Killers - Ability to Strike multiple times

Have you ever been bumrushed by a death squad of Survivors while you're carrying one yourself? If they get in the right positions, a Killer is rendered completely unable to move. Swinging and successfully striking a Survivor makes the Killer slowly slowly bring their weapon back up.
The same applies to when the Killer isn't even carrying a Survivor. Say someone's getting off the hook, or they just rush the Killer to prevent him from moving.
It doesn't make sense that when there are multiple targets, a killer in any scenario would clean off their weapon before striking again - which serves to cover it in more blood that they wipe off.

My idea is that Killers should be able to chain Strikes. Not Lunges - Strikes. Not to chain from a lunge into multiple strikes, but only being able to strike multiple times.
Chaining lunges is a hell-to-the-no because a lunge on its own can decide the outcome of a chase and it makes the Killer speed up when swinging. You can even see it when you use Unrelenting, a Killer catches up to a Survivor spamming Lunges with the Unrelenting Perk, than they do just chasing normally.

Why would a Killer ever use a normal Strike, unless it's to get a quick hit in just before that window vault? A Strike is useless compared to a Lunge in general as a vast majority of Killers only ever need to use Lunges. Strikes are an uncommon occurrence thing, for an action that's used by tapping M1 instead of holding it (Lunge).

It makes no sense whatsoever that a Killer would clean off their weapon after hitting a Survivor once, only to hit again and clean it off again. Being able to 'combo' normal slashes would add much more danger to performing Altuistic actions like pulling someone off a hook.

As usual, don't jump to conclusions and say that it's 'ridiculous' or to 'git gud'. This would need to be balanced much more than I'm describing that it should.
Balancing ideas including;

  • Only two Strikes can be chained - this would prevent the Killer from slugging the entire group of Survivors. The first strike and a single follow-up should be the maximum. Perhaps a perk or an add-on can allow Killers to Strike Chain more, but I doubt that would be possible to balance.
  • Strike Chains would cause the Killer to take longer to recover, than an ordinary hit.
  • Strike Chain should have a cooldown to it so it can't be spammed.
  • It will be impossible to chain into a Strike Chain with a Lunge, nor will it be possible to Strike Chain into a Lunge.
  • Strike Chain should not give an increase to movement, nor should it home in on Survivors.
  • Strike Chain should be the default when carrying a Survivor. It's nonsensical that swinging at a Survivor while carrying one would take the Killer three seconds to bring their weapon up again, especially considering that they're all superhuman and enhanced by the Entity.
    And more ideas that I'll leave up to the devs, if they take interest in the idea.

If you think about Leatherface, he is the only Killer in the entire game who is capable of taking Health States away from multiple Survivors at once. His chainsaw ability continues after hitting a Survivor, and if they all line up really nice, Leatherface can slug the entire group.
His ability is limited by its abhorrent range though, which is one of the reasons why he's considered a terrible Killer - only worth it for the perks.

Personally I don't want to be forced into always taking Leatherface into the game on the off-chance that I might get bumrushed by a death squad.

Thoughts and ideas?


  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    I can't seem to comprehend what you mean in this post.

    A strike hit is a small-lunged hit resulting in a smaller cooldown. Have it as a multiple time use would cause too much slugging for survivors?

    Can you eloberate in a more simpler way maybe to help understand better. I'm getting a post here that's suggesting a counter to bodyblocks at hooks.

  • VayneHellslinger
    VayneHellslinger Member Posts: 47

    Well first we need to survey all possible interactions that could happen here. One main problem here is how much stronger camping becomes. Now when you hook a survivor you could theoretically stand next to them and when a survivor tries to go for a save you chain two attacks into them and unless they have dead hard they are most likely down.
    Another interactions is with one-shot perk/addons like NOED and Myers tier III, which really get buffed from this change as you can now theoretically down two survivors at the same time.
    We have to also consider interactions with killers like the clown or the doctor, people who can disable survivor movement enough to get off a cheeky double hit mid-chase. I have no idea how this will work in practice but its still something worth considering.
    In short, the idea has potential but is too open to be abused through killer-specific interactions. A nice limitation I can think of off the top of my head is only being able to chain hits when carrying a survivor. In doing this you have a stronger incentive to not bodyblock a killer while he's walking to a hook, but it still leaves room for counterplay to be made.

