Question for the Youtube Q&A

PatBrutal Member Posts: 565
edited August 2018 in General Discussions

Hello people of the fog !

Here you will be able to ask your question regarding some Design balance.
After that, the team will choose some of them for the YouTube Q&A.


  • One post per person
  • Spamming is not allowed
  • Troll/off-topic questions will be deleted

Thank you !



  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited August 2018

    What do you think about giving Vigil (that got hit hard by the last change to exhaustion perks) the additional effect of reducing the cooldown of perks such as Alert or Premonition?
    Also, I would like to know your thoughts on the current state of sabotage.

  • JammyJewels
    JammyJewels Member Posts: 611

    Have you ever experimented with specific cosmetics being used to be more/less stealthy? I use Claudette because she is my favourite character just due to her generally anxiety-induced looking self but I love the idea of having darker clothes to hide whilst wearing brighter clothes when I want to distract the killer.

  • thiagogoedert
    thiagogoedert Member Posts: 1


    I have two questions:

    1 - It's very frustrating the delay that takes until you find a lobby with good ping. Do you think to do something to solve this? Dedicated servers will be launched?

    2 - I like to play with my friends and is very frustrating to have to create a lobby every time the game is over. Will this be resolved?

    I'm from Brazil and I don't speak english very much, so sorry for my English.

  • Dr_Trauts
    Dr_Trauts Member Posts: 704
    edited August 2018

    As more and more teachable perks are coming into the game, would you guys consider making more default perks for survivors/killers, also, would you be able to take suggestions from players at some point for perks (and then if these are not balanced, you guys could do it as you see fit to make them so.)?

  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    edited August 2018
    Are there plans to buff the Pig and perks like Streetwise, Leader, Hex: Huntress Lullaby and Fire Up?
  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088

    Lore questions.
    One thing really bother me for long time. Did survivors and killers were transfered to Entity world physically or mentally?
    There is some arguments for both versions, so I can't really decide which one is correct.
    If survivors were transfered physically, it would be fitting with lore, as always no body was found after disappearence. Like, Jake and Doctor.
    If survivors were transfered mentally, it would be fitting with Bill, David Tapp and Pig, since we know that they died in their worlds. There was funeral for David Tapp, Bill's body was seen by other survivors after his death (this also true for Pig, aka Amanda Young). And also, according to L4D lore, Bill was asymptomatic carrier of zombie virus. Long story short, he couldn't turn into zombie, but he still can infect healthy people. So, local zombie-apocalypse would happen, if Bill was transfered physically.

  • Khalednazari
    Khalednazari Member Posts: 1,433
    Are you aware of the bug on ps4 wherein a survivor is not able to move since the beginning of the match?
    Also, the trophy Whiffing to Success is bugged. You score towards it even when the you're not in chase and the killer whiffs as you vault anywhere on the map. I don't think it's intended to work like that.
  • Darkdeadset
    Darkdeadset Member Posts: 7

    Do the survivors have any actual down time around the campfire? Or is it match after match for them? If they do get a breather, would be cool seeing them enjoying a Taco Tuesday or something of the sort at the start up screen. Just throwing it out there.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    White_Owl said:

    What do you think about giving Vigil (that got hit hard by the last change to exhaustion perks) the additional effect of reducing the cooldown of perks such as Alert or Premonition?
    Also, I would like to know your thoughts on the current state of sabotage.

    I like how you think friend.. 
  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    Dear Devs, 

      Currently in the game there are some fairly bad loops in the game that are known as "infinites" ironworks and cowshed are two maps that can be mentioned... has any work been done or is there work in progress to remove these loops from the game?  
  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,203

    Can we get a monthly/alltime leaderboard? Even a simple one would be fun, showing off kill ratios for those that have at least xx amount of games with that killer or an escape ratio for survivors.

    Only count full 4survivor games with no DCs. Eventually maybe you can do something more detailed but for now I'd like to know how the best are doing.

  • AzazelAxios
    AzazelAxios Member Posts: 51
    Any plans to add additional game modes?
  • DaYoguie
    DaYoguie Member Posts: 2
    edited August 2018
    I want know if a seccion only for the lore is posible.

    Thx devs 
    Post edited by DaYoguie on
  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    Are you still working on remaking old and creating new tiles? Can you show us some examples? Some maps like Shelter Woods or Red Forest lack variety.

  • OmegaMer
    OmegaMer Member Posts: 1
    Are the people who got the dlc's before the store update getting something?
  • TheGodfather
    TheGodfather Member Posts: 46
    When you will bring back pink perks??
  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    Hello! My question is a lore-related question.

    How long has the Entity been kidnapping people and taking them into it's realm? Has it been kidnapping us since the beginning of man? Has it taken any other organisms besides just humans?
  • BigAsh123
    BigAsh123 Member Posts: 22

    Is map design something you will be working on to help balance the loops in some maps?

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited August 2018
    Hello amazing developers, I have a question from the previous Q&A thread!

