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plague vomit angular changes

I assume that the vomiting is some interpolation of parabola; something like p = -k*x^2. (^2 == squared) where x is Real etc.
The angle at which plague vomits has changed drastically, it has increased; its insanely annoying and I cannot get over it and play her like this.
At this point when you spawn and puke, you throw up high into air (" parabola " going through maximum and then falling off down; Now it literally feels like an artillery kekw.
Before current patch; when you spawned and puked with the same camera angle, the result would look something like the same parabola, but it wouldnt puke through the maximum, it would be falling off straight from the begining. It felt as if the origin of the vomit was the maximum point of parabola [her mouth];
(in my mind, the point where the height of vomit either stops increasing or starts decreasing/decaying is the maximum of p)
At the current patch, playing plague and puking directly on people is impossible for me, because you literally have to watch into the ground to vomit at them - at this point you cant even see them properly lol.
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To add to this, currently once you infect a survivor, all sound they make goes away, essentially making it as though they had iron will, until they're completely infected, at which point you can hear their coughs and vomiting.
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I noticed while running iron will i dont make infected noises at all, just the retching sound. Tested with a friend in a swf game he said i was completely silent.
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I just wish someone from BHVR would actually acknowledge the issue and state if the changes are intentional or not.
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I play a lot of Plague and this makes her unplayable.
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In addition to the vomit angle and loss of survivor sounds, I've noticed that hooked infected survivors aren't always passing their infection to whoever unhooks them.
The angle change is horrible though.
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I attempted to play a couple matches and it is unbearable with the vomit angle change. I'm really hoping it is a bug, but if not, I really hope they revert. Right now, She is unplayable in my opinion.
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She is my main and this is extremely annoying, really hard to hit especially when you have muscle memory. Also it's barely possible to hit over obstacles right now because the vomit goes so high.
The noises issues are also extremely annoying. Funnily enough in the previous patch the only survivor who wasn't making any noise when puked on(coughing and screaming) was Dwight. In the current update nobody makes any sounds
What's even worse, sometimes even fully infected survivors don't make vomitting noises.
Sounds are being more and more buggy every update, I don't even have hope they will get fixed ever, but please at least adress the weird arche/aiming issue...
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I'll record some plague gameplay for you today and highlight when the bug happens. Ty for acknowledging the projectile issue!
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I went into a custom game with a friend and reproduced the audio bug! This was done with no perks or addons on plague, and a perk and itemless dwight. No offerings were used either.
The bug occurs at :35, when Dwight is infected and uninjured. He does not make retching or coughing sounds. When fully infected and put into the 'broken' state, he makes the vomiting sounds + the injured sounds, but still does NOT make the retching/coughing noises beyond when the character actually vomits.
We then tested what happens if an injured Dwight gets infected, beginning at 2:15. He still appears to make normal injury noises, but still does not make any retching/coughing noises when infected. When fully infected, he again ONLY makes the vomit noises, but still does not retch/cough.
I recommend watching the whole video to see all the different states. I hope this helps!
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Hey, thanks!
The sickness sound bug should be fixed this upcoming 4.1.1 hot fix. There might still be a little bit of issue where they only start coughing a few seconds in, but we're already looking into that. If the sound is still completely broken then, feel free to open a separate thread for this.
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Sounds good, tysm for the communication ^.^
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It's still bugged! Plague is my fav killer and I can't play her until these bugs are fixed
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@Ivon_BHVR Can you please confirm whether the angle change is a bug or an intentional change?
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Aw, i finally get used to her higher vomit and i actually like it except sound bug
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