DBD Carrie Idea (Read for more info)

Hey y’all. So I know this would be rare if Stephen King would let DBD use one of his licenses but this is just an idea and something I’d want feedback on regarding the power and perks and characters and etc. I struggled a bit with this ngl but it was fun. Hope y’all enjoy! 😊👍🏼
•REALM: Chamberlain, Maine
-Map: Bates High School: Explore the High School Halls alongside the locker rooms and the torched gym with the scorched prom decorations. Outside of the school explore a small neighborhood that includes the White’s house with the prayer closet, bloody bathtub with bloody footprints nearby, bloody prom dress, and a bloody corpse on the ground.
-The Demon (Carrie White): A Killer motivated from her desire for revenge. With her power, Prayers of the Damned; The Demon can make the survivors know what fear really is.
Her personal perks, Anger, Prayer Closet, and Hex: Bloody Revenge give her the ability to give the survivors much more difficulty attempting to survive.
Difficulty: Intermediate (Based on only using her unique perks).
-POWER: Prayers of the Damned
-When using her power, press the activate ability button to throw random objects (such as dropped or broken pallets or bones from cleansed totems) at one survivor for 5 seconds via. telekinesis. If you hit the survivor, they will be injured one health state and for 60 seconds they will be highlighted by an orange aura. If you hit them a second time within those 60 seconds, the survivor will start on fire and will have to mend themselves within 15 seconds in order to put out their flames. If The Demon strikes the flaming survivor or if the survivor does not mend themselves in time then they will instantly be put into the dying state. Prayers of the Damned has a 15 second use and a cooldown rate of 20 seconds. The Demon can also use these objects against generators as well, if the Demon uses her powers on a nearby generator she can instantly regress the generator by 20%.
-Sue Snell: An empathetic student, Sue Snell is able to help her teammates survive and excel in the trials.
Her personal perks, Prom Date, Weird Vibes, and Plugged Up give her the ability to help herself and the other survivors with avoiding the killer to do tasks throughout the trials.
Difficulty: Intermediate (Based on only using her unique perks).
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•Legendary Cosmetics: Psychic Legends:
-The Demon (Carrie White): Margaret White
-Sue Snell: Miss Collins
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I've always wanted this one lol, I really love Carrie and her PIII cosmetic could go crazy
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-The Demon (Carrie White): Carrie White was not always a demon child. She had prayed much of her life; however; it wasn’t the grace of God that answered her prayers after her house sunk into the ground and collapsed that fateful night. After she murdered almost everyone in her school as well as her mother, after she made a wreckage of her hometown, after she hurt those who had attempted to help her. Carrie’s last act was sending Sue Snell off to safety as the house was going down into what she thought was hell. She closed her eyes and awaited the sweet release of death only to be greeted by a sudden silence. She opened her eyes and she was back in the prayer closet, only this time a bright little sphere appeared near where the cross had been just hours before. Carrie approached it with caution as it began to speak to her, a deal was made in terms of deadly deeds that needed to be done, deeds to those who had done both of them wrong. Carrie grew a most devious grin, there was work to be done.
-Sue Snell: As Sue dreamed of how she was sprinting from the sinking house, she could only imagine the fear and anger Carrie would be having inside. She thought of the town she loved destroyed and her friends now dead. She cried when she saw the house finally sink into the ground and she awoke with a shriek.
For the following months after Carrie’s destruction in their quiet town, Sue began to experience more of these nightmarish dreams. Especially ones involving evil strangers in pursuit of innocent lives. She would wake up more scared everyday. After awhile, Sue had a different dream, where she visited Carrie’s grave and left a flower for her there. She smiled, it was the least she could do to respect her already disrespected grave. All of the sudden, a bloody arm grabbed at her from the ground and before she could react she was pulled beneath the rocks she had just been standing on. When she awoke, Sue Snell was no longer in her bed, or anywhere close to her home. She was by a campfire, with many curious and hurt survivors, and Sue then knew she just got herself into a grave situation.
