New ranking system is the worst thing added in dead by daylight

Just remove it please, many people will quit
Like every new feature it will have growing pains but I'm hopeful that with a new clean slate for adjusting rank we have improved matchmaking quality with improved times and more closely paired matches. We'll have to see how it plays out for a month or so.
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Its been out for like 1 hour, we cant know for sure if its bad or good, overall I feel im getting less potatos and less Navy Seals as Solo queue Survivor. It may be coincidence tho.
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The new system broke my BP farming build. The build relied on survivors finishing gens quickly, so I didn't damage gens and focused on just hooking people once. I normally safety pipped, or depipped, but still played against skilled players. With the new system, I eventually get players who don't finish gens quickly, forcing me to kill everyone which takes a lot longer.
Post edited by FellowKillerMain on0 -
Give it time, I think this will be good when people have played for a bit with the killer.
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Hey but I am on rank 4 for reason. Want to cooperate with someone who know which button on mouse is for reparing and how to drop pallet and not running to the corner in chase.
Matchmaking giving me rank 17 potatoes sitting in the corner and watching around meantime I am f* dying on the hook through all phases.
And navy seal rank 1 - 5000 hours killers.
So imagine how it looks like.
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I understand that the ranking/numbers will mean "nothing" with the new MMS, but clearly people still value their number/red ranks. It shows their time/efforts spent playing the game. I have had a mix of games today, and it has been frustrating. I've either been dying early on first hook because of "low" ranked survivors not going for saves or all survivors escaping versus "low" ranked killers - and in turn de-pipping because not enough chases or opportunities for altruism points.
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New MMR is complete #########. I hate it. It makes me literally want to quit this game. After getting completely destroyed every match as survivor, I played some killer. It's way worse as killer. First of all for my buddy most of his matches were super mega low ranks who he messed around with and easily beat. In my matches, I played 4 as wraith and got maybe 2 sacrifices? Total? And then one last one as trapper, a killer I've played twice ever, to see if I got better matches (since it's based on killers and not rank anymore), and I got 0 sacrifices. I think I honestly only got 1 hook. Every single game I went up against 1-3 red ranks, and the rest purple, maybe a green here and there. Every single time. It wasn't fun. I'm a rank 16 killer. I will never be able to complete the killer tome challenges with this new system. End the match with ruin and at least 1 gen left? I can't even get a single sacrifice most games now, let alone that! And I doubt I'll be able to do anything with survivor either. If this doesn't change ASAP, I'm done. And I am demanding a refund. They changed my game to the point where I cannot play it. I don't have fun. I never asked for this. Old matchmaking had its quirks, but this is awful.
I am by no means amazing at this game. I don't play killer as much as I'd like to, obviously. But I lost every single match as both survivor and killer. And by loss I mean almost no gens done, or almost no sacrifices (and some times even hooks). I've been playing since tome 1. I really enjoyed the game until now. I don't mind getting schooled from time to time. But I have put some money into this game. I bought the most recent rift pass, for example. And now I wish I hadn't because this recent change makes me literally want to uninstall this game and never look back.
I'm the type of person who works a FTJ and has a family. The 1 or 2 hours I get to play this day every other night are how I unwind. I don't get to play this game for 3-6 hours every day. I play this game to relax from a horrible CS job during this pandemic. The last thing I need is for every single game to be an overwhelming loss. Tonight's experience was so bad, it prompted me to make an account and post this here. Change it. It's awful.
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The new MMR system broke my game again just as they implemented the new emblem system.
I pretty much only play killer and after over 900 hours, still struggling to hit my first time of rank 1.
I know I'm trash and may need another 5000hrs but honestly, it feels so unfair that the devs keep changing the rules and the required skills to earn pips.
It was just fine till yesterday, sometimes I'd face a real good team and sometimes I face teams which I have a good chance to win.
The first game after the system implemented, I went against 3 rank 20s (I was rank 4 than) got 2 pips which is so unfair for the survivors.
And the rest of the games I played, I'm getting super good sweaty teams every time makes me feel that I have no chance at all what so ever.
If the rank system was not harsh as it is now, I wouldn't complain like this.
But now, you pretty much need a 4K or something close to earn even a single pip in the higher ranks, and I get "equaled skilled players" stomping on me like crazy every game.
Or the games which I managed to play better, people DC or die on hook and the game ends with a black pip.
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5 games in a row against rank 1 killers, not just red rank killers, rank 1's. And everyone of them essentially says "Git Gud" in the end game chat.
It's seeming more like all the rank 1 killers complained about the wait time for finding appropriate skill players to go against, and that makes for boring streams, and since making it easier to rank up didn't fix it, they just threw out the ranks and fill the rooms as fast as possible. There is no MMR, you go against the first killer with room in the lobby.
If every match is going to be a lopsided, unfair, catastrophe against a perfectly practiced killer, then why play?
What will end up happening, is they will stop displaying rank at all so that you won't know you got stomped to death in 4 minutes against a rank 1 streamer with 5k+ hours, you just highly suspect. Forget fun, Whatever looks good on twitch.
