hitting their attack key. Which means you could get hit and lose the pallet save, all because the survivor wasn't in the middle of the pallet.
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Ah so you are all the survivors I keep getting queued with who die way too fast. Smh now it all makes sense.
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Great, because I just reread my comment and confused myself with all of those grammatical and spelling errors
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I have 2700 hours in game and literally know both sides pretty well, I am just trying to give you solid advice but you are clearly to stupid to take it. Maybe you are a killer main trying to get people to stop throwing pallets on your head, in that case I respect the hustle!
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You can have 5000 hours on the game and still be playing it wrong 🤷 don't need advice but I appreciate the effort. I play both sides equally ass well btw since early 2018.
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If you go into settings you can change the buttons so action and interaction are different buttons. That will stop you from healing when you mean to drop a pallet or vice versa.
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I tried L3 didn't like the way it felt when trying to maneuver around. Maybe I'll have to give it another go
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Wrong timing. You have to wait until the shouldering animation is just finishing.
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I know I've tried different combos and haven't liked the way they felt. I don't have problems 90% of the time it's just those occasions when someone's right under pallet.
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Gonna sound weird for asking but what button do u use. I've wanted to change it but idk what button to change it to without messing something else
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Your need to insult everyone is laughable. I would recommend that you are open to the advice that people are trying to give you. Each game is different and the need to adapt is important. Best of luck to you.
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It definitely feels awkward at first, took few days for me to get used to the switch when I did it. You just need to stick with it. I'm on ps4 - I switched drop item to square and made action button circle. Now I just need them to split pick up item from interactions so I quit item switching when trying to quickly unhook someone in basement from same hook sacrificed person dropped item. 😂
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That rank means nothing to me rank 1 survivor and killer even after all the breaks I took.
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Just means you either A - have no life or B - are just that good. You decide. I know I'm pretty decent. Not god level but I'm good.
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Just making observations. If the shoe fits 🤷 I take advice when the advice is worth taking. Such as trying to change the key bindings again. But I've been around the game long enough to know what does and doesn't work. Sitting directly under pallet forces the survivor to one side when pallet is dropped, preventing them from being healed up. Best of luck to you as well
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Since this post is just misinformative, as a player with 1600 hrs I recognise peanits completely blasted you ,could you please remove it?
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No it means you played enough during that season which I did.