How come other Survivors are so afraid to Admit when in a SWF?

Because they know they're boosted
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They are too afraid /bad to play alone but they don't want to let you know about that, so they pretend to not be in a SWF.
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I never understood that either, I mean like...I can check your friendlist dude, or your friend's friendlists and look for you.
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They know that many people playing are just like the people on these forums. Always trash talking and bullying swf groups just for playing with their friends.
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Why are so many killers so sure that the survs were SWF though?
i have been accused of being SWF while solo queueing because of many different reasons (one example: second to last surv was hooked and facecamped, let themself die and I got the hatch that I didn’t know where it was before; killer insulted us extremely and accused us of being toxic SWF)
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I only play in swf as survivor as I'm omega boosted and use builds that do not work (unbreakable,tenacity,flip flop,no mither). And likewise only play killer in custom games cause queue times are aids.
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Perhaps their telling the truth. I always play solo and there are times where we play so well together, you'd think we were a swf group. I mean, there is the possibility that the other 3 survivors are in a swf group and I just fit right in, but there is the possibility that their not.🤷🏼♂️
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I'm curious, wow can a Killer bully a SWF?
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Well, a lot on time the killer asks and I say we were only a 2 man SWF (which is true, I only play with one friend), they didn't believed me.
Also I don't think you can really tell unless they're all steam friends. As killer I had a lot of rounds where I had really good games and 4k with SWF groups, and other rounds where the survivors spilt up and played surprisingly coordinated and just rushed the gens as solos. (I knew they were solos, because they joined in the lobby one after another with a ot of time inbetween.)
SWF doesnt mean it's a hard game, just like solo players doesn't mean an easy game. But a lot of killers are like "I lOsT, mUsT bE sWf" instead of looking at their own mistakes, because it's easier to blame others I guess.
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I personally don't lie, but I'm likely to just not respond at all no matter if I play solo or duo (the only ways I've played survivor for like a year and a half).
Because if someone asks about it, in my experience they've already made up their mind and it's a complete waste of time even responding. Maybe one day I'll run into someone who genuinely asks out of pure curiosity and then just says "Oh alright, just curious. GG!" or something, but so far any response I give is just followed up by further justification for branding everyone in the lobby as a 4man.
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I wish bait threads like this would just be deleted with a warning. What are people “physically” afraid of? 🧐
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or killers are always assuming swf when they don’t play well or go against good players, too often do killers call swf because the survivors was decent done good/ high level plays. Good players can do solo, you can verse a good group of solos, besides even if you admit being a duo or solo killers won’t believe you so why bother asking or caring. Just play and accept people have friends or you had a rough game
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I suspect it sometimes and I've asked survivors, but I never accuse them outright. I never understood when killers do that. Just yesterday I was playing survivor and I went overly altruistic even though I almost exclusively solo just because I didn't really care if I died, and my homie Jane was in trouble. I just ate the hook in a trade (it was endgame collapse) and this facecamping Legion said something accusing us of being in SWF. Probably just because everybody got out.
I mean, if you're 100% sure they're lying then I understand what you mean. But how do you know?
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Sometimes the killer thinks people are in a swf but are wrong. Unfortunately some killers don't believe them because reasons?
I'd say the reason some swfs lie about it is so the killer can't blame their lose on facing a swf team. Sometimes killers can't accept the lose was because they played bad and it had to be because of this toxic, op swf team.