Question for the Youtube Q&A



  • Sziosis
    Sziosis Member Posts: 198

    Will there be any new offerings anytime soon? Also a killer offering to prevent the hatch spawn at the cost of a generator would be a nice addition.

  • El_Sneako
    El_Sneako Member Posts: 21

    When can we expect to see the hex totem rework we were promised during the hag "buff"? I have pinned several steam discussions from someone claiming to be a dev working on it saying it was coming, but I have yet to see any word on it since the last year

  • Crythor
    Crythor Member Posts: 296

    Are you aware that you introduced a blink/teleport deadzone in the bathroom area in the game map with patch 2.2.0 and when can we expect a fix for it?

  • LRGamer
    LRGamer Member Posts: 160
    Please give the Doctor sleeves so I can make more puns
    Also have you considered increasing the Dream Transition but make Freddy be able to walk through obstacles
    it would make sense with him lore-wise since he isn’t existing in the real world so barriers shouldn’t affect him
    And please make him be able to grab Survivors of Generators
  • Markos
    Markos Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2018

    Hello great people!

    I have 2 simple questions. I play on PS4 btw.

    1. Will there ever by an option for color blind? Sometimes i can hardly see the trails from the players and more issues.

    2. When i play survive with friends, and we play with 4 people, in the afternoon ( EU time ), everthing is working great, but when it is getting dark, we wait for 15 - 20 minutes to find a lobby. Why is this?

    Thank you,


  • kiritoshenpai
    kiritoshenpai Member Posts: 11
    edited October 2018

    Will you put any outfits that are season wise like summer:swimsuits ,winter:coats covered with snow

  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    edited October 2018
    When can we expect a buff/rework for Leatherface and what will be the most likely changes?
    Post edited by ChesterTheMolester on
  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    People seem to have issues with the match making can we adjust it so the lowest ranked person (1) is who determines the rank of the killer. This may stop many of the complaint threads on the forum and at end game.

  • Marvett
    Marvett Member Posts: 159
    edited October 2018

    Do you have a plan to make survivors more unique?

  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    Hey, guys.
    What are your ideas so far for slowing the games down? I think secondary objectives are a really good way to address the issue and I was wondering if you guys had anything planned. Should we expect any changes in the near future? Thanks for reading.

  • xChrisx
    xChrisx Member Posts: 917
    When will be fixed the totems issue? Its very unfair too play with only 3 perks later 20 seconds because one survivor spawn next to him. 

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946

    Why is there no official support for voice com in the game?
    As it is right now the devs implemented SWF as a response to the community.
    They even whitelisted 3th party programs for the survivors so they can use voice com.
    Right now 70% of the games are having SWF groups in any combination in them.
    Only 30% of the matches are like the game was originally intended.
    Why is it so hard to accept that fact and implement it into the game officially?
    The devs could redesign the killer role for the voice com and let the rest, who don't want to use voice, play hardcore mode if they want.
    As I understand it, without killers no game, because killers are hosting the game, so it should be admirable for them to face SWFs.
    All what I have read so far supports strongly to implement voice so the game can officially change for the better or acknowledge the problem.
    If that is not possible please consider,that in my opinion the majority of the killers would feel better, if there is an official statement that SWF using voice is cheating but their hands are bound to do something against it and they have no way to find a solution.
    If that is the state of the game the killers can accept this and decide to play with it or, like one of the devs stated, play another game like ciV.
    With such a statement they would shut down any further discussion of that topic and we as a community could move on and focus on other stuff.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    edited October 2018

    Are there any plans on reworking the bonus Bloodpoint perks/addons?
    Right now, We´re gonna live forever and BBQ give the points after the match.
    But Distressing, Thrill of the Hunt, No one left behind, and the addons for Trapper, Hillbilly, Wraith and Leatherface give the points during the match.

    Which results in weird combinations like Distressing + "the beast" on Wraith gives 2.200 bloodpoints in deviousness per hit. Meaning 4 hits = max points.

  • Weepeme
    Weepeme Member Posts: 56
    Can you guys please increase the obscuring range from boil over and to remove the notification from the killer perspective?
  • Kalec84
    Kalec84 Member Posts: 495

    Why are you making the changes to chaser? there are a lot of situations were staying near the hook is literally necessary for the killer and you are punishing him for that.
    Like at open gates, or with more than on survivor on near hooks. or literally whan other survivors are sworming the hooked survivor to farm him.
    Can you explain us this choice?

  • N3xium_Crash
    N3xium_Crash Member Posts: 9

    I am curious to get details on how the current save system works? Is the save still local or stored remotely server side? It has been a while as far as I can tell since my local save file has updated (I would guess around the same time you guys added the auto-save red icon in-game).

  • Mashtyx1
    Mashtyx1 Member Posts: 188
    So will the blight stuff be in the store or cosmetic unlocks only?
  • franticpig29
    franticpig29 Member Posts: 102
    edited October 2018

    Are you going to make it where when survivors die they can't see the killers perks and ad ons till end of game? So that SFW can't tell the others what perks the killer has when they die.

    Post edited by franticpig29 on
  • CroesoG
    CroesoG Member Posts: 16

    Are there any updates on the end-game scenario? Do you have any footage to show us :3

  • oooK3NJ1ooo
    oooK3NJ1ooo Member Posts: 81
    What do you thing about a hardcore Dbd Mode? For exampel:
    Killers have 0 Terrorradius.
    Survivors have no selfe care etc.

  • glitterfox3033
    glitterfox3033 Member Posts: 5
    This may seem stupid but I'm really into nail polish and nail art and one of the reasons I fell In love with dead by daylight was exploring the cosmetics of all the girl characters and looking at their nails. So before the 2.0.0 update the Phoenix polo for  feng min came out and her nail polish was Golden but after the update her nails was changed to teal for that polo also her hands look like it's plaster was this intentional or was this a bug? 
  • LRGamer
    LRGamer Member Posts: 160
    edited October 2018
    What about giving The Doctor an Ultra Rare Add-On that inverts The Controlls of Survivors in Madness level 3
  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    We had no news about Freddy's rework for the mid chapter patch. Is it still possible for him to receive said rework before the patch goes live, or will we have to wait more?

  • Mymomisawesome0
    Mymomisawesome0 Member Posts: 1

    Is dropping a survivor to avoid flashlight stun save / pallet stun save an exploit?

  • Soren
    Soren Member Posts: 369

    One year ago, we failed the community event "Fall Masquerade". Rewards were supposed to be for Huntress, and, I believe, David.

    What happened to these cosmetics? Were they released later in Store or with the Howling Grounds event?

  • azazer
    azazer Member Posts: 446
    You have said from the beginning (dev diaries 3) camping is a legit strategy, yet once again have turned to actively punishing camping, this timetime  your new point penalty system. So my question is this:
    Why not make devour hope base game play. It would give the killer role the power boost that that half of the community craves by rewarding hooks and giving the killer a reason to want the survivor to be unhooked thus ending the camping the survivors complain about.
    If this is a viable solution fine, if not what is your reasoning?

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