Maybe I'll go back to Deceit.
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No, its not problem like "its just first day out".
Please explain me why it is correct. I am rank 4 survivor and my last 5 games today was like this:
Survival ranks: 4 (me), 17, 19, 17
Killer: 1
Everytime when these guys heard Huntress singing, they run into the corner like this Jake and watched me doing gen.
There is no doubt, this is their third game, they probably dont know what button is for repairing. So, what is the key why this matchmaking put me with these potatoes against navy seals killer with 1000h+. No way guys !
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Whilst I understand that it will take some time for it to figure things out, I do agree that being out with potatoes (some with only 1hour of game play) isn’t fun for either side
the old system wasn’t perfect but was more balance than the current system.
ive tried last night and most of today to find a decent team in solo, but all the games have been Me R1 & 16-20 with a R1-4 killer.
the other 3 die and I normally get the hatch, end game chat, everyone including killer complaining about the new system
it’s been prematurely released
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For me, it’s been very obvious that the players I play against have been affected by the previous game’s outcome:
Killer: Last night I played as The Clown, which I rarely do well as, and the survivors I went against had maybe one perk and were obviously new. I did very well against them. After about 2 games like that (still as The Clown), I noticed that the survivors I was going against started getting better and having better perks.
Survivor: As a formerly red rank survivor (since rank doesn’t matter anymore) my first few survivor games were against baby killers. One perk (if any at all) and very obviously new to the game. After a few games like that, I started going against killers who had P3 skins and who very obviously knew how to play that killer.
So, to me, it seems as if the matchmaking is working much better than it was. Like others have said, it looks like it just takes a few matches to get it figured out.
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It's definitely not perfect yet, but similar things to this need to be seen by more people. You can't just play less than a half dozen games and expect your ranking to be correct immediately, it takes time for these kind of systems to work out where you belong. You basically have to imagine that everyone got reset to rank 20 (that's the closest analogy that I can think of) and now people have to work their way back up. Feedback is fine, but give it more than a day to settle before calling for the whole thing to be torn down.
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Can someone explain to me the logic of having someone new to the game paired with rank 1 killer
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This will not be forever. This is just like that while the rank 1 killer gets an actually accurate MMR. Imagine it like everyone's rank basically got reset back to the beginning. I believe that's basically what's happening right now. It will right itself if people give it some time. An admin said in another thread it takes around 10 matches for the algorithm to stabilize, and remember that's 10 games per person, so this is going to happen for awhile. Be patient, and wait for things to settle down.
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I can't understand why you're defending dbd.Collect new matching system data while the old system is in progress.Only dbd management can make such a ridiculous decision and you defend them meaninglessly.While there are more important problems in the game, they are trying to break down whatever works right
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They did that, but they said the data wasn't perfect, and only did so much. This honestly was to be expected when implementing a new system this massive, there was always going to be growing pains.
Secondly they are not trying to break down what works right, at least not in this case. People have been complaining about matchmaking for years, it has always been screwy and didn't work well. The ideas behind this change are good, and we won't know if the execution is good unless we give it some time. If its this way in 2 weeks I will be front of the line demanding change, but we do not currently have enough data to say whether or not this works or not.
Finally, I am not, as you put it, "defending the dbd devs". I am not even really defending the matchmaking system, not really. I am saying that we need patience. This was always going to be a system that took time to get right, and anyone who knows something about data gathering and analysis knows that. But most people are not being patient, and are simply reacting. I understand where some of that comes from, the devs do not always have the best track record of listening to the player base, especially from the player bases' perspective. But this is not a case of "wait for the devs to listen to us and fix it". This is a case of "we don't know enough about how the system works because its been out for two days". Feedback is fine, and should be encouraged! But people need to keep in mind that we won't have a clear idea how this thing works for probably at least a week. My personal bet is at least two weeks for all this to stabilize into something predictable. At that point we can see if the system is good, needs tweaked, or needs to be removed. Calling for it to be removed before that point is not helpful, and does not help the devs learn what needs to be changed. Everything that's happening was to be expected in the first few days. If you didn't expect it, that's something to critique, as I believe the devs should have warned the player base before hand, and given us more information.
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I dont think its working. I absolutely suck with Nurse. My last 3 games everyone escaped. Yet it just put me in a match with two rank 1's and a rank 2.
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The big problem here is the rank system that still exists.The new matching system should be visible to us as soon as possible so that we have the knowledge according to it and think accordingly.I am entering the game and at the end of the game, being paired with someone who has just started the game makes me nervous (due to the non-existent but visible ranking system).Strange as having a pear taste while eating an apple.I always get angry with dbd devs.Because they are never clear, they make radical decisions and don't care much about the players' views.Also, even if it doesn't work, you won't be silent and make so many radical decisions in an existing order.Also, you still insist on not understanding what I want to say.You cannot transfer anything that will affect the game flow to live servers without any data.