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Need Community Help | Survivors making no sounds

Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,531
edited June 2020 in Bug Reporting

This thread is specifically for the reports where survivors don't make any sounds. Please make sure to follow the information that we need listed below:


  • Your platform
  • What sound(s) was silent
  • The map you were playing on
  • A clip of the incident, if you have one
  • The time frame when the error occurred (The date and time you had the issue)
  • Logs (apply to PC only)

Note: If needed, we will contact you via DM for further information.


When you get the issue, close your game and do not reopen it until you get your logs.

  • Press Win+R
  • Type in appdata
  • Press OK
  • In opened window navigate to: \Local\DeadByDaylight\Saved\Logs
  • Usually you would need to attach the DeadByDaylight.log file.

56 votes

Pending · Last Updated


  • Cutiaddu
    Cutiaddu Member Posts: 402


    The sounds that were silents were survivor's breathing and walking sounds.

    This happens in ANY map at any time

    It happened to me today and yesterday around 4 pm

    Unfortunately i do not have any clips but this happens every time.

  • GreatTurki
    GreatTurki Member Posts: 11
    edited June 2020


    survivors when downed (totally silent).

    happens on every map.

    Don't have a clip, unfortunately.

    it happened yesterday, June 26 around 10:00 PM in my area (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia).

  • cabspeedy
    cabspeedy Member Posts: 1
    • Your platform: PC
    • What sound(s) was silent: Screams
    • The map you were playing on: Groaning Storehouse: The Macmillan Estate
    • A clip of the incident, if you have one:
    • The time frame when the error occurred (The date and time you had the issue): Around 6:30 (LA time)
    • Logs (apply to PC only)

  • Snowstruck
    Snowstruck Member Posts: 564

    Platform: PC

    I have no logs, this happened a bit ago, but it's kind of big and weird.

    DWIGHT makes absolutely no noise when being vomited on by the plague.

    Only Dwight, we tested it in KYF and everything. It's... odd.

  • Washu_YouAreAGenius
    Washu_YouAreAGenius Member Posts: 17
    edited June 2020
    • Your platform: PlayStation4 "PS4"
    • What sound(s) was silent: Many of my own Survivor sounds. Walking, Running, Breathing, Injured Sound (as I was injured), Self-Caring was also silent. After I full healed myself or perhaps when I stopped crouching after healing some of my sounds returned to normal. I did not make any footstep sounds ALL match.
    • The map you were playing on: Coldwind Farm - Rancid Abattoir "LD24"
    • A clip of the incident, if you have one: I am out of space to record game-play clips at this time thanks to the Last of Us Part II.
    • The time frame when the error occurred (The date and time you had the issue): On June 28th, 2020 between 4:00 AM and 4:10 AM (MST - Daylight Savings Observed)
    • Logs (apply to PC only)

    I'm hoping with the information you're requesting from the Community you can see details about the match on your end and that's why we don't need to provide what Perks were used or further details.

    • In case it helps narrow things down: This match had Nea, Bill, Kate and Yui against an Oni

    Thank you for taking a look into this bug. Maybe this will change the tune to: "99 little bugs in the game, 99 little bugs. Take one down, patch it around , 98 bugs in the game!"

  • GreatTurki
    GreatTurki Member Posts: 11

    **** I managed to record my encounters with silent survivors ****

    please note:

    • Your platform: PS4
    • What sound(s) was silent: Injured survivor (the Obsession, specifically)
    • The map you were playing on: DISTURBED WARD
    • The time frame when the error occurred (The date and time you had the issue): JUNE 28 around 5:50 AM (Riyadh, SA)

    In the 2nd video, the survivor's grunts of pain were audible at first. However after becoming the Obsession (Decisive Strike) he became totally silent. It appears to me that the Obsession is bugged without a doubt... but nevertheless there's still a bug for survivors in the dying state, regardless if they're the obsession or not.

