This MMR doesn't work

today i bought Leatherface and in the first lobby these were the survs i met in may first game of him
MMR will be always a bullshit, even the fact to not switch killer in the game lobby
It just came out not even 30 minutes ago and you already think it's broken? You are truly the master of jumping to conclusions.
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The MMR was supposedly tracking stats for like a month, but OP is going against survivors with several thousand hours on a killer they JUST bought, meaning they should have 0 MMR
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That's the thing. Supposedly does not mean fact.
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I never play Huntress and in general really bad as her- i get red rank survivors.
I play legion- which is my most played killer and i get green ranks(im rank 11)
As for the survivor i play with people who plays the game for the first time.( got rank 20 Ghostface today)
The new system is just not working
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Makes sence.... I’ve played like 5 games
( for the slow people I’m being scarcastic)
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My friend it is broken. I have played 5 games on my switch escaped once, why am I being put agasint a rank 1 killer regardless of how many hours I have in console. I brought dbd. Yday on switch to play while on holiday... 3 games back to back I’ve gone against a rank 1 killer, yes rank means nothing but for a “ new player” should never go agasint a rank 1
also makes me laugh that’s people have actualy got to rank 1 on a Nintendo switch LOL how people play it I do not kno can’t wait to get my ps4 back 😂
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Generally things stated by devs can be taken as fact
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It turns out the DbD community has absolutely no idea how advanced metrics work. It doesn't work on day 1 because we don't have a sample size and thus a meaningful baseline average for everyone. It will take weeks before this becomes accurate. It doesn't mean it's broken.
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No. Mandy has confirmed it will take only 10 games to calculate your MMR. That’s it. Nothing “advanced” about that.
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I thing the new MMR takes a couple of matches before it kicks in. Probably in a similar fashion like csgo, you play 10 ranked matches and then you get your rank.
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Here's the funny part, hypothetically they could have made up the entire thing about releasing a new MMR matchmaking system and literally just left the matchmaking to be in its current bad state and you would have no idea because it's hidden.
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Advanced in the realm of statistics means evaluating anything beyond simple wins and losses. So yes, in this case it is advanced. 10 games is your starting point. But it's not the average of all players relative to average playtime relative to opponents. That will take time to determine. Much longer than 10 games for each player. I think the devs really need to explain this in detail.
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i played with the Hag that i don't play her for 2 months, i met a premade full of 7k hours, and this premade played already some games bc one was a streamer... i really don't know why they touch this search system, but it already knows that when devs touch something, it will be broken and goodbye fun.
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I know what statistics are and what you’re implying in “advance” are all the variables that we aren’t accounting for. You cannot use that as an argument as you nor I (only devs) know what those variables are.
Maybe you need to see this because 10 matches is only for beginners, they’ve been tracking our MMR long before the new system was up and running.
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MMR for me so far has been me destroying a baby killer in one round, then getting sent to a Spirit match and die, to destroy another baby, then Spirit, then baby, then Spirit. Been a blast
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I don't think so. In the "older" rank system I got paired with purples and reds (I'm a rank 3 killer). Now I get greys and greens in my games (who're solo, I've checked their steam) so, the system is already worst then before. "Pretty good job so far".
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If anything, I'm glad BHVR does stupid ######### like this during an archive - it reminds me not to purchase a pass.
Can we please get any AAA publisher in here to put BHVR out of their misery?