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  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    LOL the reason the killer has to wipe the weapon is BECAUSE it would be overpowered to then just tap another survivor.

    As for survivors body blocking...who cares? Get more hits in on the way to hooking or just drop and kill another. Part of the killers job is to find the survivors..if the survivors give themselves to you then take advantage of it.

    The idea is a little silly to be honest

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @only1biggs said:
    LOL the reason the killer has to wipe the weapon is BECAUSE it would be overpowered to then just tap another survivor.

    As for survivors body blocking...who cares? Get more hits in on the way to hooking or just drop and kill another. Part of the killers job is to find the survivors..if the survivors give themselves to you then take advantage of it.

    The idea is a little silly to be honest

    The next "pro killer" advice.
    Sounds like an experienced veteran killer, right?

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @Wolf74 said:

    @only1biggs said:
    LOL the reason the killer has to wipe the weapon is BECAUSE it would be overpowered to then just tap another survivor.

    As for survivors body blocking...who cares? Get more hits in on the way to hooking or just drop and kill another. Part of the killers job is to find the survivors..if the survivors give themselves to you then take advantage of it.

    The idea is a little silly to be honest

    The next "pro killer" advice.
    Sounds like an experienced veteran killer, right?


  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095
    edited June 2018

    The last time we got a quick cooldown on hits, survivors went full riot on every platforms and got this ######### nerfed in a month or so.

    It would be mostly used to counter campers overall (and eventually bodyblockers) which is sorta wrong.
    The main issue isn't that you can't hit quick enough, the main issue is that they can recover from it under a very few secs while being relatively safe imo, trivializing the consequences of getting hit.

    I'd like to have a week without everyone having either SC or a medkit. That could be fun to see people struggling and have actual consequences for their bold plays.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @SaltyKiller said:
    One of the devs in the Discord talked about wanting to change it so after you attack you can still do things like vaulting, picking up Survivor's, and I assume grabbbing them when they bum rush the hook after getting hit.

    I like OP's idea too because that is another counter body blocking and Survivor's generally acting like a douche.

    Would be really nice, but you know how survivors would react to it, so its a nope sadly

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  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @SaltyKiller said:

    @Wolf74 said:

    @only1biggs said:
    LOL the reason the killer has to wipe the weapon is BECAUSE it would be overpowered to then just tap another survivor.

    As for survivors body blocking...who cares? Get more hits in on the way to hooking or just drop and kill another. Part of the killers job is to find the survivors..if the survivors give themselves to you then take advantage of it.

    The idea is a little silly to be honest

    The next "pro killer" advice.
    Sounds like an experienced veteran killer, right?

    A pro Killer who thinks Slugging is the answer and works at high rank.

    Dude, it's painfully obvious at this point you have no brain, just stop :')

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  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @SaltyKiller said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @SaltyKiller said:

    @Wolf74 said:

    @only1biggs said:
    LOL the reason the killer has to wipe the weapon is BECAUSE it would be overpowered to then just tap another survivor.

    As for survivors body blocking...who cares? Get more hits in on the way to hooking or just drop and kill another. Part of the killers job is to find the survivors..if the survivors give themselves to you then take advantage of it.

    The idea is a little silly to be honest

    The next "pro killer" advice.
    Sounds like an experienced veteran killer, right?

    A pro Killer who thinks Slugging is the answer and works at high rank.

    Dude, it's painfully obvious at this point you have no brain, just stop :')

    You should make Killer tutorials so everyone can become as l33t as yourself, breh. I'm sure your videos would get a million+ hits,

    There are videos out there already..and Killers at high ranks..slugging and winning. Incredible right?

