We deployed a fix to solve an issue preventing players from unhooking, healing or picking up Survivors. Players will need to reboot to see the change reflected in-game. Thank you for your patience!

Can we seriously remove the killer's ability to see survivor's gamertags?



  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    Theres literally millions of players in this game, and 10s of thousands in queue at any given moment..... this gang stalking you're talking about is so rare and already has a report function for it. If you're gathering infamy from killers to the point where they know your name enough to even target you first that means you've had some kind of previous toxic interaction with them, thats it, thats the only way it can ever happen. Just because the two of you have some kinda weird toxic relationship with each other doesn't mean the rest of the community isn't mature enough to handle themselves.

    Besides, if we couldn't see tags, I personally would have never followed, subscribed, nor had some of the amazing experiences I've had with streamers over the course of this game. I even made a little promo video of all the scares of my favorite streamers I could gather. Of which, I couldn't gather, if I didn't know they existed as streamers in the first place.

    Plus there's been many a meme and joke shared post game about peoples names from the lobby and TAB menu.

    Again, just because a handful of people are having immature reactions to each other, doesn't mean the entire community is just as trash as the people having the issue. Like sometimes you need to put your grown up pants on and communicate with people. You're having an issue with some guy named BigBootyKiller89 over and over again? You already know each others tags, either one of you has probably already reported one another for stupid ######### in the first place. So....I dunno....you ever try talking to the person and resolving things like an adult?

    Foreign concept for this modern era but I promise you, its very much viable.

  • DeadbyDeathGarden
    DeadbyDeathGarden Member Posts: 117

    The old defense, you were dropped on your head. However, if you were dropped on your head as an infant, you'd probably die so it's a miracle so many people claim it's happened to others.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    You're missing the entire point, the streaming aspect is only one example, but there are people who will just target others for no reason, they played better than them in a previous game, so all games from then on is them tunneling every match, simply but another person who can only see it from a very very skewed killer perspective "If the killer is targeting someone CLEARLY that survivor did something wrong" when that simply isn't the case always.

    And yes, allowing people to see tags does create a better community, hiding names at the start of a match and then showing them at the end isn't an issue, it's the fact that you can arm yourself with a mori, or the idea to tunnel one specific person before you even get into the match.

    and you say it's a rare occurrence but so are the 4-man sweat squads we've all seen but I know for a fact you've been in threads discussing and deciding on the best ways to nerf survivors that play with friends, so once again, a killer that only wants changes as long as they benefit them and not the game as a whole.

  • gemjas
    gemjas Member Posts: 105

    Only if there was a replacement name. Like, "Survivor 1", "Survivor 2", etc. Sometimes, it helps knowing the survivor's names, especially if you play a killer like Ghostface.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    Yeah but SWAT teams aren't toxic outside of the game, they aren't even toxic inside of the game. SWAT teams only effect the balance of the game, in the same way an Eboni Mori shifts a matchup.

    Balanced Game mechanics are not in the same category as player toxicity and community interaction.

    What you're complaining about already has a report function for it BUILT INTO THE GAME.

    When people complain about SWAT teams regardless of the rarity of either situation, there is no in game function to deal with them outside of balancing the game. And since they have no bearing on the outside of the game (IE your examples of targeted....HARASSMENT!!) <---they have no bearing on toxicity or player interaction.

    I talk about game balance, what you're talking about is something totally outside the spectrum of game development, you're talking about a community issue.

    What you're doing is reaching by taking something experienced by a handful of people and generalizing it over the community as a whole, while at the same time trying to conflate it with game mechanics and balance, which has nothing to do with community interaction or perception. So someone brings a mori and targets you because they can see your name is AngryPug <---- Is it BHVR's job to cater the game to someone elses personal interactions outside of the game? Just because you happen to be known as one of the most toxic survivors in the community and a killer choose to instantly target and mori you, is it BHVR's job to cater the game around your infamy outside of the game?!?!

