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Why Do People Dislike Borrowed Time?



  • Member Posts: 677

    IDK if the two are comparable. MYC is a limited window of time to put the rescuer into the dying state on one hit. It still required the killer to catch the rescuer and hit then within a limited time frame. A killer version of BT would basically put the rescued person in the dying state for a limited time but could be used an unlimited number of time in a match or as many hooks each survivor has before dying, so a max of 12 times I guess.

  • Member Posts: 1,346

    I wouldn’t say they get away with it. In that scenario you’ll be getting an ez hook exchange in most cases. It definitely makes the punishment less harsh though. Instead of a slug and hook exchange you just get the exchange. Possibly nothing if you proc the BT.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    I disagree with you that 90% of the time killers are trying to slug them off an unsafe unhook to punish the other guys altruism. The vast majority of the time it happens to me they immediately rehook me. Or chase the other guy enough to get a hit or down. And then immediately rehook me.

    That said, what you described is exactly what I do. For the exact reason you mentioned.

  • Member Posts: 1,505

    DS is a thing that exists. Killers always anticipate it, unless there's no obsession. Then it would just straight up be a bad play not to hook them again.

  • Member Posts: 3,022

    I dislike how abusable it is.

    When a BT survivor will body block for their rescuer, or camp a narrow pathway, forcing me to either hit them, or go around, there's an issue.

    When a team can run the perk and simply bum rush hooks for a save, either leading me back to a hooked survivor and simply running around, and getting the save, there's an issue. Especially when it leads to my first point.

    When the BT survivor will follow me as I chase somebody else, either to try and hinder me by body blocking, waiting around for a flashlight save/pallet stun, or annoying me enough to make me give the hit, there's an issue.

    When BT fails, and they still bum rush due to DS/Unbreakable, there's an issue.

    Again, by itself, BT is not OP. It can just be abused to high heaven. Especially during EGC when the killer really has no other choice but to patrol around anybody they've hooked.

  • Member Posts: 577

    Because some people will bodyblock the killer so he doesnt get a hit on the unhooker.

    But hey if he wants to get tunneled I will tunnel him🤷‍♀️

  • Member Posts: 185

    I feel the same. I often run Save The Best For Last on many killers as well, so I will gladly proc Borrowed Time if the survivor's a non-obsession in order to get a stack. Even though Deep Wound sucks at downing people, in that time, the survivor has to put up with it and can't do anything meaningful until they mend. Out of all the meta perks in the game, Borrowed Time is the one I mind the least, and I myself will use it sometimes when I want my teammate to get out safely.

  • Member Posts: 1,379

    From both a killer and survivor perspective, BT is a pathetic excuse not to take agro if your gonna do a unsafe rescue. Granted you can't control who the killer is going to go after, but at least try to take hit

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    Because they can’t get their easy downs after tunneling off hook. Simple as that.

  • Member Posts: 2,159

    Bodyblocking with BT...uncool.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    I dislike BT because it's highly abusable and rewards survivors for farming their teammates, thus getting free "safe" unhooks and not having to take the time to unhook safely.

    Plus, it doesn't even do its one original job that well. If a killer is facecamping, a little BT isn't going to save anybody most of the time. So it kind of just let's people play like wankers because other people play like wankers and created the initial demand for the perk.

  • Member Posts: 4,467

    It’s too strong when combined with other second perks, it’s hell to deal with during endgame, and it encourages farming.

  • Member Posts: 6

    Agreed survivors are just overly altruistic with this perk and it can be especially frustrating playing solo because of it. Being farmed sucks since their often selfish so they’ll wait till the killer breaks line of sight with the hook, farm you, then immediately go to hide, leaving you to deal with the mess. A way for the player to stop a hook rescue would be nice.

    A face camping killer isn’t impossible tho, exceptions would be leatherface and hillbilly since they have instadown abilities. But swf can deal with face campers and even some solos (although that’s harder to pull off). Spine chill/resilience and dh will help you pull of a successful save, forcing your teammate to take a hit. Agreed survivors are just overly altruistic with this perk and it can be especially frustrating playing solo because of it. Being farmed sucks since their often selfish so they’ll wait till the killer breaks line of sight with the hook, farm you, then immediately go to hide, leaving you to deal with the mess. A way for the player to stop a hook rescue would be nice.

    A face camping killer isn’t impossible tho, exceptions would be leatherface and hillbilly since they have instadown abilities. But swf can deal with face campers and even some solos (although that’s harder to pull off). Spine chill/resilience and dh will help you pull of a successful save, forcing your teammate to take a hit.

