Question for the Youtube Q&A



  • Thatbrownmonster
    Thatbrownmonster Member Posts: 1,640

    does the entity pay taxes?

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    1.Are you guys gonna improve the perks for counter the toxic behaviour such as tunneling?
    2.Are you guys gonna improve the perks such as: spies from the shadows, surveillance, alert, saboteur etc

  • Hail_to_the_King
    Hail_to_the_King Member Posts: 183
    1. Where's the Decisive Strike Nerf?
    2. Any plans on toggle bloody presrige?
    3. Current Freddy plans?
    4. Balancing totem spawn locations?
    5. Hillbilly and Leatherface addons rework?
    5 Where's the Decisive Strike Nerf?
    6. What's happening with Whispers?
    7. Where's the Decisive Strike Nerf?
  • Supernaut
    Supernaut Member Posts: 1,532
    What were the hints/ clues for "the spirit" s identity? We all looked pretty closely!!!!
  • Cake1100
    Cake1100 Member Posts: 80

    Are you ever going to make new merchandise? If so, any dates planned? Are the prices ever going to drop for them too?

  • C4Garuda
    C4Garuda Member Posts: 198
    1. Where's the Decisive Strike Nerf?
    2. Any plans on toggle bloody presrige?
    3. Current Freddy plans?
    4. Balancing totem spawn locations?
    5. Hillbilly and Leatherface addons rework?
    5 Where's the Decisive Strike Nerf?
    6. What's happening with Whispers?
    7. Where's the Decisive Strike Nerf?
    Someone didnt read the rules lol one question baka
  • douggie123
    douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316

    Is there going to be an upcoming double bloodpoints event.
  • PyroGL
    PyroGL Member Posts: 239
    Did your stats guy get fired?  We haven't had stats on steam in a long time.  Would be nice to get some updated info on kill rates (per killer), perk usage rates etc..
  • Jesya
    Jesya Member Posts: 1,101

    Can you please tell us what clues you left for us to figure out the new killer.

  • Trial_By_Scythe
    Trial_By_Scythe Member Posts: 65

    Are there plans to release survivor/killer avatars for Playstation players, or possibly a dynamic theme?

  • ItzSoulz
    ItzSoulz Member Posts: 368
    edited August 2018

    Do you have plans for a Halloween / Winter event?

  • Padauts
    Padauts Member Posts: 1

    Hey everyone.
    In a video a few month ago (might have been the first Q&A, but im not sure) Mr. Cote was asked the question on how to reduce the bloodweb grind. His answer was that the current system does not work as well as in the beginning with just three Killers and four Survivors so he wants it to change.
    Are there any updates on this as of now?
    Keep up the good work and dont forget to smile.
    Have a nice day.

  • COSSO03
    COSSO03 Member Posts: 2

    Why don't you make sure the generators have to be repaired on each side?
    You could do this by putting a percentage of repair on each side of the generator to make sure who the survivor to repair it completely should move every time he complete a side.
    thanks for reading!:)

  • LadyGamerX
    LadyGamerX Member Posts: 28

    What an interesting Q&A (#4). Love all the ideas, but I do hope there isnt a change to the grind for perks. I think its part of what makes the game and shouldnt be changed.
    A couple suggestions after listening to the ideas in the Q&A: 1. A hex perk that makes skill checks randomly do a reverse check (counterclockwise). 2. A perk for Freddy that brings ALL survivors still alive into the dreamworld once the last gen pops (maybe an obsession if you let the obsession live it triggers?)
    Last one.... Rock Paper Scissors for Hatch Standoffs when? Hahaha ;)

    You guys are awesome. Keep it up.

  • not_pseudo
    not_pseudo Member Posts: 9

    In regards to making the survivors experience more engaging when they are being camped, and giving them more options. Have you considered increasing the chance of getting yourself off the hook when in the killers terror radius? And if they do succeed in getting themselves off the hook in the killers terror radius, they could maybe get a short Endurance effect, as if they were saved with Borrowed Time. The Killer could also get special effects when this occurs, as they are invigorated to catch their prey. E.g Haste effect, faster attack cool-downs, faster stun times, etc. Anyway, I hope you see this and thanks for reading if you do.