    And I say outside of the game because no one would know who the ######### you even are unless you had an interaction with them before that they can remember, or you make yourself enough of a public figure that your nametag garners infamy? And the same can be applied to survivors being toxic toward a killer who's infamous.... Its not BHVR's job to cater the game to your public image or public and private interactions....its their job to ban people who abuse the TOS.

    And from my perspective as a killer main, I come across a thousand names, none of them that I'll ever remember save it be for the streamers I've come across, and even then, I'll likely never be matched up with them again given how insanely large the player base is. So to me, you're all just a buncha NPC's I have to kill and bring franklins to matches when I see one of you carrying a flashlight....

    Now if I see the name Monto pop up as a survivor I'm facing and decide to mori him out of the match early because his name and outside persona garner infamy and theres a high chance he will make the match more difficult than what it needs to be..... Did BHVR or me give him that infamy? Who's responsible for public perception? The person driving the wheel of their own public figure, or the audience? And you can't blame me for mori'ing him cause I didn't create infamy behind that name. And thats just for public figures, I haven't even started to break down player to player interactions where neither individual is a public figure.

  • Thatbrownmonster
    Thatbrownmonster Member Posts: 1,640

    thats a horrible conection with what I said

    a better one would be

    "A husband got pushed all day by his wife, and she dissapears, the husband goes to a mall and finds tons of clones of his wife, but sees his real life and is going to push her back"

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    If they did it becauae of your character, yes it would probably.

    If they're just toxic not.

  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994

    By your very logic killer used game mechs and tunneled and camped you. (:

  • undeadcookie
    undeadcookie Member Posts: 198

    This would make some Obsession perks considerably harder to use for no reason, so imma say no

  • Trial_By_Scythe
    Trial_By_Scythe Member Posts: 65

    Definitely agree, either hide all survivor game tags, or reveal the killer's game tag by the ping bar.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Survivors: toxic to Killers as possible

    also Survivors: getting moried for being toxic is uncounter-able

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117
    edited April 2020

    Honestly, I wouldn't be too shocked. It's not surprising on a killer heavy forum that they'd want something that only benefits the killer side. Honestly, I'd love if your idea was implemented. The other day I played a killer 3 times and in the first game I looped him for 4 gens. I didn't do anything to the guy but just play the game normally. Well, my reward for this was getting camped and mori'd the other 2 games I faced him.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    I will just say, not that I defend this system as a whole.

    But I'd rather keep it as it is right now so I can meet up with previous survivors as either Survivor or Killer, not to be mean, but to be nicer to them. I have met some friends in Western Australia that I only met up with because we kept being matched in the same lobbies here so it would really honestly suck to not be able to tell who is who.

    But hey, my experience is an exception, not a norm.

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583

    I've seen survivors get tunneled simply because their name has TTV on it. While I'm not big on stream plugging while I'm playing a video game, I don't think it's proper to focus target someone just because they're streaming.

  • Ohnoes
    Ohnoes Member Posts: 608

    FYI blocking people doesn't stop you from playing with them again. That's not how it works.

  • FreakPrince
    FreakPrince Member Posts: 526

    It’s simple, just remove the tags from the lobby but you can still see them in the HUD and in the result screen to report someone if needed to.

  • Helevetin_nopee
    Helevetin_nopee Member Posts: 408
  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    Killer always good

    Survivor always bad

    This is dbd forums in a nutshell lmao.

  • PapiQuentin_
    PapiQuentin_ Member Posts: 889

    Uh no it won't? This is only talking about in the lobby, their names will be revealed when the game starts. Nothing will be affected

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662

    Either allow both sides to see each other's names, or allow no side to see each other's names.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Just remember if I can't distinguish you all by name don't complain if you get tunneled.

  • undeadcookie
    undeadcookie Member Posts: 198

    I personally use STBFL and try to figure out who's who in the lobby using their username and characters so that I can avoid my Obsession and start building up stacks immediately. This would make that process considerably more time consuming for no reason.

