When do survivors nefs? the game is so ######### easy for surv, and premades are soo freaking toxic. DO SOMETHING, game is boring 😡😡


  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985

    Survivors are the majority and as long as the majority is happy, they'll buy DLCs and Skins and Rifts.

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    Exactly like the other guy said the survivor are the one who buy the most so they need to keep them happy if they want more money so i dont expect any survivor nerf for a long time. The day killer main will be tired of this game is the day they will implement bots

  • IsJustMe
    IsJustMe Member Posts: 436

    Can it be that ever someone is better we become here a new thread with : pls nerf this or this or this?

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    Survivors has been nerfed 3 times in a row this year

  • darklinger
    darklinger Member Posts: 128
  • TreSen
    TreSen Member Posts: 186

    Killers are supposed to be 20% of the population. There is supposed to be a significant skill difference between survivor and killer players. All asymmetrical games are designed that way.

    It's not the most difficult task in the world to 4k survivor groups, even premades. But it does take a lot of trial and error to get there. If you're not okay with losing several dozen games or more to "get good" and start 4king, then you just might not be in the target demographic for that 20%.

    Sorry, but all us killer mains have been through the struggle ourselves. It is achievable, and I'm not bored by it.

  • Gonourakuto
    Gonourakuto Member Posts: 109

    Unless you have been blind for the past 2 years , 90 % of the time survivors are getting nerfed and killers are getting buffed on a daily basis

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    lol, how is it easier without ruin, interrupts rarely work, and now auras are fugged. Sure, you can't get rid of exhaustion while running, but that was a fix they said. They also said that the infinite loops they changed were broken, and were fixed. The new loops aren't much weaker than the former, it's just that you can actually catch a survivor if you decide to chase them around the loop for 2 minutes.

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    I doubt that. All survivors need is a killer shack next to a TL wall jungle gym and bubba (or any base movement speed killer) is screwed any time survivors run to it, and these combinations of tiles happen all of the time. You're just playing against bad survivors.

  • Manky
    Manky Member Posts: 192

    this is why you need to mind game. You either outsmart them into throwing down the pallet and breaking the "infinite" or you move on. Its part of being a killer that you have to decide if a chase is worth your time. Theres no infinites anymore. On no maps is there a place where it is physically impossible for a killer to catch a survivor. All the "infinites" that exist now also have pallets, so just leave if someone is using an infinite and mind game someone into throwing down the pallet while not running the infinite. Dbd does not need a survivor nerf, it needs entitled killers to stfu lmao. Killers have moris, stop complaining xD.

    I do play killer as much as I play survivor so anyone pulls the "entitled survivor" card here u can piss off <3

  • Nanglaur
    Nanglaur Member Posts: 124

    Auras is a "bug" and that affects everyone, survivors and killers, so no point in that. Interrupts are a big fck up from the dedicated servers, but its way better than the old "Killer host" version of things. And Ruin as of right now its okay, old ruin only slowed bad survivors and often was dead on the first minute of the game because every single survivors was looking for it. It was good to give you some time in the early part of the game, wich you can now use Corrupt Intervention for, its like the same effect considering how often ruin used to stay in a game.

    But what he means its how infinite used to be. There used to be places where not a single killer was able to catch a survivor. Thats why Nurse became a thing. In the really old days, Shack used to have 2 windows and 1 Door. Yes, it was impossible to get someone there. Survivors were able to destroy every single hook on the map, only basement hooks were impossible to break. Vault speed from the killers was so slow that you will never ever wanted to do that. Bloodlust was not a thing, and the only reason that bloodlust came into place was because of how infinites worked in the old days. Windows were always open no matter how much you vault them. Every building was an infinite with 2 windows (you can even see the blocked windows today, those used to be permant open), and every tile had 2 pallets instead of 1 as it is today. So all those unsafe palles that you see more often now, was not a thing in the old days.

    The game is not very balanced because of how rng maps works, but its way more killer friendly than in the old days. Waaaaaaaay more killer friendly.

  • MikaKim
    MikaKim Member Posts: 334

    See my opening sentence where I state 'since release' because EVERYTHING you've listed has been newer or older changes across the games timeline in only the last few years. But even your bias is present.

    The game doesn't have infinites anymore, you have something more akin to pseudo-infinites that don't compare to infinites at release. Anyone claiming infinites at this time are bad killers that get owned looking for something to hold onto.

    Did you know that exhaustion wasn't even present at the release of the game? You could run sprint burst and balance landing in tandem.

    It's obvious you haven't played since release and even then are picking the parts you want to focus on to prove your own theory.

    People will work harder to maintain a belief than to investigate the truth.