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-The Demon:
- Anger:You’ve been mocked for far too long. After, a survivor is unhooked outside of your terror radius, you gain the undetectable status for 10/15/20 seconds. Anger has a cooldown of 60 seconds once used. Anger can be unlocked from the Bloodweb at Level 30+ or in the Shrine of Secrets. “MY NAME IS CARRIE!”~Carrie White
- Prayer Closet: External forces are pleased with how you will do anything to please the ones that help you. When a survivor is on the ground in the dying state for 20/15/10 seconds, press the activate ability button and the entity will block all sides the survivor’s path to all players in the trial for 30 seconds. Prayer Closet can only be used on the most recent survivor put into the dying state. Prayer Closet will deactivate for the affected survivor if they are able to pick themselves up from the dying state. Prayer Closet can be unlocked from the Bloodweb at Level 35+ or in the Shrine of Secrets. “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.”~Margaret White
- Hex: Bloody Revenge: Your hatred for those who hurt you knows no bounds. When a survivor is unhooked, Hex: Bloody Revenge activates. As long as the corresponding hex totem is still standing, all survivors suffer from the oblivious status and their generator repair speed is hindered by 30/40/50% until the corresponding Hex Totem is cleansed. Hex: Bloody Revengecan be unlocked from the Bloodweb at Level 40+ or in the Shrine of Secrets. “They’re all going to laugh at you!”~Margaret White
-Sue Snell:
- Prom Date: Your compassion is always admired by many. When unhooking another survivor, the next generator that the unhooked survivor and yourself repair will have 10/15/20% increase. Prom Date can only be activated if the survivor is unhooked safely. Prom Date can be unlocked from the Bloodweb at Level 30+ or in the Shrine of Secrets. “We’re not trying to hurt her, Miss Collins. We’re trying time help her!”~Sue Snell
- Weird Vibes: Your environment can help you when you know something is wrong. When in the killer’s terror radius, Weird Vibes activates. For 12/14/16 seconds, if a survivor hides in a locker within the killer’s terror radius they will see the auras of all survivors and the killer within the trial. Weird Vibes has a cooldown of 50/45/40 seconds before it can be activated again. Weird Vibes increases your odds of being the obsession. Weird Vibes can be unlocked from the Bloodweb at Level 35+ or in the Shrine of Secrets. “Ain’t this clever?”~Margaret White
- Plugged Up: You anticipate the worst when you see the killer, but you still do the best you can with what you got. When unhooking a survivor in the killer’s terror radius; the closest 4 vault locations, including breakable pallets and breakable walls, will be inaccesible to the killer for 10/15/20 seconds. Plugged Up can be unlocked from the Bloodweb at Level 40+ or in the Shrine of Secrets. “Plug it up!”~Sue Snell
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Sorry for the formatting with the last one. Apple notes does not transition well into here for some reason. 😅
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Absolutely not. No more school maps. Gotta do a hard pass on them. 😤 Pick a new map, and we will see.
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Lol the map wouldn’t only be the school lol. There’d only be a small section of the school (primarily being the gym that would be burnt beyond most recognition alongside a couple random hallways). Most of the map would be outside though and the school would kinda be like how the Crotus Prenn Asylum looks (in terms with the roof) if that makes sense lol I should’ve clarified that better. 😂
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Glad you like it. 😊👍🏼 Only thing I’d worry about would be Hex: Bloody Revenge being seen as OP but it is just a Hex Perk that anyone can disarm lol.
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Reading the actual post, the first issue is her power only working with destroyed objects. With Oni, he can be drastically weakened based on how long you can go without giving him the first hit. If you get a map like Lerys, with a lot of vaults and fewer pallets, you can take out her power for most of the game, especially when you look at Plugged Up and the ability to make killers not be able to vault loops. A killer's power should be either something entirely in their hands, or something VERY strong when it is not, such as Oni and Trapper having potential instant downs, but needing the survivors to make the mistake first.
Demon Perks:
I like Anger. Anger is a good perk idea.
I am worried Prayer Closet might be a bit campy and unfun for survivors. The killer stays around you for 10 seconds, then makes it so you cannot be saved for an extra 30, if I am reading it right?
Numbers on Bloody Revenge are WAY too big, and the hexes are supposed to be an optional, questionable decision. A fully stacked Dying Light takes minutes to get, and only decreases speed by 33%. A better way to put it would be something like "After a survivor is hooked, Hex: Bloody Revenge converts a dull totem into a hex totem, or repairs a broken totem into a dull totem if there are no dull totems left. When there are no survivors dying or hooked, slow repair and healing speed by 3/4/5% per active Hex totem."
For the Survivor
Prom Date: Generator speed boosts are supposed to be HUGELY rare, and 20% is way too large of a boost, especially for not having a duration listed. This is a 35 second gen for an unhook. 1 person gets chased, 3 survivors work on gens, you got 3 gens done in 80 seconds. Now you have one person chased, one person saves, those two go do a gen, and you have the entire game won in ~2.5 minutes at that speed.
Weird Vibes: Clarification: If YOU are in the terror radius, and you manage to hide, you get to see their auras, or if someone ELSE hides while you are being chased by the killer, THEY can see everyone's auras?
Plugged up sounds good, but it will just end up being a slightly stronger version of Cruel Limits.
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Should’ve worded it to say that the intentions with Prom Date would only be for that first generator the two survivors worked on lol. And my intentions with Hex: Bloody Revenge would have it be similar to Hex: Devour Hope where when the Survivors see its’ active they would hopefully be able to find it but its’ extreme power is something that worries me a bit with it. I was running low on ideas for this idea ngl. 😂 Good feedback though, great ideas. 😎👍🏼