  • Mikasa
    Mikasa Member Posts: 28

    I wrote about this problem 2 months ago and provided evidence in the form of a survivor

    They confirmed it but didn't correct it

    here is this post

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803
    • Your platform: PC
    • What sound(s) was silent: Another survivor’s injured sounds became silent while I was healing them. Interestingly, they were making moans of pain and I was making running breathing sounds while running towards them, then when I began to heal them their moans stopped but my running sounds continued on a loop for the duration of the heal and stopped when I finished. I was playing Meg so it was the breathing she does while running.
    • The time frame when the error occurred (The date and time you had the issue): 4th July, about 5pm.
    • Logs (apply to PC only): I didn’t grab my logs unfortunately. If I spot this issue again I’ll add them.
  • Washu_YouAreAGenius
    Washu_YouAreAGenius Member Posts: 17
    • Your platform: PlayStation4 "PS4"
    • What sound(s) was silent: 3 out of 4 of the Survivors made no Breathing or Movement (Running and Falling) Sounds. 1 of them made no repair sounds. All 4 of them made no injured sounds. 2 of them made no dying sounds. 2 of them made no sounds while being healed. 1 of them made no sounds while healing another Survivor.
    • The map you were playing on: Red Forest - Mother's Dwelling
    • A clip of the incident, if you have one: I was too aggravated by the end of the match to remember to hit the record button.
    • The time frame when the error occurred (The date and time you had the issue): On July 6th, 2020 between 5:00 AM and 5:15 AM (MST - Daylight Savings Observed)
    • Logs (apply to PC only)

    The Survivors eventually started goofing around with me near the 75% mark of the match. I sent one a message to explain the plethora of bugs I was experiencing and they helped me test to see how many sounds were broken. When the match ended and I got to confirm just how few sounds ANY of the Survivors were making without any sound related perks on all 4 of them; I was beyond fuming and immediately shut down my PS4. It was my first game after having just power-cycled my PS4 due to frame drops I experienced while trying to do the Killer Archive Challenge requiring Beast of Prey. I completed that challenge, power-cycled my PS4 and switched over to the Legion Based Challenge so my perks were: Discordance, Mad Grit, Iron Maiden, and Barbecue & Chili.

  • Carl_Jackson
    Carl_Jackson Member Posts: 3
    • Your platform: PC
    • What sound(s) was silent: falling sound, Dwight
    • The map you were playing on: any map
    • The time frame when the error occurred (The date and time you had the issue): somewhere around a week before the anniversary or less

    I don't exactly remember at what time I "found" the bug, but for me and my friend(s) Dwight, when falling from any height, Makes no sound. He doesn't scream, he just lands completely silent.

    Also his hand animations break when picking up toolboxes and such, making Dwight unable to Flashlight save.

  • Washu_YouAreAGenius
    Washu_YouAreAGenius Member Posts: 17
    edited July 2020
    • Your platform: PlayStation4 "PS4"
    • What sound(s) was silent: All 4 Survivors made no Breathing, Walking or Running Sounds. 3/4 made no Injured Sounds. 3/4 made no Dying Sounds. 4/4 made no Healing Sounds. 2/4 made no Vaulting Sounds.
    • The map you were playing on: Autohaven Wreckers - Azarov's Resting Place
    • A clip of the incident, if you have one: I have been warned by a fellow player not to upload a video of any recorded bugs** I've been informed that if I incur the wrath of the developers that you'll see my user ID and outright ban my account... There are plenty of videos posted around on the forum showcasing these bugs are legitimate so I refuse to take this risk; I don't do video editing so I can't just obfuscate my ID either.
    • The time frame when the error occurred (The date and time you had the issue): On July 9th, 2020 between 12:06 AM and 12:21 AM (MST - Daylight Savings Observed)
    • Logs (apply to PC only)

    The best part about this run in with the Sound Bugs was I was attempting to complete a Daily Ritual for Oni whose power bugged out on me as well in this match; It was already bad enough I couldn't hear the Survivors but losing out on my Power entirely was almost 100% defeating.

    I came across A TON of Blood Orbs and attempted to Absorb them. As the final 3 were pulling into my Oni my ability to Absorb bugged out and I was stuck at 99.999% to having my Power Meter full. I was hoping when I hit a healthy Survivor that it would fix itself but it did not; It played the animation that I was slurping up their blood from the hit but I stayed stuck at 99.999% with the Absorb command broken and unable to activate my Rage!

    *EDIT* The only sound related Perk in play that game was Iron Will and only 1 Survivor had it equipped. I am including Quick & Quiet in my sound related list by the way since as mentioned above: "2/4 made no Vaulting Sounds."

  • coley_219
    coley_219 Member Posts: 325
    edited July 2020

    PS4, hawkins, 7/9/20 around 5:45pm, NJ, injury from basic attack was missing right before end game. I was Yui swf with Jeff against Ghostface. The other two survivors were claudettes and I am sorry but i forgot to screenshot the end screen.