    Also blocking their name in the lobby but then showing it in-game would change literally nothing in terms of toxicity. In the hypothetical scenario you brought up, if they remember your name and see it in-game, they're still gonna play toxic against you once they find out who you are.

  • Joelwino
    Joelwino Member Posts: 550

    Yes, maybe instead of just the username it would say (player username) - Meg 2 or something so that the survivor could be identified from footage of the match

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    I agree 100%. It is way too easy to remember someone's name and be an arse to ruin their fun. It's not uncommon to want revenge on someone who was toxic before and a lot of people in this community will hold a grudge. I personally have done it a few times when someone had the nerve to personally message me with insults. But that is beside the point, the point is that names need to be hidden until after the match. No one should have to change their name to make sure they aren't targeted by a killer

  • tortrader
    tortrader Member Posts: 539

    And another thread goes in the opposite direction, asking for more lobby information - to show who's SWFs. Contradictory requests.

  • PapiQuentin_
    PapiQuentin_ Member Posts: 889

    No because seeing usernames to be toxic ######### isn't enough for killers. They want SWF indicators so they know to either play super toxic or dodge. Survivors dont deserve any fun do they?

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 810

    I was camped in a 3vs1 by a killer who stated he camped me because I was a "Camper Killer" myself. I played almost Zero Killer games at that time, so I can't agree with the "the killer has a good reason to target a specific survivor" Statement.

  • Schmierbach
    Schmierbach Member Posts: 468

    No :)

  • Rey_512
    Rey_512 Member Posts: 1,620

    I am astounded as to why you got this many upvotes. You’re implying he was toxic and that earned him a target. Killers are known to target/tunnel survivors who merely outplayed them, not just those who played toxic.

    I’m all for hiding survivor gamertags. Even the playing field.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    The only problem there is how do you identify which Meg was Meg 2? I suppose you could have the survivors labelled during the game, but although that works on a practical level it might not be the most elegant solution.

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    I’ve been saying this! No one talks about how much information killers get while survivors get NOTHING

  • myersismydaddy
    myersismydaddy Member Posts: 232

    What you're talking about is absurd scenarios. Nobody, except a handful of people, will block somebody who is good at the game. Why would survivors block spirits, as you say, when their q times are already 15 minutes +? If they want to wait in the lobby for 1 hour then let them do that.

    At the same time, this wouldn't affect the killer. There are waaaay more survivors playing than there are killers. It takes seconds to get a lobby as a killer. Even if 10 people block you, you won't even notice.

    All in all, there is no way in hell that 100 people would block someone because they are good at the game lol. Get a grip. The insecurity that some of you show towards a blocking system makes me wonder if you're the kind of player that would get blocked by 100+ people, but not because you are good.

  • Viceus
    Viceus Member Posts: 145

    I belief who made this post Play SWF ( Survive With Friend already considered toxic from killer point of view )

    Why toxic ? You Guys play easy game ( with party chat ) VS try hard killer ..

    I had an experience with SWF group. 4 survivors out from the gate and then mock me as baby killer, nub killer, and criticizing my game play.

    2 days later I met them again. I use T3 Myers permanent + Red memento mori. After that in post game chat. I says " Who is baby and nub suvivor now. "

    They still mock me for using that add-ons and that offering..

    Who is wrong ? Who is right ? No one care people are toxic in this game anyway...

    And here you says remove name in lobby so that they can be toxic again vs me or another killer ? if this game show badge or logo for people who are party I agree to your post. But, If not . This is still the best. No need for change.

  • Xzan
    Xzan Member Posts: 907

    There are 2 sides for this problem.

    Survivors don't want to face toxic killers.

    Killers don't want to face toxic survivors and play with a weak killer against a 4man SWF.

    An "Avoid players" option would still be nice. Limit it to 10 People and a lot of problems were fixed.