  • Member Posts: 3,001

    I think BT is fine, I hate how people use it though, body blocking so the killer doesn't go for the unhooker while it doesn't seem much, it is a bad tactic, then if you want for BT to ran out and down the survivor again, you will have a spicy endgame chat.

    Body blocking with BT and DS doesn't reward good plays, it rewards dumb plays.

    I'm easily a 80-20 killer main player and I understand why BT exists.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    No, Bubba isn't a great example. Ufortunately, the skill ceiling to facecamping is a lot higher than one might assume, and a (relatively speaking) good facecamper will down you before you get the hook off, thus forcing at least 2 downs when the teammate tries to come in for the unhook and gets downed by a double m1 combo and/or instasaw (but still getting the poor guy off the hook)

    However, I did miss the perfect example of what BT can be: a patrolling tunnelling killer that goes after the unhooked guy deliberately and the unhooked guy at least gets a BT to waste some time.

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  • Member Posts: 3,348
    edited July 2020

    If people dislike when survivors bodyblock with the BT effect I can understand it. I don't blame survivors for doing it, as if the rescuer is injured for example it can be a very understandable play to make, if they're not... it's just sorta silly of them to do it. Same for people that just zombie hookrush, that sucks even for the survivor on the hook at times even if they get BT and it's enabled by the perk.

    I don't really know a great way to change this part of it though. Making it not work on protection hits would just straight up make it not work at all if used against a camper and the unhooker is injured, because then they'll probably hit the unhooked survivor near the injured savior and it'll be a protection hit more often than not. And it's sorta intended to be used against camping/tunneling killers, unless they're just standing there staring at the hook surely that sort of killer will be able to realize all they have to do is to hit the savior on the way to the hook to cancel BT, then they can hit the unhooked survivor again.

    @SloppyKnockout posted an idea of making it so the safe unhook points aren't awarded if the Endurance effect is used which might discourage mindless hook farming without actually changing how well it protects the unhooked survivor.

    And if people genuinely dislike a perk for being an anti camping/tunneling tool in the first place then they simply have a mindset that's incompatible with anything the devs will do. Yeah, they won't add systems that try to make camping or tunneling mechanically impossible (for good reasons), but there will always be perks to help against it, and there should be. Part of a reason why I agree DS should have its anti-tunneling powers buffed while getting deactivation conditions to make it less useful for more "aggressive" purposes, for example.

  • Member Posts: 312

    I always run borrowed time. Yes, it's a situational perk, but if used in the right way at the right time, it can be quite effective.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    I have it happen regardless of if there's an obsession.

  • Member Posts: 120

    meta perk, like any meta perk it's very annoying. for me it's just the hitboxes are annoying. when trying to hit the rescuer, the injured blocks with the endurance and i wasted time with no progress. but otherwise it's not as bad as d's (unless it's put together) gg

  • Member Posts: 304

    people that complain about bt are ussualy those that camp and tunnel people off hook

  • Member Posts: 826

    I just hate people who very insistently body block with it. I'll totally wait it out bloody destroy them. They had their chance to run, time to pay the butchers bill.

  • Member Posts: 110

    I honestly think BT is one of the most balanced survivor perks in the game. It does what its intended to do and the killer can counter it by simply not being near hooked survivors.

  • Member Posts: 5

    I personally approve of borrowed time. I think the issue is both sides can get easily frustrated with the game very easily, so they find things to make sense of the frustration. Like killers always complain about second chance survivor perks, and survivors complain about instant down and mori builds. It's not the perks, but the actual mechanics and interface of the game that's the issue.

  • Member Posts: 2,238

    Used as intended, it's a perfectly fine perk. But when survivors get to act cocky because they're invincible and bodyblock for the guy who just unhooked in front of your face, it's a bit annoying. BT is supposed to let the unhooked survivor get away for free, but it often lets both survivors get away for free.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    I can't even imagine how someone can hate the current borrowed time considering its previous incarnations. It's fine. It's in a good place right now. If anyone complains about it their that should tell you all you need to know about their playstyle and why their balance opinions don't matter.

  • Member Posts: 1,013

    Shame it doesn't just activate only when a set amount of time the survivor has been hooked. That way it prevents rushed unhooking. At least, more often than not the second you the Killer hooked a survivor. Another runs in and unhooks. If you manage to down one of them after that. They call you Camper. 🤷‍♂️ it needs a cooldown before allowing being unhooked. I myself as a survivor dont want to be unhooked right away. I rather "teammate" survivors do gens.

    Personally for me because it's usually me getting caught doing a gen as much done as possible before I run lol. I rather be a distraction caught at my first hook state and instead a teammate finish what I started. Before coming for me on first hook

    That perk should activate only on 2nd stage hook.

    Just my 2cents

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