    Post edited by coley_219 on
  • Washu_YouAreAGenius
    Washu_YouAreAGenius Member Posts: 17
    edited July 2020
    • Your platform: PlayStation4 "PS4"
    • What sound(s) was silent: All 4 Survivors made no sounds. Walking, Running, Breathing, Repairing, Falling, Injured, Healing, Being Healed and Dying. 2/4 made no sounds while cleansing totems but probably all 4 were this way... I only got to watch 2 of them during the cleanse animations.
    • The map you were playing on: Lery's Memorial Institute - Treatment Theatre
    • A clip of the incident, if you have one
    • The time frame when the error occurred (The date and time you had the issue): On July 10th, 2020 between 7:55 AM and 8:10 AM (MST - Daylight Savings Observed)
    • Logs (apply to PC only)

    Deathslinger on a map like Lery's where Red Rank Survivors are making absolutely no sound what-so-ever? I guess the Entity said, "Fun shall not be had in my realm!"

  • coley_219
    coley_219 Member Posts: 325

    I have another example and this time i made sure to get the end screen shot. PS4, around 8pm NJ, swf Yui (me) with Jeff against clown on mother's dwelling. My injured sounds were the only ones missing but only for the duration of this clip. Otherwise all my sounds were present. I lost injury sound after getting smoked and then it returned after being smoked again.

  • coley_219
    coley_219 Member Posts: 325
    edited July 2020

    another "no injury sound" example...all other sounds in the trial seemed fine. PS4, solo survivor Steve against Bubba on meat plant..after being hit with the basic attack, 2 times i lost the injured sounds. i regained them after healing myself and being picked up. 7/12/20 around 8:45am NJ

  • Washu_YouAreAGenius
    Washu_YouAreAGenius Member Posts: 17
    • Your platform: PC & PS4
    • What sound(s) was silent: Various sounds were silent. Most notably the Survivors made no Injured sounds. A number of Survivors made no Dying sounds.
    • The map you were playing on: Various
    • A clip of the incident, if you have one: I was watching TrU3Ta1ent stream on Twitch and during his stream he was encountering the same sound bugs I do on PS4. He kept mentioning the bugs as he encountered them and really started pointing them out near the end of the stream.
    • The time frame when the error occurred (The date and time you had the issue): On July 13th, 2020 between 9 AM and 11:55 AM (MST - Daylight Savings Observed) I do not know TrU3Ta1ent's time zone.
    • Logs (apply to PC only) I put a request in his chat that he reply to this thread and share his clips + logs.

    At the time I was watching DbD on Twitch, TrU3Ta1ent was the top streamer with the most viewers. For hours on his stream he was constantly encountering sound bugs. He mentioned that today seemed especially bad for some reason but wasn't sure if it was because he was just noticing it more or it really was happening more.

  • Washu_YouAreAGenius
    Washu_YouAreAGenius Member Posts: 17
    • Your platform: PlayStation4 "PS4"
    • What sound(s) was silent: Not sure anymore
    • The map you were playing on: Dead by Daylight - Disco Fever
    • A clip of the incident, if you have one:
    • The time frame when the error occurred (The date and time you had the issue): Between August 15th & 18th, 1969 for 3 solid days baby! Woodstock
    • Logs (apply to PC only): Logs are for cabins

    I just recently learned about the Fog Whisperers Program... Apparently most of the streamers I watch on Twitch are a part of that program and they also experience the multitude of Sound Bugs far more regularly with the greater investment into game time. I am hopeful they are reporting all the various Sound Bugs I hear them discuss on stream through the Fog Whisperers Program. Now I understand why TrU3Ta1ent didn't respond here on the forums since he has a more direct line with the developers I suppose.

    I've given up on reporting issues but wanted to add one last post to this thread since the Sound Bugs were driving me crazy. Now if you click the above link you'll see game play of just "vibing" where sound really doesn't matter. Who needs to worry about Sound Bugs when you just rock-out the entire game anyway?

    For anyone curious here is a link to the Fog Whisperers Program Official Page:

  • Rank_21
    Rank_21 Member Posts: 52

    PC / 4.1.0 / Disturbed Ward / 2020-08-03 22-06-33 (UTC+9) / Dwight makes no grunts of pain in the dying state

  • slameron
    slameron Member Posts: 3



    I was Steve and the other player was Bill neither of us had Iron Will and we were healing each other and no one was making sounds. As soon as the Bill was healed he started breathing and I started making injured noises.

