Demand to be shown MMR

Show us the MMR value, you can hide the system details to avoid abuse, that is fine but show us our MMR and show us the other players in lobby MMR.
Prove this system is working because i do not believe it is, before this new system i had hard games, hard because the killer was red rank, even in skill, same said for my team, i went in knowing my team had my back.
now, i get megheads, too terrified to move, leaving you to die on first hook, claudettes self caring against legion with sloppy and thana, like cmon BHVR, you are making it very difficult to justify playing this garbage fire
just saw on Otz stream, he had a meg with 6 hours of playtime in his lobby, not a smurf, she got dunked, looks like the system is yet another failure
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I agree that there should be something visible to see where we and the other players stand at.
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The system takes awhile to place you where you belong. But if those killers were too hard for you then obviously the system isn't gonna place you against them.
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never said they were too hard, i just said they WERE hard, i play solo surv, obviously the red rank games aren't a cake walk
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also played a lot of games since it dropped, still getting megheads
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For me i started solo play with bot teammates but after a few games the matches got better and after a few hundred matches im only getting skilled teammates and killers
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The devs never stated 10 games, just because other games base on 10 games doesnt mean this one does. These devs try there best but obviously are not as skillful as bigger game companies that base it off 10 games
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Are you on pc?
Bc MMR only dropped yesterday... so a few hundred matches?
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System not working for me after 17 Games. Megheads and low skill Killers.
Edit: Match 18. A R1 Killer A16,16,17 and me R1 matches as u can imagine....
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Literally every dev that talked about it said something about taking 10 games to balance out
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i pay their wages, i think i am, thanks for your useless input tho, always good to have a chuckle to lighten the mood
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The few hundred comment was about xbox but i do play on pc as well. And ps4. I think I've done about 15 matches on pc since yesterday but my ranks even on pc are currently mid tier and getting better.
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I realize my mistake, but these devs have been notoriously unreliable on information in the past so i assume for most players it will take a lot more then 10.
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Well I have at least 30 matches at this point and this is how it is looking like for me (I'm playing solo)
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As i stated the devs clearly lowballed the 10 matches.
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It's clearly not working, at all.
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Not working at all!
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yeah, it's flopping all over for me, good killers, newbie killer, but the constant is newbie survs, some games have another decent surv but theres always one or two survs who are clearly new to the game, just had a game where the killer could barely land a hit on any of us, like wth
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to me, it feels like there is no MMR, it's just a random casual free for all
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If it was a random casual free for all queues would be faster lol
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haha good point, can't argue with that, its just how it feels from my experience
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It feels so random because one game youll have good team mates and the next there brand new its like win or lose, these pairing cant be based off skill.
I agree they should should us something similar to our rank emblem now. How are we suppose to tell who were going against if we cant see anybodies score?
Devs cant just say your rank emblem means nothing anymore so dont pay attention to it and were basing everything off some score nobody can see.
How are we suppose to work at getting getter at the game if we cant see a goal to get to? Thats why we play to get to rank 1, or at least why i play.
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there's no harm to show us our MMR value, i understand keeping the scoring algorithm secret, makes sense, but we need to see if we are in a lobby of lower skilled players, They don't even need to show us the exact value if they are so skittish about abusers, show us an icon, a color, something to show that my team are around the same skill as myself
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But now, seriously... Do you really think that spending (let's guess pretty high) 200 bucks on a game is enough to demand anything?
You are not their boss. You don't pay their wages. You bought a license to play the game they develop, that's it.
The simple idea that if you paid to play the game, you have this kind of position above the developers and the rest of the staff reflects pretty much why good part of this community is toxic as #########.
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i've played for 3 and a half years, bought every DLC, bough alot of skins and buy the rift pass, it's not entitlement to want to be treat like a respected customer rather than a feeling of being shafted with a miserable playing experience, i love this game, but they have screwed up, we have the right to push our own views and ideas, when i say demand, thats a misnomer for vote up and garner attention because we care where this game goes, if you have a counter argument on why we shouldn't be able to see our skill level or the skill level of others then share, you have every right i do
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I've been having more afk wraiths in a corner than anything else as survivor. People just throwing their killer rank to pub stomp. What's worse as that as being red rank, things need to actually happen in a game to go neutral, so I've been depiping while getting easy escapes. Is that MMR up? Down?
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I agree. It's not entitlement to want to be treated like a respected customer.
But to say things like "i pay your wages", "i demand to be shown this or that info", and phrases that imply the staff owes you something larger than respect is the DEFINITION of entitlement. Making suggestions, and even giving criticism is not a problem at all. But that over the top attitude is totally a expression of exaggerated self-entitlement very present on toxic fandoms.
I don't have a counter argument because i also think it would be nice to have access to our MMR. I made a MM/Pip system overhaul suggestion some time ago, and it was pretty similar to what they have done, but on my idea you would be able to see your score by monthly rank updates.
But I don't think anyone can demand things to be done their own way. After all, we all bought the game, DLCs, skins, rift passes. It doesn't make our opinion or ideas more important.
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I hate the comment they made that the rank is not real indication of skill but rather just playtime where red ranks are those who play a lot and anyone else just plays less and that's what gets you to different ranks, not skill. This is total boggus. My gf and I play a lot of dbd together and despite her being on my side playing with me every time and me teaching her the ways of the red rank, she has been unable to rise through the ranks - not because of her play time, she got plenty, but because she does not perform well in the matches well enough to climb the rank ladder - Very understandable and that's how it should be.
This new system is a complete chaos that ignores skill and favors something that the MMR thinks is "balanced".
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Then until they fix their game, expect more bugs ontop of old existing bugs. Expect even more DCing because people don't want to play bullshit. Yes. We are an entitled community. Wanting answers for changes that no body in their right mind wanted, was a mistake, and still haven't fixed the problems.
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yeah well said, my experience has floored, it's utterly miserable now, but i'm entitled for asking for any better aren't i, doesn't matter that i've supported the devs as much as i can, i'm just.... entitled
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In my case, to be fair, the game has almost completely changed since i purchased the game 4 years ago.
My experience is also floored. I cannot take a single game seriously, as post games show laughable ranks and hours in comparison regardless of the role i play. I'm just farming for BP at this point after reading they said they got a positive response from the last update.