When MMR starts, will we all be at “zero?”

I don’t know if MMR goes up or down, but basically wondering when it hits PC for matchmaking will every start at some baseline? That would make the first few days or weeks of games absolutely random.
Or will our starting MMR be based on our games over the past week or month with each killer.
Its probably better that way.
Players who win or dominate games will rise up fast in MMR while people who struggle will end up in a lower MMR where they can stabilize.
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They are already collecting MMR data for quite some time, maybe they will use this for the inital score. Or we could get some starting value based on ranks, devotion and/or playing time. Or we get some kind of placement matches. But I don't really think we will start at zero.
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Yeah, they've been collecting MMR data for the past few months, so no, we will not start at zero.
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I am pretty sure, it is already running in the background and figuring out your starting MMR.
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What's so weird to me is how they say ranks dont mean much, but as soon as I get in a match I know if the killer is red rank or not. I wish everything would kinda stay the way it is. But I'm sure mmr will be ok as long as they use the data that has been taken over the last month or so.
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I don’t wanna make this survivor but killer, but a lot of people who say ranks don’t matter focus on survivor. Generally red rank killers are pretty good.
Red rank survivors can be a mish mash of really good players who know when save, know how to loops etc... and that blendettes self caring in the corner against sloppy butcher
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The MMR is already being collected as you are playing RIGHT NOW. That is why they don't let you change the killer once you ready up and search for a lobby, didn't you notice?
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...that end up doing 4 gens alone because the looper find it boring.
Here, i finished your sentence. I am one of the blendettes, and in a lot of games, i do 2+ gens alone, and 1 or 2 with someone else. Because the looper find it unfun, and running behind the killer with a flashlight is so much more constructive. And the hookrusher just want the easy points, the boring gen alone brings just 1250 bp, a safe unhook with bt brings 1500 and doesnt take so much time.
Even blendettes don´t get to red ranks just by hidding.
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I agree it probably has more to do with survivors. I can't count the number of times I've given "baby" survivors a break just to see in post-game they were rank 2-4. They're a terrible survivor but got carried to red ranks by a swf team.
It's good for killer to because of the individual killer rankings. If manage to get to red ranks while leveling up a couple of killers Freddy, Ghost Face, and Doctor but then decide to try Nurse, Clown, Huntress, etc you're gonna have a bad time.
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I agree. I think it's going to be great for when you wanna try out that new killer and not be set up with a bunch of sweaty survivors. But also I like the challenge of playing good survivors. Playing good survivors as killer is what makes you better at killer and survivor.
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The fact that you got so defensive makes me question, Truthfully most red rank survivors think they’re way better than they are. I’ve realized that as killer and solo Survivor.
I am rank 1/2 but I will flat out say I feel like a purple survivor. I don’t do great chases just so so... mostly I do gens and rescue or heal people when it’s smart to do so. Despite flat out admitting I am not great I find literally depip maybe 1 out of 10 games... meaning getting to red is just a matter of time.
Go watch Tofu playing his meme blendette games, his stealth offs, and just by living and escaping he either black pips or pips up at red.
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Oh i am not the best of survivors, i will admit it, because i cant loop (mainly because i find running in circles boring), but for me its a hide-and-seek-game, and i can juke killers and lose them in a chase. But a lot of people just believe that being stealthy means you do nothing, and thats simply not true for many of us.
I think a part of the hate comes from the fact that if you have 2 stealhy players in the game, the killer keeps finding the other two time and again, instead of spreading hooks out. but if i get a good team, i will take over a chase and juke the killer, but only if i believe the team is worth it. (i play solo survivor most of the time).
Basicly its a: "i only died because you played different than i wanted you to"-argument from the people who think a killer that can´t be looped like a M1 killer is uncounterable.
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As someone who rotated almost all killers (no nurse or billy even pre nerf) I feel bad for the survivors due to this. I rotate but most games I play Huntress, Pyramid, Spirit and Clown mostly so when I have to play “low rank,” as Pig I’m going to steamroll the survivors :-( and not feel proud of it honestly once I hit my dashes I may let them go for example
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No no, there is a time to stealth, to self heal, etc as example i adamantly believe if you use self care properly it’s not a bad perk. If you’re that person I apologize and agree
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Not sure. They’ve been vague about the new MMR system for some reason.
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I can confirm, your MMR will not start at a default if you've already been playing, since MMR has already been running in the background though it's not been used to create matches.
If you have a new account, it will start at a default, and it settles after about 10 games.
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Since I am on a run of 10 defeats in a row, I guess I will be at zero!
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Will we see the rating and how it changes once it is live or will it just be in the background?
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The MMR will not be shown at this time.
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Thanks for being so active Almo!
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I'm confused. Will the MMR always be hidden?
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Imagine the forums with visible MMR. Every single discussion would be derailed with "My MMR is higher than yours, so your opinion doesn't matter." and then multiple people start arguing until the thread gets closed.
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This. But that also means that we'll never truly know if its working or not. A double-edged sword.
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Do PTBs factor in this at all? Will the MMR update based on PTB games?
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Is there any plans for it to decay slowly over time? Something like a month of not playing is a match or 2 of defeat? Something very small but will build up over long periods of time.
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PTB games are entirely seperate from the main game environment.
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All i have to say is that since disconnects have been rampant, mmr is going to be skewed. very skewed and with no word on when they will come back it's just going to get worse and worse.
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DC penalties are back is that what you mean?
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That's the point, there is no way we can prove it's not working. They quite literally could change NOTHING, they could make it so matchmaking is complete RANDOM and we couldn't prove it.
