New Skillchecks

A lot of what seems to make the game stale for survivors, is just the utter lack of anything new to do in the game, and with MMR, i am absolutely scared for what might happen to any type of game in DbD at high skill levels. As the Devs have said they dont wish to add new objectives to the game.
I think its really time to add something new to the base that is already there. Sound and skillchecks are bread n butter for generators, but the constant same in and out of every game makes survivor very dull if you arent getting chased.
A few ideas for generator skill checks could be a way to also solve the issue of quick gens.
A sound like the deathslingers chain is the sound cue, and gives an idea of how fast this skill checks might be.
Each 25% A generator is progressed, a partial mini-game ((micro game if you will)) triggers, 1 of 3 ACTUAL skill checks.
- Wires. you need to connect a wire with another, while hitting ( 25% / 15% / 7% / 5% ) Skill checks, each succesfull skillcheck during this phase will reward you with 250 BP, and make the gen work 2 / 1 / 0 / 0 % faster for a short period of time.
- Hot Parts. Skill check great zones are your only way out. Hitting regular skill checks during this time will burn you, 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 Burn(s) will decrease repair speed by 10% and force you to scream and get off the gen if burned another time. The gen will overheat, forcing survivors to move to a new gen.
- On the Fly Repair. The generator no longer progresses for 3/7/12/15 seconds, during this time, skill checks will appear at a constant rate (one after another) each great increases repair speed for 5 / 3 / 1 / 0 seconds after this time has finished, each good decreases repair speed for "x" seconds after the 5 / 3 / 1 / 0 seconds (# of skillchecks). Each failed skillcheck will prolong the stopped progression time by 0 / 1 / 1 / 3 second(s).
Once you finish a generator, receive the "Splintered Fingers" Status affect, and release grunts of pain at a 85 % reduced rate. (when healthy, 0% reduced when injured)
- Splintered Fingers
All actions involving a characters Hands pause this affect ( Healing, vaulting, throwing pallet, Generators, Totems )
Make chases Action Speed reduced by 12.5%; Great Skill Checks No longer Appear.
Lasts for 15 Seconds.
"Hard Work Never Pays Off Here"
The change will shift how survivors think about doing generators, and hopefully prevent survivors from working on multiple gens, then suddenly hoping onto another to try and finish it. The 12.5% Also would slow down 10 seconds of time from the 80 second gen time, and healing will only gain a measly 2 seconds of heal time, but this will keep the effect persisting.
[Edit Clarification : This isnt supposed to be focused on the bit about slowing or anything, but mainly how bland the system has become,i just had wanted to add more to make it seem more flushed out]
This is a very weird solution to the problem you're talking about.
The Devs are supposed to be introducing a side objective according to leaks by daylight, something called "Red Glyphs"
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Oh yea, I heard about that! i dont know about their current use, but what im mainly focusing on here is the lobotomy of a mechanic it has become, and its been the same for over 4 years now... for people who have been playing for that long... they must have night mares of that ding coming up
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How about Skill Checks.... with NO sounds 🤔😈
Skill Check Fails = you bleed! And need to mend immediately! Before you can work the Genny again!
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I wanted it to seem more complex than the current system, to try and make it as interesting, yet achievable for skillchecks. its complexitiy mostly comes from just a spur of ideas so it wouldnt turn into the same repeat with just 2 skill checks now instead of 1
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Man, that'd suck for the killer to have to mend
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I dont have nightmares about it.
Just jump scare meyers.....
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Yeah, gens could definitely do with something like this, just to make it a little more exciting to be doing the objective.
Gens have seen very little changes in 4 years and I'd like to see some kind of alteration to the base functionality of repairing gens
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Im glad someone gets my drift. I feel the more you can add to such a boring task is the most that the killer and survivor can do to interact. Interupting during this time would basically stop progress until someone breaks the skill wall (for lack of... well better terms)
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Adding a layer of threat/consequence to the gen would make it more engaging, I feel like it should just be more fun compared to what it is
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I pray you realize I meant survivors obviously... I'm sure you realize. 🤦♂️
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oh I thought your post was bait
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"If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
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I remember seeing another idea for gens where repair speed is either decreased when not looking at the gen, or increased when looking at the gen (Can't remember which) as a slight buff to stealth killers. (Survivors can't just spin their camera around when repairing the gen if they want to get it done quick)
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I kinda believe I'm not the only one here that this wouldn't phase. I focus on the gen more than anything. And only budge last split second I see red on me. I dont mind the first hit by a killer. If keeping focus on gen makes that repair speed even faster. I'd gladly have that implemented into Gens.
I cant be the only one that doesn't need to look around 360 cam.
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Bro you're a ######### genius. If the devs payed attention to your post and worked from it to add similar systems into the game it would seriously make the game so much more fun for everyone.
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In The Last of Us 2, there’s a part where you start winding up the gen, it’s only a few seconds but I think that would be a cool additional.
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I love the idea of something you have to actually DO to repair a gen, with consequences for failure, but those actions/consequences shouldn't lean on or alter the existing good/great checks, so I kinda hated every part that mentioned current checks getting crappier results.
Maybe if they ever move on to dbd2, it'd be nice to have something like, collect gen parts around the map, so you have to collect the right parts and then actually assemble them correctly to get x# of gens to power gates, which first expand the map and eventually lead to exit.
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Ah! Thank you so much, I had just woken back up and this is really nice to come back to!
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Hell no. As a player that plays both sides, survivors have enough to do. ( totems, gens, chases, unhook, heals, ect. ). Leave it alone. Skill checks are fine. This post seems to be a way of making gens / matches take longer to buy the killer more time, and making it easier for them. Yes, the game is repetitive, but not boring or stale.
Post edited by Mandy on0 -
Its actually "Red Bull" and it gives you wings.
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Gens go by too quick as it is. Don't make me laugh when you say survivors have enough to do. Survivors literally sit on gens, I rarely see survivors (in my killer games) running around and doing totems, opening chests, etc. Nothing more fun than a game finishing in 5 minutes 'cause survivors just want to do gens and get out.
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Then those are dumb survivors. Totems are very important to get rid of. I can't speak for all, but my squad does everything. The only time our matches go quickly is with mori off the first hook kind of killer.
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Honestly, you are deathly mistaken if you think Totems are anywhere near as important as gens. If games are going slow, then the killer isnt taking full advantage of the slow gen time. I am guessing you are more of a casual player, but for people for are at red ranks within the first few hours of rank reset, you see this kind of stuff all the time.
AND AGAIN, this isnt about gen time, its just to flush out the idea.
The real idea behind it, is that gens are CONSTANTLY just a slide show, you either hold m1 for 80/40/30 seconds, or you twiddle your thumbs waiting for gens to pass as a killer chases. There is nothing exciting outside of a chase, and even then that can get boring as well. This is more for people who have been playing the game for more than 5 months, and have gotten bored of the same skillchecks that have been in the game for 4 years.
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I'm red rank with 3+ years, and roughly 3000 hours in the game. I didn't say that totems are as important as gens. I said it is important to get rid of totems. Wipe out existing hex and the possible noed
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I believe they're adding a new mechanic for survivors in the next major patch.
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They are supposed to be optional from what ive heard. Plus, its not fixing the fact that skillchecks are boring