Welcome to Day 2 of Utter Garbage Matchmaking

I had to stop playing yesterday because all my games were with Brown rank teammates vs Red Rank killers.
Today - exactly the same. 2 games with immediate DCs by teammates who are brown ranks. Last Game was Me (Rank 2 now), a Rank 6 and two Rank 20s vs a Rank 3 killer.
This is almost 20 games in.
Not only this... but on PS4 SWF isn't working properly. We don't get each other's invites. And we can't even back out of our own lobby to go to the main menu where you can choose to play killer. We're just stuck solo in a lobby and can't SWF.
This game would be so great with some quality devs.
Seriously - Criticism creates growth opportunities. If MMR is not working, they need to fix it. This development team has more fumbles than touchdowns lately. They need to get their heads out of their butts or hire better ones. I don't have to be a developer to know the game is turning into a chaotic mess. Auras, MMR, dozens of bugs, yeah - they deserve criticism.
Post edited by Rizzo on55 -
so what I heard from you is that I should play killer on my ps4pro for now, and maybe actually start a savefile on it since I never touched it there due to lack of pc progress transfer... rather than keep dealing with the kind of matches I've had as killer on pc the past few days. I'm no longer buying costumes for any killer that I don't plan to afk for as long as I play to at least attempt to maintain some potential of having any fun with it, otherwise it's gonna be a waste of money. no more potatoes will fill out partial (duo or trio) swf lobbbies any longer if you play a killer too much. You will hit a point where it becomes a total waste of time or you'll feel as if you should be getting paid to play it. Other people who works as entertainers, providing entertainment to other people get paid for their work... why shouldn't you?
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Please stop complaining about that. People have been asking for MM changes for for ages, now it's done. But don't expect it to be perfect the day they release it. Damn
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If people don't give feedback (be it positive or negative), things don't improve.
Negative feedback it's still feedback.
Post edited by Rizzo on22 -
I've seen constructive criticism.
You also see a lot of positive criticism when it comes to things who are being worked on nicely. Unfortunately, matchmaking isn't the best right now, and people have been showing proof of it.
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Being silent is being complacent. If there's a problem, people should voice their opinion about it.
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I've been getting Rank 1-3's today, regularly as Leatherface. I'm Rank 1. I've been playing Leatherface only and it went from 20's and 7's yesterday to straight Rank 1's-3's today. It's already starting to work for me. I switched to Freddy and got a few Rank 17's for a few matches but it's slowly going down so just plow through them for 2-3 days and see what happens.
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Ranks. Don’t. Matter. Any. More
Ranks do not depict anything but how long you have been playing, NOT how good you are
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This MMR is in bad shape already and was introduced to a game that currently has a graphics issue (piss-poor aura remake) that has broken the game for many players, myself included, and numerous bugs greatly impacting game play. This is like watching the Goonies rob a bank. It's entertaining, but not working.
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But experience absolutely does matter at a certain point. I can't think of a worse matchmaking idea than to place rank 20 survivors against a 2000 hour killer main like myself. That's so far beyond insane. I can win a game as Nurse without blinking against them
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Yep. I am a red rank survivor with over 2k hours, and I've been matched with rank 17-20 teammates and red rank killers all day. One match in particular, all 3 of my teammates had less than 5 hours on the game and the red rank killer massacred us all. It sucks going into a match with noob teammates, but I mostly feel bad for my teammates because it's got to be discouraging to play against a red rank killer when you have less than 5 hours play time in the game.
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This Mmr is so stupid. How does one calculate skill on a game like this. Where one killer is using op addons and a mori. Then the next killer is using weak addons and has a close game where maybe 1 or 2 people escape.
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Yeah. Changes need to made that draw people in, not push them away.
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Rank 20 with1 perkMe(Solo) and my team:
Purple Rank with4 perks (Including DS)Yeah, i guess my skill was not good enough. I can't believe i was potato player all along
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They are still the best barometer of a players skill, given the deliberate decision to hide MMR. And it is extremely clear that good players are being matched against bad ones even more so than normal.