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    I 360d while running to the gate and was injured i didnt wait for him at the gate

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    Isn't this the point tho... It helps only the killer avoid toxic ppl or, as was previously mentioned, target ppl who played really well in a previous match. If the killer has that advantage, survivors should have it too.

  • PapiQuentin_
    PapiQuentin_ Member Posts: 889

    "Who is baby and nub survivors now" yeah great job man. Props to you

  • PapiQuentin_
    PapiQuentin_ Member Posts: 889

    I'm getting targeted by a clan because I beat one of their members as killer.

    I'm the one in the wrong right? 😂😂😂

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    Actually this already happened an why some changes were made long ago.

    Survivors used to be able to check the killers profile on steam. This was removed for a couple of reasons.

    They used it to check achievements back when there were only a few killers. They then dodged if the player had only Nurse ones for example.

    You could also flag players on there profile as being blocked from contacting you. Many did this to killer who played certain ones or camped and tunneled etc. They would then dodge anyone they had blocked.

    So history has shown such a feature would be abused by those who don’t like certain killers or how some people play even if it’s part of the game.

    It wouldn’t be to much of an assumption to think some Killers would ban someone who played in an swf. They dodge when they think they are anyway.

  • Rey_512
    Rey_512 Member Posts: 1,620

    Yes, you are. God forbid you do well in this game... and if you do, you deserve to be targeted!!

    It should be even for BOTH sides, in my opinion. Survivors don’t need to see which killer it is, and killers don’t need to see the names of survivors DURING THE LOBBY... only their equipment.

  • xXNurseXx
    xXNurseXx Member Posts: 261
    edited April 2020

    Devs already mentioned in the past that Killers should see the Survivors to adapt their playstyle (taking franklins against 4 iteams etc.) which is honestly fine but you should never be allowed to see the survivor names or profiles because this leads to lobby dodging or targeting specific survivor.

    This NEEDS to be changed also like survs shouldnt see the killer name or profile because they would also bring their best iteams against known campers/tunnlers. Change it the way that killers only see Claudette 1, Meg 2, Dwight 3, Jake 4 and dont show their names or profiles anymore and reveal the profile names in the endscreen.

    Thanks very much

  • xXNurseXx
    xXNurseXx Member Posts: 261
    edited April 2020

    this a topic which several streamers discuss right now and most killer mains are like "no, i dont want to have this feature because i want to dodge survivors i dont like to play against"

    so the only thing it does is increase the killer dodging. please remove tags.

  • Magikazam
    Magikazam Member Posts: 182

    Cause there 4 of you who can be in a SWF and crush good killer whitout perk. it a 1v4 and the Killer is alone, he DESERVE info about survivors. But I guess that survivor will complain unless the killer get a 3 min wait time while T-posing in the middle of the map so survivor get to know who they face.

  • xGodSendDeath
    xGodSendDeath Member Posts: 320

    I want to be able to be as toxic of a survivor as possible and never face any consequences!

  • Merridew
    Merridew Member Posts: 55

    The killer sees the survivors because the whole premise of the game is that everyone is just pawns in the entity's game. And the survivors are stuck at a campfire until a killer comes and starts the entity's trial, so obviously before they all get scattered from the campfire the killer could watch them and see what they have (like in a lot of horror movies where the killer watches it victim from the Shadow before attacking). Even if you could see the killer in the background hiding behind a tree, you wouldn't be able to see their offering so your ebony Mori point is pointless.

    However I honestly never payed attention to peoples names, I hate ending chases and games fast. I only ever tunnel or camp a survivor if they start being toxic to me or to their fellow survivors; body blocking them, saving them on a hook without borrowed life or etc, trying to point their friends out. And I have never had a killer multiple times that I know of, so I didn't know people had a problem with survivors tags showing.

    But that seems like a minor enough change that it shouldn't hurt anything at all and would just help honestly. The only thing I would miss is being able to ask people if they just want to farm points during the events with cake or extra bloodpoints.