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Should be or SWF will constantly brag how good they are. It's like, dota 2 group players on normal (not ranked) with a 85% win rate brag and still have the same 50ish% win rate as solo in ranked.
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i don't understand? currently they are not active and dcing is rampant again, and how is that going to affect the mmr right now? it's been collecting data, but the problem is these dc gives false information to the mmr system, a dc is not good or bad, and should not be considered but no one knows because they are being secretive about it and thus i am assuming that a dc will increase the mmr rating. and that's the problem with being secretive about this, it could literally not exist but we can't prove that it does.
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Even if you did see it you probably wouldn't know if was working. The mmr should help with match making but if the populations are skewed you will see a wider and wider discrepancy between them. Because they have to factor in queue time. The longer you sit in queue the wider the MMR net will have to be cast. It makes sense to hide because ppl will take the off time one offs and post them all over the place to show how broken it is, while conveniently leaving out the ones where they were closer. There is no benefit making them public only more avenues of abuse
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At least I would like to know if it increased or decreased after the match, so I know if I was bad, or if my team was but I did good. It doesn't make any sense if it doesn't give you feedback.
This could be easily solved by a forum rule that it is forbidden to tell others your rating.
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A feedback system would be very interesting. They probably won't implement it because we don't know what this mmr actually uses as criteria. There could be threads all over the place whining because you 3k'd or escaped and the system told you your mmr went down. It would be the same old song as with the emblem system.
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That is another problem. But getting 3k and having a decreasing MMR could mean that your opponents had a lower MMR and you should have gotten them all.
Idk... measuring skill is difficult. The Emblem System never understood my type of playstyle i.e.. I do my share, but then sacrifice myself so that all the others could escape. I blackpip mostly in these situations, where all others pip. This is on red ranks btw. Being a martyr isn't quite rewarded by the system. So I guess this new MMR will put me very low then, because I often sacrifice myself and don't survive? please no.
That's the reason why I would like to know. Only something small like a green arrow for increased, a red arrow for decreased and a yellow/grey arrow for stable.
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The DC penalties ARE ACTIVE, have been for a couple days now.
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I suspect it's already collecting data to start us with when the MMR is switched on.
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There is a database that exists of player's stats. They could use this to initialize the MMR, however this could be an unreliable source of data. I prefer everyone starts from scratch.
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but they were not while the MMR system has been "Gathering data but not taking over matchmaking responsibilities" or what ever the exact wording was.
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But it’s always changing, so the more recent games people are playing “should,” get them into the right brackets
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I honestly do not trust the new MMR system because i know nothing of how it works, and that it will ALWAYS put me against killers that i've proven good against and not against killers that give me a random assortment of the game. if i start facing only 2 or 3 killers over several matches of several days I will call the system broken and report it as such. I want to face up against all types of killers and not just the powerful 2 or 3. I want to have fun, I also want to enjoy playing with friends that may be better skill or lesser skill than me.
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Are we sure it was a lie, I mean at least by almo? Maybe that's what they were told? Maybe that's really what they think happen but their programming doesn't work... SHOCKER!!!
But yes, regardless of whether it was an outright lie, inaccurate, untested, bugged, whatever it is clearly not working. I know, I know, we'll have the few random people coming in to swear it worked for them after exactly 10 games. But watch streamers who play for literally hours a day, watch the games Tofu gets as killer he is absolutely mauling survivors because they never look back, don't know the basics of looping, etc.
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As of now I don't believe it is seperate character to character. I am using about 6 or 7 of my worst/new killers and being matched exactly the same as my top 3. That is just my experience this week ofc I'm not saying I want to play survivors who just got the game but I am new to these characters I am not a Rank 1 with Them if that makes sense and even National champions get a warm up game at start of the year lol.
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that is exactily what the devs have said. it is PER killer. not PER account. i can't say anything beyond that. I know it seems it's not working one bit either but that is what they say.
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I hope so. Maybe it is broken an thinks those are my mains lol I have not played any games with my mains since it started but I work all day and only play during the week from 5pm to 9:30pm eastern maybe Its the time im playing and some other variables. Those characters are level 50 but don't have all perks nor experience so i'll give it time. Now if I play with my Freddy or Hag and get potatoes all the time then I'll think it's broken and flip flopped.
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I just flat out don't think it's working. I'll tell you about my experience with a few killers and you tell me what you think.
Pyramid Head, the killer I've been playing the most since his release and have been doing pretty well with honestly usually 3-4 kills and even against pretty good red squads I get 2 kills. Played about 20 games so far and they've been against potatoes. I really do feel bad but I stopped giving hatch to help speed up the process.
Clown, I've played a lot since the changes to his bottle throw slowdown so I'm sure I've gotten way more than enough games during the time frame but I still get potato teams as him as well.
Spirit, I haven't played her since the Rift had her challenges lol but back when i did player her... I mean it's Spirit lol so I had a lot of 4k games. With her despite not playing her in this supposed window I played her twice and got matched up with straight Red Ranks, so they ended up being fair despite not being "accurate," according to their description how it would work.
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Out of curiousity where all your characters max level 50?
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my thoughts are that they are saying it is and that's why they won't do anything about bad matches, and the original broken match making is still in place becuase they what it to be mmr but that's my thoughts and conspiracy theory.
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So far I have only had 1 game even close to what I have would consider potatoes I repeat 1 game out of 20 with a variety of killers I never use and the survivors where a 5,7, 13, and a 16. I politely took the time to carry them all to the basement and completed that old hook 4 in basement challenge in rift 1. Was not here for it back then and now only challenge left hook 6 in traps in one trial.