  • Andy111777
    Andy111777 Member Posts: 62

    If nothing is changed to the new character's perk Deliverance during the PTB, will there be changes made to Slippery Meat?

  • JoLo
    JoLo Member Posts: 108
    edited August 2018

    Will you ever make the game balanced for 4, 3, 2 or 1 remaining survivors? The power of the survivors depends on how many they are. The higher a rank the more powerful are 4 survivors. 3 remaining survivors seem mostly balanced. 2 remaining survivors don't have a realistic chance to win without a key or a big toolbox. And you already know: The killer can't do anything useful with an open hatch than standing near it.

    My idea:

    Post edited by JoLo on
  • JustAKillerPug98
    JustAKillerPug98 Member Posts: 1

    How come when people asked for Pennywise as a killer we were told no cause of clown phobias and then come out with a killer called "The Clown"?

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    What do you guys think about a fifth perk slot for Killers, even if it's only for Hex perks? Ruin is nearly mandatory at higher ranks because of how fast the Survivors complete the generators. On top of that, the totem spawns are not that good, which leads to Survivors quickly finding and destroying the totem (sometimes the totem gets destroyed in less than a minute). This leads to Killers being forced to play with only three perks, which can make the game much harder to win. This doesn't have to be a permanent change though. When you guys are able to fix totem spawns and make games last longer without the use of a perk, then you guys can remove the fifth perk slot if makes Killers too OP.

  • emiejayne
    emiejayne Member Posts: 2
    Cancelling the action for searching through chests takes quite a long time, so if the killer sees you searching through a chest you’re more than likely getting hit because of how long it takes to stop searching through it. Any thoughts about making this quicker? 
  • Acroyear
    Acroyear Member Posts: 33
    edited September 2018

    Can i do couple qestions?) I'll try to be short.
    0. What do u think about No mither buff like no exhaustion. win-win kinda: unlimited noed for killer, unlimited sprint recover for surv.
    1. Do u have plans for re-color glowing? for example obsession will be purple or orange, eye perk - green or something like that. For survs obsession glows with orange, unbreakable - purple, borrow time - green. mixed build = pink e.t.c.
    2. Any plans for prevent farming from teammates? like prevent unhook button (channeling) for hooked player.
    3. When can we expect changes about hatch standoff?
    4. Can we expect different animations for mori? even if it will cost some currency.
    5. Any plans for texture buff (not effects. so weak system no changes, strong - HD textures)?

    Post edited by Acroyear on
  • HUNK_666
    HUNK_666 Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2018

    Hi! First of all, thank you for all the effort you are all making to balance the game. Wraith is now more viable and me and my brother are excited to see the re-work of Freddy.
    Now, my question is: Do you guys already thought about "nerfing" SWF? Personaly, I play as both survivor and killer. But with the recent Meta, SWF is too powerful and sometimes it's very frustrating to play against. Things such as coordination, comunication and perk/object strategy is making me use Killers that I really don't want to, like Hillblilly, I really don't like him but in higher ranks is a "must pick". And I thank God, that Myers is still really good. I don't know, maybe putting a debuff in the time needed to get the gens done if your are in SWF?, depending on how many players are in the party, maybe?

  • Qazaeiou
    Qazaeiou Member Posts: 1

    Good evening, I was wondering if prizes for ranked positions at the end of each season would be possible?
    i had heard they were in your minds but they seem to have vanished from public view. Ranking up isn't fulfilling and there is no incentive to reach rank 1, therefore when i que up the waiting times are completely different than when i hang around rank 10. Even something like blood points would make it seem as a goal, apart from getting the steam achievement the first time you get it and never mattering again. Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day.

