Message for Survivor Mains

Hello fellow survivor mains. I am a survivor main myself and I just wanna say, Let's try to be nicer to the killers who aren't toxic. Ik Both sides of the game have some Toxic People, but to the people who aren't toxic and just are trying to play, Let's try and be nicer to them. Especially if they are newer to playing killer and Don't know what they are doing. Let's try and be kind people to one another. And Ik ik, some killers have certain playstyle's they like that we don't ,but we do as well; have playstyle's we like but they dislike. Let's try and remember that at the end of the day we all Play this game to have Fun. So yeah, Love y'all and be safe out there during these Hard times ✌



  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited August 2020

    Its strange, last week I got pack of survivors tbag clickclick me at the gate before leaving.

    Just to see post game they're all 4 Red vs me Green as a new Plag. with barely any good perk with Tier1

    Then one of them said: sorry

    I know one of them feel bad about being toxic, but they could not being toxic before the Post game.

    As my side toward survivors, if I noted a (or more) survivor is low skill, I will drop them infront their last hook, telling that I gave them another chance.

  • EmpireWinner
    EmpireWinner Member Posts: 1,054


  • AngryFluffy
    AngryFluffy Member Posts: 443

    I'm always beeing nice to both sides. I play both roles eqally and know how certin situations feel like.

    One time I was nice to a killer in chat (he played the game normally, not toxic at all and got a 4k) and he thoght I meant that ironically, because he couldn't believe that there are nice survivors out there. That kinda made me sad tbh.

    If someone is toxic towards me I either just leave or wish them a nice day. Kinda funny how that triggers toxic people sometimes, when you don't start arguing with them :D

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099
  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    I see a lot of nice people on Xbox ngl.

    Also explaining the emoji spam, both said gg and then the other guy spammed some so I did the same.

    First two were being nice and saying gg after I had a bad game with Huntress.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    That is very sweet of you. More of that would make the community a more positive place in general.

  • EmpireWinner
    EmpireWinner Member Posts: 1,054

    Sorry but this post almost seems to cater to killers as if they are the ones that receive negativity "more" than survivors. But nonetheless, I do agree, being nice wouldn't hurt and would benefit the community.

  • vogit10102
    vogit10102 Member Posts: 225

    I always let them kill me if they play fair. So many ru...n campers and other selfish killers

  • Queenuwu
    Queenuwu Member Posts: 10

    as someone who plays both sides but is mostly a survivor main, it saddens me to see people treat nice killers like utter garbage. Sadly the way the game works itll probably always be like that, that should stop you from being a good person tho, glad to see some nice people in the community <3

  • DaFireSquirtle
    DaFireSquirtle Member Posts: 188

    This community needs more survivors like you. I play both and I do notice that as killer you get a lot more toxic messages which happens in every game but especially this one. One time there was this really nice guy who gave me a compliment over xbox messages but I thought he was being sarcastic. Afterwards we both agreed that it's a very sad that I was that used toxicity that I couldn't even recognize a proper compliment. It's a shame the toxic side of community overshadows the positive side.

  • EmpireWinner
    EmpireWinner Member Posts: 1,054
    edited August 2020

    Even so, both parties should consider bringing less "toxicity"

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557

    with the recent MMR I have had more end game chats than normal and its been hugs all around usually LOL

    I feel bad for the new players and want to SWF with them to teach them stuff hahaha

  • Sweet_Feng
    Sweet_Feng Member Posts: 72

    Nah it's easy to play killer. I'm a rin Legion and huntress main and I don't really have problems with getting 4ks. I get good survs too but I guess all the killers that say it's way harder to play killer and surv perks are op are just bad killers.

  • Kikki
    Kikki Member Posts: 536
  • cloudface
    cloudface Member Posts: 93
    edited August 2020

    😕 err, y'know that the toxic teabagging survivors (usually also red rank SWFs) on PS4 regularly send either "gg" or "wp" etc messages to killers post game as trolling bait to be extra toxic right? It's like this boring trolling script they just parot for lulz that starts out seeming nice then they go ultra toxic if you respond or make fun of you if you say "thanks gg to you too" etc in response.

