PH still unnerfed

Gonourakuto Member Posts: 109
edited August 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Sorry but this killer is really broken there is legit 0 counterplay or mindgame possible in chase againts him , he need actual long animations when he put and remove his sword from the ground , his current animations are so fast you can't do anything , if you drop the pallet or vault the window you are trying to use in chase he just use his power that he readied in advance and that doenst even slow him down and hit you in the animation and if you don't he can just pull it out instantly from the ground and m1

its doenst even require any skill , whenever you see a survivor getting close to a pallet or window just ready your power and now there is nothing they can do about it , its just that simple


  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Actually, he got nerfed. He can't see the auras of cages, and if you get within 8 meters of the cage for 1 second, the cage moves.

  • Gonourakuto
    Gonourakuto Member Posts: 109

    thats not a nerf to the actual prob I am talking about here so no he is still OP you could even remove the cages from him he would still be OP

    also I am pretty sure the 1 sec thing you are talking about is just BS and lies and even with that "nerf" cages are still really good it makes him gain so much time by not having to waste time picking up and hooking survivors and even if the "nerf" you are speaking off about them moving was true , it can still work in the killer favor by making it so the cages now tp elsewhere so now whoever wanted to save the survivor has to waste time running to the new cage location

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    There is stuff you can do against his ranged attack. First of all, his movement is incredibly restricted, meaning he can't round corners that well, meaning you can still pallet loop him. If he puts the sword in the ground as you approach a vault or pallet, keep running and try juking it, since you get a slight notification that he is using the ranged attack, and the animation isn't even that quick. You can pre throw pallets, and go for stuns against him as well.

  • Gonourakuto
    Gonourakuto Member Posts: 109
    edited August 2020

    Good PH only use their powers when survivors are about to use a pallet or window and get stuck in a animation so it doenst matter if his movement his bad when he uses it because he can't ever miss it in that case

    yes and if I keep running and don't actually drop the pallet than now he just pulls out the sword instantly out of the ground free from any meaningful slow or real animation and m1 for free

    your counters are only useful if the pyramid head doenst know what he is doing , it would be nice if people on those forums would have better answers to everything than just "hope he is bad and play badly" thx for the advice but that doenst work like that

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Wrong, if survivors loop you, you can hold the blade in the ground around the loop as a constant threat and get them tormented. He won't get a free m1 if you don't let him.

  • Gonourakuto
    Gonourakuto Member Posts: 109

    You are confused and confusing i am not gonna bother , have fun againts you rank 20 PH that don't know what they are doing

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099
    edited August 2020

    You asked for advice and I gave it to you. Why don't you actually listen to people instead of assuming I'm playing against rank 20s? Why make a thread if you're going to make dumb assumptions?

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Oh wait, you're the same person who thinks doctor is OP, and refuses to use calm spirit to counter it, I shouldn't have bothered commenting...

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Calm spirit doesn't only counter doctor. It counters, rancor, deathbound, infectious and spies from the shadows. Also, it allows you to make better movement, since crows won't get disturbed, and allows you to juke more. Also, he can't M1 you when you drop the pallet, and actually try to juke. Also, nice job insulting me. I am going to say enjoy, you might not know what that means, but you will see eventually :).

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    If you see him readying his power don't go for a window or pallet, run circles around him and wait for the sound, his view is restricted and his attack can be easily predicted and dodged. You could even go behind a wall so he can't see you and will have a much harder time hitting the shot. He absolutely does have counterplay, you just gotta know how to do it.

  • Gonourakuto
    Gonourakuto Member Posts: 109

    it doenst counter rancor , deathbound is a useless perk that is never used , infectious is only used by some rare killers in some rare builds and spie from the shadow LOL i even forgot this perk existed because of how much no one uses it , so no I still see no reason to run clam spirit

    yes he can't m1 if you drop the pallet but he can use his power that was already ready anyway to use if the PH isnt dumb and hit for free during the drop animation why can't you understand that ? why do i have to repeat myself for you to undertsand something so simple

    thats not an insult that just mean describing what I acknowledge to be after painfully arguing with you and trying to make you understand something basic

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Apparently calling me a "joke of a person" and an "idiot" isn't insulting me, sure buddy, keep telling yourself that. Infectious is used way more than you think as well. Also, why can't you just run calm spirit instead of your DS, unbreakable, deliverance, and dead hard.

  • Gonourakuto
    Gonourakuto Member Posts: 109

    If you do what you said about not use the window or pallet if you see him use his power all he has to do his pull out his sword from the ground what he can do instantly and m1 you

    Good PH only use their powers when you are about to be in a animation so when they can't miss

    only really , really bad PH are gonna try to use their powers when you are not stuck in a animation even more if they can't see you

    still waiting for an actual counter that isnt just "hope the killer is bad and plays like a moron"

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    His readying takes a second, which is enough time to regain control from the animation. Him cancelling the ability also takes a second where he can't attack, giving you time to get to a pallet. This really isn't big enough to warrant a nerf.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    You are right about that but I can say with his lack of map pressure he remains easy to beat the only problem is he has no cooldown from punishment of the damn it's actually absurd.