  • ArcticRage
    ArcticRage Member Posts: 27
    edited August 2018
    Players on all platforms suffer from framerate issues, but console seems to get hit the worst. Mind elaborating on what optimizations you have been working on since you have seen this problem? Is it possible for console to also get a graphics option to maybe reduce this problem?
  • EseLatino02
    EseLatino02 Member Posts: 1
    Would you ever consider making hex totems an object that could be planted by a killer in a location of their choosing like traps and hag traps? This way its not a pre determined spot that survivors could maybe memorize.
  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    I have a question/suggestion but since we all know survivors on pc and console I'm guilty of one game and still barely survived talk to each other though out of game means why not have a system in check that limits there ability to coop gens together meaning if a 4 party of friends jumped in they would all have to work alone or without talking and the only helping they can do is healing and unhooking each other or as alot of people have asked have a proxy chat that way you can have lookouts/we can warn our teammates about camper's
  • SC3PTR3
    SC3PTR3 Member Posts: 2

    First post here on DBD Forums. Just a quick question as far as console players. I know that many games, including DBD, are more focused on PC's. I would just like to know if Behaviour has any plans to permanently bring Consoles up to level with PC or at least make the attempt if anything. Another question that came to mind is, what are your thoughts on The Clowns current set up? I enjoy the idea of The Clown but I hear from many friends that his power needs some sort of reworking or buffs. IE, the coughs aren't noticeable, Survivors still seem to be able to work even after being afflicted with The Afterpiece Tonic.

  • Mieko
    Mieko Member Posts: 1

    How about new Offerings which gives the Match something more than only making the Moon dark, or bright. How about Offerings where it can rain (like in Red Forest) or where it can give you bad weather like Thunder, Lightingstrikes (giving a similiar thunder sound like a destroyed Hex: Totem). Just to give the Match more feeling to it. You decide rather it becomes a purple or pink offering.

  • Lukaku
    Lukaku Member Posts: 1

    **Hey there,

    I was asking myself, what will happen when we have to much Killer & Survivor which gives us to many Perks and some will be really OP. Will you add a "Perk Ban System" in the feature? Where Survivors and Killer can Vote 1 Perk to be disabled the whole Match?**

  • Blacktail_Games
    Blacktail_Games Member Posts: 1

    Dear devs,
    Survivors who disconnect and rage quit are extremely annoying. Because of such players, the rest of the team suffers and often the game for the survivors is lost. Is it possible to punish such players harder? Only the loss of pips does not matter to many players. My suggestion is: These players should lose a percentage of their bloodpoints and this loss will be split and credited to the remaining survivors of the team at the end of the game. Bloodpoints are the only way to level up characters and the loss of the points hurts more than just the loss of pips. What do you think about this idea?

    Greetings from Germany

  • Sarief
    Sarief Member Posts: 543

    Are there any plans to fixing the looping exploit?

    brief explanation: survivors have smaller collision boxes. That allowed them to travel through places where killer couldn't and allows them to travel much faster around objects than possible for killer. If there is pallet, they can loop you for infinitely.
    People call that pallet looping, as it takes roughly 4 circles to get closer to survivor that uses the exploit and makes it impossible to do with killers of lower base speed.

  • M1ghtyM4x
    M1ghtyM4x Member Posts: 85
    With The Nightmare rework, being that it's similar to what your doing with the nightmare, instead of just people falling asleep and still running around in their body why not create a dream body for them and let their real body drop in the real world meanwhile the dream survivor cant be seen by other survivors and they have to make it back to their body before Freddy gets to them.  Also The Nightmare OG cosmetics and Nancy survivor plz.
  • MarkoJeLoseIme
    MarkoJeLoseIme Member Posts: 1


    Quick question that you can read if you have a moment.
    Are there any planned changes to the host of the game? Since for now the killer is the host of the game and that gives him/her advantages, for example no latency and sadly lagswitching. Changing that would make a big difference to for example hitting a survivor when they're already running after vaulting.

    Thank you!