    The added problem is if you call them out they'll pretend they aren't being a toxic troll (because every good troll pretends their not trolling for as long as possible) so you're stuck being unsure. Other day a team of red rank SWFs going clicky clicky, teabagging, trying to bully entire match etc and I didn't camp or tunnel them so all 4 escaped and one hits me up with a "gg" and I was like "Lol, gotta follow that script huh?" and they were "yeah lol" so I told them I wasn't gonna take the bait but I'd make sure I mori'd or facecamp them if I saw them again and they were all "I'm confused?" pfffft.

    Fellow survivors can also be toxic to each other post game on PS4.

  • CL_Crusader
    CL_Crusader Member Posts: 13

    Im a hella nice killer most of the time, if the survivors I play against don't do very good or if I do something that is obviously toxic I give the final survivor hatch. But if the survivors I fight start tee-bagging and taunting and trolling then I just play as toxic as I can right back at them. There's a mutual given respect here that most people don't understand and that's what makes the community so toxic. Many times I get a "thank u <3" message after being a nice killer and I gotta say it feels great when I do.

  • Givemethegame
    Givemethegame Member Posts: 10

    Just ignore people. Just say gg then leave if you don't want toxic messages

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    It's hilarious how this community views healthy interaction as some rare occurrence. I respect your attempt, but toxic people are gonna be toxic and nice people are gonna be nice. The best we can do is not give the toxicity what it wants by making a big deal out of it or being toxic in response. Admittedly it's refreshing to see healthy player interaction on these forums, despite the fact I have usually 5 or more of these interactions a day on dbd(xbox).

  • Ultimategamer62k
    Ultimategamer62k Member Posts: 7

    I am a main with The Hag and I usually get a 4k game, I never really get any messages from survivors. Tbh I message them 😂😂 it just makes me so angry when a toxic survivor decides to loop you around the killer shack for the whole game. It's really annoying, but if that's how they escape and help their team, then I don't have much of a problem with it.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    I've never had a survivor on ps4 send me a gg, usually hatemail is what I used to get.

    But when I played survivor on ps4 I tried to sent to most killers gg <3 because I know why sometimes they had to play the way they played.

  • NinjaDette1
    NinjaDette1 Member Posts: 1,289

    As both a killer and survivor main.The best thing to do is ignore the illiterate individuals.Don’t give them any attention that they want from you.This is why I have messages set to friends only on ps4.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    Went against a trapper who was obviously new. Had one hook all game. So i messeged him. Gg matchmaking sucks lol

    From there got into a long conversation about the game. Answered his questions. Pointed out things he didn't know. He thanked me and i felt better. Im never toxic and almost always send a gg afterwards. Just hope he remembers that. Killer is a long hard road to learn lol

  • TheFatTopHat
    TheFatTopHat Member Posts: 14

    I've only recently started to play killer and maybe it was dumb on my behalf, but I'm starting out with Legion. I've played 5 matches so far and only one have I played where it was a decent game. I even got a positive message. The other 4 matches were just unnecessary flashlight blinds, t-bagging, and post game DM Taunting. I feel like I should stick to Survivor...

  • BlindMole
    BlindMole Member Posts: 649

    I blocked off all messages and friend requests because of toxic survivors, but i do miss these wholesome interactions.

    I do go out of my way to often message killers just to say gg, or encourage a nurse who barely got a hook, and just a nice message to that poor rank 16 who was against all red ranks.

    I know they won't be able to reply since i blocked messages but somehow i hope it brings confort or a smile to their faces, and keeps them playing the game.

  • evil_one_74
    evil_one_74 Member Posts: 312

    We do that. If the killer was good, and played a solid match. We'll give them a thumbs up, and a gg.

  • 0mikeya0
    0mikeya0 Member Posts: 220

    I am already nice to killers and I don't want them to be discouraged from playing any killer, especially nurse. I play on xbox and its a lot harder to play nurse on console. I've sent messages to 'em and have had them say stuff like, "Wow, I was expecting your message to be toxic." People need to be more respectful to each other and that goes for both killers and survivors. Period!

  • TotemsCleanser
    TotemsCleanser Member Posts: 617

    I hate when ppl are toxic with ppl who are clearly new in the game or just aren't very good. What even is the point? Like I can get teabagging or bragging if you faced a very strong player and somehow managed to win but when it's a killer that got very few or no hooks at all and had a hard time at loops...