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I mean the MM system was already trash before this. As a rank 20 killer all i would get in more then half my matches would be agaisnt red and purple ranks. Even with this new system nothing has changed except getting a little more rank 15-20s
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Sorry but this whole patch and update and system they introduced the past few days/weeks made the game the least enjoyable it has ever been.
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Crumbs. Even more glad I didn't op for the rift pass this time around.
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Yeah, just like dedicated servers, right?
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Except killers never asked for these garbage servers. It has been an improvement for survivors, but definetly not for killers
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Remembering, again for like the 1.500th time. The color ranks aren't an equivalent of how good that survivor/killer plays, but mostly how often he plays.
And let's move to another developer message right there.
Move to the path we want to know:
The most obvious thing you will see when the new system is active is that there will be a greater variation of Ranks in a single match. Rank 1s playing Rank 20s? It’s possible, don’t panic when you see this, as Ranks are not a true indicator of a player’s skill and are no longer used for matchmaking.
Im rank 12 as a killer, got my rank 1 time ago, im rank 4 survivor, got my rank 1 time ago too. Actually im rank 12 facing red ranks after my games of queue to the MMR got set. Im a beast with the Legion, but poorly as a Nurse even i played like a lot for a challenge i did.
Do you know what? In my Nurse, i have decent survivors, but not too much skilled, what allows me to learn progressively.
TL;DR: MMR works flawlessly good. People still complains about the color ranks or played hours instead of true ability. In too many games i have 2-4 SWF and atleast 1 or 2 of them are just people that do gens and escape, but don't know how to play with the killer. That means: search those guys and make your game easier.
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It doesn't take a genius to know that players with less then 50 hours in general don't have any chance against killer with over 1k hours.
Regardless of which killer is used, all will be demolished. They should never be matched together even while calibrating the system.
I actually started to feel bad when I play as red ranked survivor against yellow ranked killer or red ranked killer against bunch of rank 20's.
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So would you say that a rank 20 and a rank 1 are usually comparable in skill level?
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there is no way to tell as someone who took some time off could be a rank 20 now due to rank reset. yes RANK doesn't mean anything... they flat out said any potato with enough games can be rank 1. it means nothing.
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The rank 20 survivors going against my rank 1 killer seem to disagree with you 🤔
Like it or not, Rank is a decent indicator of playtime which is also an indicator of skill, like many other rep systems. Until I can see ratings, I have no other way to determine a player's skill level. There will be exceptions to any rule.
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rank isn't a decent indicator of skill or they wouldn't be replacing it.
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Is playtime a decent indicator of skill?
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absolutely not. do people with skill have a decent amount of time. but having 2k hours being potato still makes you a potato.
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So you would be okay with going against people with a thousand times more hours than you no matter what?
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can you read? obviously not because that is not close to what i said. game time =/= skill, rank =/= skill. and i really don't care because i know that i am average at the very very best. i am not some delusional kid who thinks they are top 5% when they hit rank 1 when any potato can hit rank 1 with enough games.
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All these complaints kind of annoy me because us XBOX PLAYERS have been suffering and it seems nobody listened or cared. Hell I made a post and just had people be lile oh its fine. It takes a couple matches. Their ranks dont matter anymore. Like yeah ranks do freaking matter im sorry but unless you choose to stay at green ranks or you're just really good at games my 800+ red rank is going to be better than you and don't get me started in brown ranks. It does get better though SLOWLY AND PAINFULLY. This shouldn't surprise anyone and also it never fully works as to what I've seen
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There seems to be a hell of an influx of new players to the game. Every matchmaking thread tells of soo many new players, i wonder what did cuase those influx...
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They absolutely do still matter since the new system has been out for only two days, and I haven't seen any threads about "hallelujah my MMR is perfectly calibrated." So yeah, player rank is still the only barometer we have. And yeah someone who's lucky can rank up a few levels beyond their skill level, but definitely not 15 or 20. I don't see many red ranks making rank 20 mistakes. Be reasonable. The margin of error is likely 4-5 ranks at most.
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Idk, it's hard to understand what you're saying because your grammar is so bad. So you are saying you would rather not go against someone with many more hours than you? I thought playtime didn't indicate skill.
Would it be better to say that there is a high correlation between play time and skill with minimal outliers?