  • Rank_21
    Rank_21 Member Posts: 52

    PC / 4.1.1 / Family Residence / 2020-08-06 01-19-15 (UTC+9) / Free iron will for meg after some hit from the Gunslinger.

  • EuphoricBliss35
    EuphoricBliss35 Member Posts: 875
    edited August 2020


    PS4. Played vs doctor on spirits map (has happened on her map twice and another map I can’t remember). Doc has zero heartbeat, not running monitor, furtive, etc and not running calm add ons.

    snuck up on me on a gen, hit me off, and then heartbeat and chase music started up.

    Happened with a legion on Macmillan as well. There was a third killer but can’t remember atm

    I was Jake the first time and Meg, Dwight the others

  • BabieBlossom
    BabieBlossom Member Posts: 16
    edited August 2020

    Platform: PC

    What sound(s) was silent: David King not making any noise while injured

    The map you were playing on: Haddonfield

    The time frame when the error occurred (The date and time you had the issue): the whole 69 seconds, occurred 13 August at 4:26pm ACST

    I was playing Pig and the David I was chasing made no sound from the moment I hit him and chased around, when I briefly left and found him again he was making noise, therefore he didn't have Iron Will.

    Unlisted video link:

    Log file:

  • BabieBlossom
    BabieBlossom Member Posts: 16

    Platform: PC

    What sound(s) was silent: The opposite, my character was making injured noises AFTER BEING HEALED

    The map you were playing on: Haddonfield

    The time frame when the error occurred (The date and time you had the issue): the whole 34 seconds, occurred 12 August at 8:15pm ACST

    I was playing Jake and got unhooked by Jane, she healed me first but when it finished my character started making injured noises. It stopped once I finished healing her. I had Iron Will Level 3.

    Unlisted video link:

  • Gabivegan
    Gabivegan Member Posts: 3

    Hey there.

    Platform: PC

    What sound was silent: Meg, on the ground. She made no noise at all, except for the rustling of leaves when moving. My OBS wasn't running so I couldn't get a clip before she'd bleed out. The noises came back when she was picked up. initiating a mori and stopping mid-way didn't restore the sound.

    Map: Sanctum of Wrath. I was playing Freddy. This happened on the little staircase to the side of the big, main shrine, with a vault on it. She had just stepped on a blood trap, started the vaulting action and I hit her mid-animation.

    Time frame: 16/08/2020, a little bit before 15:00 UTC-3. I'd check the exact timing but the logs look like gibberish to me. I'll upload them anyway.

    Thanks for your time.

  • kyrgyzblok
    kyrgyzblok Member Posts: 51

    Platform: PC

    Silent Sound: Sounds of injury on survivors. When using Off the Record, if I was performing an action at the time in which the 80 seconds were finished, my sounds of injury would be permanently muted until I changed health states. This would not occur if I was not performing an action like repairing a generator at the time of the perk deactivating. It was only when it ended mid way through an action.

    Map: The Game.

  • Cutiaddu
    Cutiaddu Member Posts: 402

    This bug is back btw

  • SaltyWiggens
    SaltyWiggens Member Posts: 1


    All Injured sounds and vaulting sounds specifically for Ashley Williams (so far all other survivors unaffected) tested with and without perks it is just Ash himself

    All Maps

    Date and time is the same as this comment 4:46 9/8/2020

  • dryw
    dryw Member Posts: 2

    No sounds for:

    Survivor walking

    Working on generator (except for skill check warning & completion sound)

    Muffled sounds while being placed on hook.

    No survivor screams.

    Muffled killer heartbeat.

    No crow, grass sounds.

    Switch - Map - the country one w/ saloon.

    9/8/20 6:02pm EST

  • medicineboxxi
    medicineboxxi Member Posts: 3
    edited September 2020

    No to very low sounds:

    Switch port /all maps

    No killer terror radius

    No survivor sounds (including breathing and screams)

    Sometimes I can hear the sounds very faintly bit usually I can't hear them at all

  • JustJuJu
    JustJuJu Member Posts: 1
    • PC
    • No killers have any Terror Radius for any of my survivors.
    • All maps since the most recent update.

  • domriver
    domriver Member Posts: 142


    Sound is a bit bugged out.

    I noticed on my end at least the Generators' sound are very low.

    Terror Radius as well.

    I played on Gideon's map and the footsteps of all survivors including Myers ( Killer) was very loud.

    not sure if each map has a distinct sound bug or what. But yeah please adjust the sounds. Thank you very! Game looks lovely with the new upgrades! :)

  • Dsnooz
    Dsnooz Member Posts: 241

    Platform: PC

    In my killer games, none of the survivors are making grunts of pain after being hit.