  • wraith_only
    wraith_only Member Posts: 28

    Question About the Wraith Rework:

    In the 2.2 PTB, the Wraith got a change in his uncloak speed curve. The curve got reverted back to the old speed curve before the 2017 December wraith cube. The curve after the cube was made to benefit the windstorm addon to make a smoother and faster feeling on the windstorm since you rise in speed as you finished the uncloak. But now since it is built-in, the curve got reverted back to the old curve.
    My question is did you revert the curve to not make the Wraith feel too strong with the built-in windstorm and smooth curve or is there any other reason?

  • ryosan
    ryosan Member Posts: 9

    For the next discussion, can there be a Horvath flip count graphic? Please?

  • PandaPaw
    PandaPaw Member Posts: 1

    Hey :)
    I play DbD for only a month and i love to play it with my friends, because its so much fun. But the more I played, I thought that somethings is missing, because I was a bit disappointed when you got from Survivor/Killer Rank 20 to 1 you don't get anything as a reward.
    I mean its not necessary for every rank but maybe for reaching Survivor/Killer Rank 15/10/5 and 1, but only 1 time in the season beacuse you can lose the ranks faster then to get it.
    I thought about a little bit of extra bloodpoints or maybe something else, but it's up to your decision.

    Have a nice and shiny day! :)

  • Murlin
    Murlin Member Posts: 15

    I don't use White Ward since release of Franklin, so here's 2 fast question.

    Right now you lose the item if burn Ward and drop for ever the item?
    If yes, You have plans for change it or not?

  • jiminie
    jiminie Member Posts: 200

    Red Flashlight when ?

  • Th3Nightmare
    Th3Nightmare Member Posts: 1,266

    Do you have plans to bring new killers with new mechanics? I mean, they do not have powers similar to the current killers

  • chemical_reject
    chemical_reject Member Posts: 940
    Has there been any discussion among the devs about color blind support settings for our color blind people of the fog?
    YABOIIITOXIC Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2018

    Hi Dead by Daylight Devs, I just wanted to ask about changes that were made awhile back to survivor movement when patch 1.5 came out. Since the changes when controller support came the movement lost its animated feeling and now they are more robotic and it’s just not the same, 1.3 or even 1.4 movement felt a lot more smoother. Could there ever be a possibility to change it back?

    Post edited by YABOIIITOXIC on
  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    Hi me again but I do have another question/suggestion but the huntress and her axes could maby implement a charged axe hitting the head (very hard to do) as a instant knock down I mean if we manage to land that then we should do the damage it would do in most games barring insta kills or hitting there legs means they enter a bleed out state from arteries being hit?
  • Salty_Pearl
    Salty_Pearl Member Posts: 1,367

    Will we ever get unmasked cosmetics of Killers? (Huntress, Nurse, Pig, Trapper, etc.) I think it would be scarier/creepier to see an actual human chase after you but that's just me. :)

  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    Hey, guys.
    I wanted to throw out an idea about how to handle players that disconnect and hear what you think. How about a time ban that grows every time you DC? For example, if you DC you get a five minute ban, then ten, then fifteen, until eventually a ban until the rank reset. I really like this idea because it would discourage disconnecting while not being too hard on someone who's internet might've cut out. Would this be too harsh?
    Thanks for reading.

  • ArcticRage
    ArcticRage Member Posts: 27
    Players on all platforms suffer from frame drops, but console seems to get hit the worst. Mind elaborating on what optimizations you have been working on since you have seen this problem?
  • BabyKitty
    BabyKitty Member Posts: 37
    Would you ever consider avatar and themes for console? Would love to have a dead by daylight theme (not just a picture) as my background.
  • Joe5566
    Joe5566 Member Posts: 20

    Are there some ideas for new game modes for dbd in the near future?

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Will you ever bother balancing the game around SWF?

  • Have you considered making more obsession perks for survivors? Right now, killers have more obsession perks to use than survivors do.

This discussion has been closed.