Why is camping allowed?

Title says it all. Why is it allowed? Why is it even a strategy? (albeit not a good one). If the killer hooks you and proceeds to just stand there waiting for all eternity until you die, you're both just stuck there not playing the game at all. Sure the survivors can just rush the gens and get a free escape, but I really doubt the guy on the hook and the killer are both having fun with this play style. People bought the game to play an actual game and not sit there looking at their phones for 2 minutes
Edit: This post is calling out EARLY GAME CAMPING, not late game. It's understandable to everyone that the killer too needs his kills and punishes those that try to be brave and rescue. The hooked survivor earned their points, the killer has earned his points, everyone walks away with something gained. But when the killer hooks you early game and just sit there, it's a guaranteed depip. No chances to get chased, no chances to get creative, nothing.
Is it annoying to face. Yes. Absolutely yes. Sometimes in certain situations it's logical, other times people are just having a bad day and need to release some anger. Some are even just memeing. Regardless, its here to stay atleast in the near future.
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I get camping if there's 2 survivors left and you know the last guy is going to save him, so you can secure a kill. But camping after a single save or literally the first survivor is not the way the game direction should be heading towards.
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because at the end game if the gates are 99% the killer has no choice. You can't punish camping for that very reason.
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Read above reply
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Some people call things camping that aren't. I got called a camper tonight when one was hooked in the basement and I could hear an injured Ash running around the killer shack. That's not camping, that's called looking for the dumbass keeping me by the hook.
As far as actual face camping goes it's logical at the end game to secure a kill or punish an overly altruistic teammate who should just be chilling at Hatch or opening a gate instead of trying to come for a rescue. Early game its scummy and a terrible idea but toxic people will find a way to be toxic.
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It's a strategy, a bad one. It only works if survivors fall for it. Do gens
If your team loses to camping, you're all garbage
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I mean can't you say the same about the person camping? They bought the game to have fun maybe they have fun watching survivors be miserable on a hook? Sadly some people find other's not having a great time fun for them.
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Why is genrushing allowed?
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Because it's easily counterable and only works if the survivors feed the killer.
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If you aren't trying to rescue a team mate, you're a bit selfish. Punishing is a really cocky thing to say.
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Biggest reason i would say is that every thing they tried to do against it has been abused by the playerbase.
And seeing how it is a autolose for the killer i don't see why they should waste energy finding a solution.
A true camper rarelly happens in my experience
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If you're trying to unhook someone being camped, you're hook farming.
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Guy, you can play against 10-15 russian campers in a row easily
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It was a bad strategy too 3/4 survs in the same gen, and BHVR nerfed it anyway.
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I think the killer should just get disconnected or penalized for face camping. Timer counts down once the survivor has been hooked, killer needs to leave the radius of the hooked survivor ( unless another survivor is within the radius as well ) within a set amount of time otherwise the killer receives a penalty of some kind
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Penalties for camping* were tried and abused by survivors.
*Face camping doesn't exist any more, just FYI.
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I did say in my experience right?
I haven't had 10-15 facecampers in my 900 hours of playtime
Do note i said true camping. A killer following scratchmarks back to the hook or one that stays near the hook when another survivor is near is not camping a hook.
That's defending it and that's solely the survivors fault
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How does that get abused by survivors when it’s the killer that does the camping?
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how does everything get blamed on the survivors? 😂😂😂😂
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Because survivors can force the killer to defend the hook. Seriously, just look up what happened during the very first PTB, which is when the punishment for camping was tried and objectively proven to be a failure.
Camping is a survivor-side problem and has a survivor-side solution, but survivors are unwilling to bite the bullet.
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Because the developers approve. They think it's an interesting part of the gameplay, when it's not interesting to anyone except a few killers who want grief.
I don't think they have dared on the PC version yet, but on mobile, when loading, you may get a message: if a killer is camping, abandon your teammate and repair generators! - lol.
They have totally given up even if the indignation of the players returns every day on this forum, since the beginning of the game.
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Because I've been here since launch and know the history of the game. I know that survivors are the ones who make camping worthwhile and I know killers would not camp if it didn't work.
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Yes, because camping is not abused by killers
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When a killer is near a generator, do you come to the forum to complain that you can't repair it, or do you ignore that generator and find a new one? It's the same thing with camping - the killer should be able to force you away from certain areas. That's how asymmetrical games work.
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Go work on gens and don't suicide on the hook. Bite the bullet for once. Stop making camping worthwhile for killers.
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Why is genrush allowed ?
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Well, make kindred base kit and this will happen. Easy
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Equip the perk if you want its effects, it's even easier.
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Schmuckbait is tasty. Camping works because survivors fall for it.
You have no obligation to help that stranger on the hook. Just escape. This isnt a teamgame, despite the swf folks telling you otherwise. Their escape or sacrifice do not change your score.
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If the killers camps in the first hook he'll loose 5 gens if the other survivors are smart enough (not the case usually). If he camps and you stay around the hook the fault is yours.
Camping is counterproductive for the killer, except when he can camp and at the same time patroll last gens.
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for one I don’t know where to /could not find by googling, a video that proclaims any kind of camping penalty implemented for killers.
even if one were to be installed it can’t be the survivors abusing it if it was the right kind of penalty. That doesn’t make any sense. It’s a simple as - if the killer is within the radius of the hooked survivor for X amount of time, the killer receives the penalty UNLESS there is another survivor within the same radius. There. Done.
