Vigil perk has Quentin's name on it

Hi all, was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on why the vigil perk on the Nintendo switch dbd version shows it belonging to Quentin when no Freddy stuff is currently licenced for it. Is this an oversight or is behavior gearing up for a future release? Also, his pharmacy perk doesn't say his name but the vigil one does once I saw it in my blood web.
I mean the licensing issues with ANOES ended recently so maybe this is foreshadowing them adding the dlc to switch and mobile
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Can you make a photo? If it's indeed a leak and the devs patch it, at least you have a proof...
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Wait, really? Do you have a source for that (just being curious, not saying I don’t believe)
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Mind taking a picture, would be nice
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Just got to work so won't be able to till I get home today but all I did was purchase the vigil perk, in which it doesn't have Quentin's name, then it showed up in my blood web with hi name. Should be easy for anyone to try
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I gotchu fams, they also changes Remember me perk icon on switch
Doesn't have Quentin's name on it
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But mine does
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It does once you buy it from the shrine