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So if a person like me gets served a burnt steak at a restaurant which he paid 18€ for he should shut up because he can't cook and never worked in his life?
Some seriously flawed logic right there.
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Good analogy.
It's daily business for pretty much everyone. For example at your job you are supposed to provide content of good quality, that's all that matters. YOU are supposed to do that work, it's what you've been hired for so if you provide poor quality then you're not doing your job properly. It doesn't matter if the HR-woman couldn't do it better, she never applied for that.
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I dont really expect the match making to be amazing upon release but this stuff has been long coming for a while, so I understand your frustration...
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I'd rather play with a red ranked survivor rather than a yellow ranked one anyday. Usually the red ranked survivor had to spend the time to get to that rank, they might not be a looping god, but they'll most likely understand the game mechanics more than a yellow ranked survivor.
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How many games has that been? Because my first guess would be 'more than 10'.
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I can actually predict now, if Im going against high ranks or low ranks.
If my lobby fills instantly ill get high ranks, if it takes some time to fill the lobby, its low rank.
This theory now holds across dozens of games, curious if its happening to others.
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Ofc they're not and he knows that. Hes just toeing the devs talking points.
Even if this does all play out , its definitely more than the 10 games narrative we were fed.
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Aside from the fact that a customer is literally entitled to a good product after paying money.
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Now, every game, as i purple non try had rank killer, i face 3-4 man red rank swf, in every, single, game. Now i will dodge every 3 man SWF. I'm not lazy to check steam profiles. Now matchmaking even more broken then before. Me, 400 hour player mathced with 6k hour survivors - it means they bad? Thanks BHVR.
Example: I bring mori against four man swf. Two of them depip from rank 1.
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While people say "rank doesn't matter" it at least means you can pip in your games to "win" via the emblem system. And that consitutes a win.
Brown rank players, dont play good enough to pip regularly they are learning still IMO.
Sure rank doesnt matter, but pipping sure does, it shows you know how to play at least.
IF you are too scared to go for hooksaves, you aint pipping.
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Exactly. Looking at Dead By Daylight, a rather simple game that asks for well over 100$ with all the DLCs;
It shouldn't be too much to ask for a relatively bug free game with a proper ranking / matchmaking system and acceptable balance.
The game and it's DLCs sell pretty well so BHVR should have more than enough money to hire competent developers to clean up the mess.
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Since my recent move to PC from ps4...I've gone against tons of red rank survivors even before the MMR... red rank has a lot of ppl that do not belong in red rank.
I'm just an avg killer...but damn, PC has a lot of survivors that don't belong in red rank. I've encountered brown rank survivors on ps4 that play better than what i've encountered on PC.
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What about skill being a decent indicator of skill? Its been very obvious of the skill differences between players in many of my matches since the update. From seeing killers unable to deal with loops and getting bullied (and I mean bullied; I've seen survivor teammates tbagging them, flashlight blinding, crouching behind them to block them, all the wonderful behaviour you get from certain aspects of the community) for 5 gens, to survivor teammates crouching around not touching gens while a crack-shot huntress snipes them across the map. Then in post-game you see they're brown ranks with a few hours on record vs. red ranks with hundreds or thousands.
Whilst rank is by no means a surefire method of assessing skill, it's a little naive to dismiss the likelihood that brown rank players with few hours of play might struggle against red rank players with many hours of play. And while I understand it may be the new system needs time and further development to calibrate it, there's a lot of new players in the meantime having some pretty miserable games.
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yesterday I quitted bc of 3 rank 3 killers in a row, and rank 19 teammates, today first match, rank 3 spirit and a billy that just bought the game, balanced btw
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Okay, nobody cares...i know...me neither, so i will just leave this game for a while...
Gameplay is just simply garbage now, no fun, no reason to play.
Rank does not mean anything. We know that. It never did.
They had more than 4 years to fix the matchmaking. They failed.
Now, they "can confirm that" rank does not mean anyting.
Well, you need a little bit better excuses if you would like to hide your incompetent performance through those 4 years.
I would say just make it random (would be better than anything you did), but i dont think you are capable to do it.
They are not even trying anymore, we get what we get, thats the message.
They can bypass our complains, sure, ignorance never solved any problems of the human history.