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Its not very fun to go against I grant you. And I wont say I like people who play that way, besides some exceptions, I know some content creators did it as an experiment, to see if it works..spoilers it did.
I have only personally done it, in the last year at least, when I believe the game is over and I give up. I take my last down and camp him. But I can think of a few reasons why.
- Being a dick can be fun. I wont even deny that playing like an ######### can be fun. I dont think its fun to only play like that but if you play like that once in a blue moon then it can be very fun. I usually just grab a game of spirit with best add-ons or Forever Freddy.
- The killer is angry at you for some silly reason. It can be keys, it can be cosmetics (lol), it can be you tbagged, whatever the silly reason is could be justified to him. I know I have done it after getting absolutely schooled by a survivor and basically lost the game on that one chase, so he got camped because I was annoyed and because I didnt wanna chase him again.
- "Newer" player. I know for a fact a lot of newer players think that they have to defend the person on the hook from being rescued so they camp the guy not realising that its a bad idea. But it also works a lot because newer players usually play against other low rankers. And they will all dive bomb the hook to save or play hide and seek because they are scared, instead of doing gens.
- It works. This is kind of a point build ontop of the last part. If a player learns over a lot of games that camping gives kills and wins then unless they find the play style boring (luckily a lot do) then they will continue to do so even in green/purple/red ranks. Because yes, even at red ranks survivors sometimes play like badly and dive bomb the hook.
There are probably more but those were the ones I could think of on the spot.
Now as for why this is "allowed". A lot of reasons really, the devs know its impossible do anything about it. Removing the ability to camp, would remove the ability to defend the hook from people going for the save, or to stop people from saving. If you mean why dont they get punished for it? Devs tried including one method a long time ago where the timer for the hooked guy slowed down when getting camped. But that was soon abused by survivors just looping the killer around or being close enough to the hook so the killer could either give them a free save or watch gens pop in the distance while no one was dying on hook. And it cant be a reportable offense because a lot of times camping is the only viable strategy left for the killer to get anything out of the game, or as in the scenario you said up only 2 survivors are left.
But most importantly of all, the reason its allowed is the same reason anything else in the game is allowed. Its a mechanic in the game, and unless its an exploit, its allowed. Just to go over the silly things people apparently have reported people for, Looping is allowed, tbagging is allowed, tunelling is allowed, camping is allowed, bodyblocking is allowed and slugging is allowed. And unfortunately survivors suiciding on hook is allowed(although I believe they are working on reducing that with a fix to struggle mechanics). Even leaving the game is kinda allowed, allowed but punished, if it wasnt allowed they wouldnt have the "leave game" button, and they would get banned. But I guess one reason is for the few times someone actually has to leave for real life reasons, beyond that its heavily frowned upon.
Beyond that well because the power to counter it is really in the survivors hands. The second someone gets hooked 1 or sometimes all 3 tries to go and see if they can unhook the survivor. The second they notice he is getting camped survivors should all split up and do different gens. Within the time limit of the survivor dying on hook 4 gens can be done, 3 on different ones and 1 one together. And most of the time 1 gen is already done before the first down. Not always, but most of the time. But I get thats an ideal scenario, which is why at least 2 people usually end up dying to a camper, and sometimes all 4 when the survivors are too altruistic.
Thx for coming to my TedTalk
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I always use it, but you can't do anything if the killer camper and 2-3 survs don't use it. Probably you can finish a gen, but the game is then 4gens with 3 survs. And then again the same strategy.
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Mathiu said it was a legit strategy
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Survivors sit outside the radius, but in visual range of the killer. Now what?
Sounds like a player problem. The devs created Kindred because survivors wanted a perk exactly like Kindred. Now they just have to use it.
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Yes, and old BNP was a legit strategy, and old MoM, and syringes, and they nerfed them to the ground
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It’s a simple If then code with a else if code attached to it 🤦🏽 Just put it in there.
discourage that kind of behavior. Remember your game isn’t all that complicated of a procedure for both sides. so at least make it fun for everyone. That is the point of playing it, aside from the competitive nature of it.
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Get those loser campers out of the game. There’s no worse feeling as a killer that actually gives it his or her best effort to kill something in the game only to get out scored by a camper. There should be zero reward for that. You can certainly camp all you want. By all means go ahead. But it shouldn’t punish the survivor. I think that guy should at least black pip.
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so I meme sometimes and sit next to the hook after hooking someone (no tunnel and I wait before chasing the other guy) just to meme cause I find it funny
am I included in this cause I just want to see how brave some people are and I think its hilarious
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Punishing the killer due to proximity to the hook was tried and objectively proven to be a failure. No amount of "ifs" can change that.
Survivors are the ones losing, though, because they feed the campers. The worst feeling is being camped with Kindred and having your teammates rush the hook anyway. Campers cannot get more points than non-campers unless survivors feed, it's mathematically impossible.
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Yeah but survivors that get camped on and poorly rescued shouldn’t depip for that.
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This ^. Surv must play this game so killer can put their life frustations in a videogame against other 4 people.
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You're entitled to your opinion, but I disagree with it.
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Because killers effectively shoot themselves in the foot doing it.
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Here's my counterstatement
Why is running every second chance perk under the sun allowed?
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For the same reason swf and loop exist to annoy the other party
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Then why haven't they needed camping?
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because is part of the game, and there are perks designed especailly to do it, is unfun? well define what fun and unfun is, because is not the same for everyone.
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Just take kindred if you are playing solo.