    @not_Queen Have the DbD team tried making a mechanic where in any instance you stop healing, you'll have a steep regression penalty? If they've not tried this idea, could this be a possible nerf to all healing actions instead of just Self Care? I really think this would help out with the Self Care situation and it doesn't punish you for just stopping for a brief moment since you wouldn't have lost much progression!

    Thank You! :)
  • Th3Nightmare
    Th3Nightmare Member Posts: 1,266

    The following question is fairly asked in ranges 1 or half ranges (1-10). The killers in high ranges (1), we suffer that the most experienced survivors repair a generator very easily and if these survivors go in SWF I think that the repair is much easier. A killer aims to chase a survivor while others repair and if this survivor has a strong enough map, the killer suffers too much. In this part, as MClean said to Jendenisse we will have the "rework of the maps - redesign" since possibly the redesign of the maps may give the killers more time to catch the survivors, I do not mean that the killers always have to do 4k.
    Therefore my question is:

    • Will there be changes soon or will you put it on the priority list about any changes to the generators or new targets?
  • Chubster
    Chubster Member Posts: 197

    regarding the creative side of the community who designs clothing ideas for killers/survivors, and people who create new killers/survivors ideas as in new chapters, will there ever be some contests where you can design your own chapter and create clothes for already existing killers/survivors where winners get their submissions featured into the game (maybe for the clothes contest no one is a loser and every existing killer/survivor can get some clothes, maybe some can get more than 1). In short:

    • will there ever be contests where you can put your creativity to the test, and winners will be rewarded with their creations coming to life into the game?
  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    Have you thought about adding colorblind mode? Now after playing the BBQ event it's a fact you can change hook colors, so it would be nice to let us color blindness affected killers choose our own colors for gens, hooks, totems, tracks. Thanks

  • ToBeWolf
    ToBeWolf Member Posts: 1

    First time asking a question here, but there's only three that I'm interested in asking and I hope you don't mind my brief explanation on why I'm asking. I'm speaking from a relative newcomer in actual play, but i've been following the game for a good while now.

    1: Do you think that there should be a punishment in play for an unhooked Survivor, such as a timed penalty to action speed, to give more incentive for the Killer to go away from the hook? As it stands, if the Killer leaves or gets lured and the survivor's unhooked, that's about it and we're back to square one a lot of the time.

    2: I understand wanting to give the Survivors means to better escape the Killer or 'fight back', such as Pallets, Flashlights and Decisive Strike. However, do you feel that, in the case of Decisive Strike, that it's too easy for it to be abused by people at a higher level? I understand that you want to give a Survivor a one-time get-out-of-jail card for a hard skill check, but when a Killer functionally has to double their effort to get a Survivor to a hook, and there's four of them in a single match, it can be a bit much for most Killers to handle.

    3: I understand that this is more a higher level issue, but as it is now generators can be done pretty fast by Survivors working in coordination with Survive With Friends, and while perks like Hex: Ruin and Overcharge can help, it doesn't change the fact that there are games where a Killer simply cannot do anything about it, especially if they're slower or more setup-focused ones like Doctor, Trapper, Pig and they already lost three gens for one hook. Is there any thoughts on changing Progression Speed, or do you feel that this is more complicated than a few numbers?

  • AlphaKinh0077
    AlphaKinh0077 Member Posts: 12
    Will there be cosmetics for Michael and Laurie relating to the new "Halloween" that is releasing in October? 
  • benrdav1
    benrdav1 Member Posts: 6

    Is there a buff for sabo coming, imo it's kind of useless right now.

  • knell
    knell Member Posts: 595

    Can you make a separate mode for SWF and killers with increased buffs, instead of going the "buff solo players and killers to equate SWF" route that you seem to be currently in favor of?

    For many players, I think we enjoy the horror aspect of the game with minimum information on both sides (and its simplicity), rather than the typical multiplayer competitive action games that are already abundant in this field. I think having two separate modes that are independently balanced for each will allow all types of players to enjoy the game, while making them much more balanced overall.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    First off I love the game, but I really wanted to ask;
    In terms of balance and addressing pacing issues, do you have any solid concepts that you feel will improve the play experience ( additional objectives, interactive points to provide info, alternatives to hooking). I know the player base can be demanding when it comes to so called "buffs/nerfs" , but I'd like to hear ideas that don't involve perks.
  • Iceman
    Iceman Member Posts: 1,457
    What do you think about limiting swf loadout? Where no more than one player can use the same perk during a match. And swf perks would be locked in before entering the killer lobby. So it will be impossible to change their perks. This does not affect solo players. 

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    Will you ever add xp boosting offerings?

  • Fres0c0
    Fres0c0 Member Posts: 115
    Why is bloodlust getting nerfed isn’t the point to stop loops and by nerfing bloodlust loops become even longer 
  • Zagrid
    Zagrid Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,000

    How does the design process of new perks or killer abilities work? What do you guys look for or want to do when making new perks for all killers or an ability for a new killer? What goes into consideration and have any perks/abilities been scrapped for not being what was wanted or intended?

  • Judgement
    Judgement Member Posts: 955

    Are you currently working on, or planning to work on, performance optimisation for consoles and lower-end PCs?

This discussion has been closed.