    In tandem with killer terror radius being super quiet the game is really weird right now.

  • realDave
    realDave Member Posts: 3
    edited September 2020

    Hey for me its only when i play Ash!

    i got no footsteps, only regular breathing. No vaulting sounds - i can fast vault without sound. Enter locker quick with no sounds. No sounds when i am downed. Also no sounds when i am injured. All other survivors work except Ash.

    Date 13.09.2020


    Happens on all maps

  • coley_219
    coley_219 Member Posts: 325
    edited September 2020

    same here but on PS4. His sounds involving running, vaulting, injury and lockers are all missing. I have here 3 clips with endscreens as proof. I just don't know if the sounds are heard by the killer and other survivors. I only know that i am not hearing them. NJ, USA, around 2pm-3pm

  • binhomk9
    binhomk9 Member Posts: 1

    No killers have any Terror Radius for any of my survivors my plataform are pc and ps4.


    nao escuto nenhum killer chegar perto, jogo no pc e no ps4.

  • judge_fist
    judge_fist Member Posts: 114
    edited September 2020

    Xbox One

    Randomly since the initial update that included The Blight. I cannot hear grunts of pain or footsteps of injured survivors (I check to make sure it wasn't just Iron Will) . It could be against anybody but I've noticed it on Meg, Nea, Feng, Jeff, Jake, Quentin, and Claudette. This happens to me every other game or so possibly 1/3.

    Any Map

    Happens 11:00pm-1:00am Pacific

    Post edited by judge_fist on
  • Itsfine
    Itsfine Member Posts: 6


    I'm getting used to see no Iron wills and the survivors making no sound, I hit a survivor, they scream and all of the sudden they're muted. No injured sound, no footsteps, no breathing, I literally have to guess where they are all the time.

    All maps, specially on Ormond.

    Last time it happened to me was right now, 9/28/2020, 19:30.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    - PC

    - Grunts of Pain from dying Survivor (had no audio-reducing Perks)

    - Disturbed Ward, Killer Shack tile

    - at around 16:45 CEST on 6 October 2020

  • crystalkitti
    crystalkitti Member Posts: 380
    edited October 2020

    I can't get my logs to you right now, but I'm a PC Steam player.

    I was playing Meg, since I just got a new cosmetic top for her. Threw on some perks (like Self-Care, Adrenaline, Spine Chill, and Resilience) and started playing... I noticed she wasn't making noises when she was hurt, almost like I was using Iron Will. Cool, but also an odd bug.

    (The bandage noises when I was self-healing still played, but while healing and while walking around injured, she never whimpered / cried.)

    (Time and date are as of posting; it's happened through all of the day, I think.)

    (EDIT: The loss of noises actually seems intermittent. Sometimes she makes noise (I just went against a Doctor), but before she was silent (one example was, I think, Clown).

    Post edited by crystalkitti on
  • coley_219
    coley_219 Member Posts: 325
    edited October 2020

    PS4, I was clown on Azarov's, crossplay enabled. The Nea had injury sounds but no dying state sounds. Iron will was not equipped.

  • Joemoe
    Joemoe Member Posts: 18
    edited October 2020

    Survivor audio is too loud when a survivor is downed

    Survivor audio is too loud when a survivor is hooked

    Survivors don’t give audio queues when vaulting a window

    Survivors will sometimes not give audio when injured

    Feng Min Gives no audio when she is in dying state

    Head On will have moments where the perk doesn’t activate

    Giant particles of fog are intense making it hard to see

    Doctor has a normal terror radius

    Spirit has moments where there is no audio when she phases

    Some parts of Macmillan Estate are invisible. Found around Coal Tower and Ironworks.

    I checked and this is a problem through all other platforms. I know the information isn’t very specific, but I hope it helps.

  • Mama_Poison
    Mama_Poison Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2020

    Platform PC

    Could not hear survivors struggling, also bugged audio for breaking pallets and kicking gens. I've only played 2 games as killer so far but both games have had the same issues. Playing Blight and Legion

    Map was Family Residence (I think) Yamaoka Estate and Coal Tower.

    between 8AM and 9AM CST on 10/22

    No clip but will try to attack logs

    Post edited by Mama_Poison on
  • sakha
    sakha Member Posts: 66


    Oni no sound after starting M2 run. Sound of Oni run is bugged and dont play