Allow Killers to chat in Pre-Game

I know there are reasons that they cannot, but I do think they should be allowed, at least, a LIMITED chat option with the survivors in pre-game lobby. If anything I think it could be funny and in a good amount of situations could just allow the killer to say "GLHF" before every match to maybe defuse potential toxicity before a match even starts. It could also give some killers a chance to say "Hey, playing a killer for the first time etc..."
I don't know the exact number of chats that should be allowed, I was thinking like maybe 3 or 4 but maybe there doesn't even need to be a limit. I don't mind friendly trash talk so even if that's all that gets exchanged most of the time it really wouldn't bother me. I also don't think it'd give an advantage to anyone unless the killer willfully gives info to the survivors which is just dumb; also win trading can happen with or without a pre-game chat.
Oh and for anyone who would bring up "immersion," this game threw horror immersion out the window a long time ago lol
Curious what others think about this idea...
Killer: Lets farm
Me: No thank you
Killer: Lets farm
Me: No
Killer: Lets farm
Killer: Lets farm
Killer: Lets farm
Me: *Has left the lobby*
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Heres the thing, if it done well, and correctly. Then I wouldn't mind
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I think it’d make a really nice addition, it could be funny asf but I think some people would dc which I guess doesn’t matter. But like you said I think there would have to be two chats and I think it might clutter the screen if BHVR doesn’t do it right.. all In all I’d love to see it!
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I agree I think itd be nice. One public chat box and one private chat for the survivors. The issue though is the dev's probably dont want players making plans to farm. I also dont want to underestimate players ability to use the function to be even more toxic to eachother. I'm sure many would use the chat to taunt eachother before the game even starts. But it would be nice if we could all chat and maybe set up interesting games like you do in kyfs.
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Killer: I'm playing as Oni
Survivors: Ok lol
*Killer actaully picks Ghostface*
Would be funny wind up material pre game.
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I feel like it would probably do more harm than good? A little GLHF would be nice, but I feel like it'd mostly be used for "Im doing a challenge let me grab you" "farm or i facecamp" "change off blendette or I DC" etc.
It's not even an immersion thing, but I do go into most matches with the assumption that a Killer will be trying to kill me. I feel like knowing that they're just trying to game the system for points and challenges, and that they'd get annoyed or DC if the survivors don't play along, would take a lot out of those matches.
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On console if the killer takes the time to write me to farm or that they wish us luck I won't go tryhard and put some perk builds I wanna try out. It would be great to have less sweat games tbh
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I would be for it, so long as you split chat. If survivors wanna get strategic, they should.
Personally, I think it would help with the toxicity in this game. You only get to talk to the other side in the post game, and there, emotions are running high depending on how the match went. If you could remind people that, yes, there's another person on the other in at the start of the match, it might help.
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Killer: sup bitches
survivors: ######### off, go ######### yourself, eat #########, and Hi!
gg ez.
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i would love to see it
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Nothing good would come of this. And if it were a limited-options chat wheel type thing, it would just lead to killers spamming untruthful "Let's farm" or "New player here" equivalents to trick survivors into making mistakes.
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I think it would be good if you could eavesdrop on the survivor chat. You can't say anything, but if they're up to shenanigans it would give you a heads up.
Or they could be on voice chat and fake you out. Who knows.
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And if you not farm he will face camp you..
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I mean, I think that's just your perspective. If they can talk back and forth it's equally as likely to happen to a killer and honestly it's not the chats fault if someone believes someone else on the internet, but this is why I suggested a limited chat option, something that would limit spam like maybe only being allowed 3 or 4 messages by the killer
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I feel like this would just enable toxic all out SWF squads to harass killers even more then they already do and vice versa for toxic killers going all out.
For as much as I'd like the idea the community is too toxic for it to ever really work.
Just read other forum threads to see how much each sides demonizes the other.
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the end game is #########, so no thanks
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I'd be for it. Part of the problem is people not seeing the other side as actual people behind the screen. And the only time you are allowed to communicate is after the match is over and tensions are high. I'd love to start all my games chatting with survivors and telling them GLHF or something.
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Yep, wanna farm? No. You sure, wanna farm? No.
Okay then. Killer proceeds to find that player first and face camp them. Or bring mori to make everyone suffer.