    You'd just dribble into your keyboard and moan about something instead of learning though, so...

  • Unknown
    edited June 2018
    This content has been removed.
  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178


  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293
    edited June 2018

    MFW when a balance thread is now an ad for YouTube tutorials.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    This would be a good idea (along with the idea of having Killers being able to vault and stuff while their weapon is on CD), but I am afraid the Survivor mains will riot and persuade BHVR into undoing their changes.
  • Judgement
    Judgement Member Posts: 955

    @SnakeSound222 said:
    This would be a good idea (along with the idea of having Killers being able to vault and stuff while their weapon is on CD), but I am afraid the Survivor mains will riot and persuade BHVR into undoing their changes.

    Survivors need to get over it.
    The game is meant to be balanced in favour of the Killers. Survivors are meant to have a hard time at actually Surviving.
    The survival rate should be 20-30% as somebody said in another post. Right now it's way higher than that, and it shouldn't be, particularly because of bumrushing the Killer and hooked Survivors with basically no consequence involved.
    This is one way to give balance back to Killers, as Survivors have become more powerful than they should be, especially with the meta perks.
    Killers and Survivors in this game work, somewhat, on tropes from typical slasher/horror movies (Killer walks faster than you can run, you don't die outright when struck, when struck you're easier to find because of the aftermath, you need someone else to heal you unless you have the knowledge and the resources to do it yourself, the Killer can always find you if you aren't careful, etc). No slasher/horror trope has every victim bumrushing the Killer - who is a terrible threat to everyone - while he cleans off his weapon before he slashes someone again.

    The devs need to stop listening to the cancerous Survivors and balance the game to work how it's meant to work - the Killer should be a threat at all times, not just reduced to nothing because he's being blocked by the rest of the group while he's carrying one.

  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436
    edited June 2018

    @Runiver said:

    I'd like to have a week without everyone having either SC or a medkit. That could be fun to see people struggling and have actual consequences for their bold plays.

    SC or not having a medkit isnt as strong as you think.

    I went months without either (My favourite build is Lithe+Lightweight+Iron Will+Urban) and boy let me tell you, that doesn't stop me from diving in for a bodyblock to save my mates, most of the time I'm actually HEALED QUICKER because my bold plays often include someone close, and most of the times I'm ended up being ignored, OR ran into a chase I often escape. Not getting into the SC discussion, but it's seriously not OP as everyone thinks. +Chests...

    Also I gotta disagree with vault+hit suggestion because that practically defeats the purpose of the windows for the survivor, you can already hit them through the window because of the hit box, so??

    It would cause alot of OP scenarios like mentioned above with exposed status effects etc.

    If you really are frustrated about bodyblocking, look at the other frustrations about camping and tunneling yet are still considered viable strats. I mean, there's killers out there that bodyblock the hooks, basements, and hatches. There's no counter to it other than a result that will cause OP scenarios on both survivor & killer sides.

    Killers and Survivors in this game work, somewhat, on tropes from typical slasher/horror movies (Killer walks >faster than you can run, you don't die outright when struck, when struck you're easier to find because of the >aftermath, you need someone else to heal you unless you have the knowledge and the resources to do it >yourself, the Killer can always find you if you aren't careful, etc). No slasher/horror trope has every victim >bumrushing the Killer - who is a terrible threat to everyone - while he cleans off his weapon before he slashes >someone again.

    Wow, movies are real life with no video game codes. AKA Mechanics. No hatchet disappears if it's thrown into a car? Realistically everything like that can be applied to any game. This is a video game for godsake.

    1 person in grasp + 3 bodyblockers =No gens getting done = able to injure atleast 1 (or 2 or 3) = healing process = still no gens being done + chasing a survivor = still not a survivor working on a gen

    Now, you get like 6 downs in a match and not a single hook due to bodyblocking, I can totally see your frustration. But um... Body blocking isn't 100%... Idk, nothing I can see really being able to fix it other than a mechanical overhaul which could cause more harm than good.