Adept Achievements

Can we all agree that the Adept Achievements needs changed? Especially as a Killer it is a lot harder because you have to Double Pip with the Characters Unique Perks while Survivors just Need to Escape with their Unique 3 Perks so really either Survivors need to escape and double pip to even it up or killers just need to get a 4k to get the achievements because it is ridiculous on Plague because Good Survivors don't cleanse against plague which makes it near impossible to get one of the Emblems to Iridescent. Sorry if this is Trivial but I feel like this does need changed
I agree that the killer requirements are too vague. I think making it 'Get a 4k from hook sacrifices' would be a good change.
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I think the only thing keeping the devs from making Killer adepts 4Ks is that changing achievements on console is not easy to do. Now with the mmr system coming soon the devs could change the pipping system since rank no longer will be used for matchmaking.
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That's more or less what it was before the Emblem system changed the requirements for a Merciless victory.
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Honestly, no. Adept Killer achievements used to be 4k only, and then they changed it to Merciless Killer.
Yes, it's difficult and annoying with certain squads. But oh my god, when you finally achieve it... The actual feeling of being done with it is SUPERB.
It really makes you analyze your play style as a killer, and adapt in order to achieve Merciless Killer.
Some Adept Killers are absolutely miserable to get though.... Adept Myers, Adept Executioner, and Adept Demogorgon were the hardest ones for myself.
I promise it's worth it once you do achieve them. Keep at it, and good luck!
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They never specifically changed the achievements actually, the definition of what was considered a "Merciless Killer" match changed when the emblems were introduced to replace to former pip-determining system.
As someone who has all of the current Adept Achievements (mostly earned AFTER the change to emblems), I'd honestly be fine if they adjusted the Merciless Victory back towards its classic standard (4 sacrifices in one match). Some killers have inherent problems with earning emblems (like Plague) which makes them generally harder to "Adept", even if they have a solid set of personal perks.
Survivors only have to escape, so swapping killers back to only needing a 4k (with sacrifices, not kills) would probably be a welcome change for plenty of players. Using sacrifices instead of emblems would also give players a more concrete picture of how close to their goal (these achievements) they are in a match.
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I earned all of the Adept Killer achievements after it was already changed, and while I found it quite annoying to get Ruthless Killer at the end of some matches where I should've rightfully had Merciless Killer... The feeling of accomplishing the achievement was real when I see Merciless Killer after the match.
I do think it is kind of dumb that survivors just have to survive and escape, whereas killer has to draw out the game as long as possible in order to get Merciless Killer. And then get cucked by something like a hatch escape.
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I think it would already help if you could use the 4th perk slot and still get the achievement. It's still a challenge, but a bit easier, at least for killer.
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It should be: get a 4k with a killer using only their 3 unique perks. Done.
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Changing survivors to double pip is not the right way to ‚fix‘ the killer adepts. it’s actually way harder to double pip for survivors than it is for killers, and then do this with David’s perks..