    My brother has started to play recently and he's mostly interested in playing killer, particularly the Legion and Ghostface. He has had very tough matches because matchmaking sucks right now (always has but now it's even worse), and I've also noticed he makes some mistakes because he has never played as survivor and doesn't think like one, thus failing miserably at predicting what survivors will do. That being said, he has faced quite a bunch of toxic survivors who kept going clicky clicky with their flashlights, or teabagging at every pallet, or waiting until the very last second to simply leave through the exit gates (waiting for him there so that they can teabag a bit more) and while I know the general tendency here is to be like "suck it up lol it's not that horrible grow some skin" ---why? Yeah surely no one is going to die from a little butt dancing but honestly idk why we can't be nicer as a community, specially with those that are clearly less skilled at the game and just want to have a fun time.

  • Technician19XX
    Technician19XX Member Posts: 13

    I got reported playing killer, wraith. I usually get 4ks but on this occasion I had to afk. So before I afked I wandered off into the killer basement cloaked. When I came back I had a survivor tbagging on me. I uncloaked and shook my aim at him. Swung once to get him to bail. I was on an important phone call and didn't want to get distracted by chase music and the like. (I would have left lobby but didn't want hate mail for leaving) but this dude didn't get the picture. Came back and tbagged more and more so once I got off the phone I went after him. I didnt tunnel him. I didnt face camp. They got all the gens done and opened the exit. His buddies left. But he didn't. Instead he tried to farm more points running circles around me at the exit gate so I downed and hooked him. Then I got hate mail from him and his 3 buddies about how "I'm so bad". They reported every message I sent in response to psn never swore. Never did anything of the like. Still got a warning. Said i tunneled him because of race or some kind of crap.

  • Zoophage
    Zoophage Member Posts: 122

    I love it, man!

    Sadly, I simply block messaging (PS4) when I'm playing Killer (~30% of the time) b/c you just can't seem to "win". It's almost a Catch-22: perform well and get hate messages; perform badly and get more hate messages. It's like the Survivors want a Killer who tries but falls just short every trial. I do upvote and send sincere messages to that Killer/Survivor who is obviously new but doesn't give up. Like @BlindMole said, I do miss those wholesome interactions. Especially during these trying times. One positive interaction > one negative interaction. Without an influx of new players this game will die, probably faster than people realize. Maybe I'll switch messaging back on...

  • HagIsBestGirl
    HagIsBestGirl Member Posts: 158

    Let's just try to encourage less toxicity in the community overall. To players and devs.

    I feel like a lot of squeaky wheels spend way too much time beating other players down.

    Not to mention all the folks who talk to the devs like we've got them locked in a basement, and they get the hose again if our $50 game doesn't work 100% perfectly 100% of the time.

    We're here to have fun and pretend to murder each other gaiz. Be nice to everyone dangit. D:<

  • HagIsBestGirl
    HagIsBestGirl Member Posts: 158
    edited August 2020


    I got heavily into killer during the quarantine blood rush. One game I got absolutely bullied by a red rank 4-man for 20 minutes.

    They added me to their party after, (PS4) and it seemed like they were about to ######### talk to top it off. But i went in chill; "Hey guys, nice game. I got wrecked lol."

    And next thing I know we've all been on comms for 15 minutes chatting, and playing different games.

    I still play with them from time to time. Cool peeps.

  • SirBDog
    SirBDog Member Posts: 31

    One playstyle that survivors love but, as a killer main, hate, is living

    Life is overrated don't ya think, like just let me kill you lol

  • YehBoiGoku
    YehBoiGoku Member Posts: 248
    edited August 2020
  • mike1288mccarthy
    mike1288mccarthy Member Posts: 78

    People who do that usually are the ones that DC that's why I've said for months now teabagging needs to be banned it's doesn't mean anything. It doesn't mean your good. And people wonder why the queue times are so long because who wants to play killer when you have toxic survivors. Imo I feel dbd would be a much better game if toxicity was taken out of the game, but until then I warn you queue times are going to be long as hell. Until playing killer is fun nobody is going to do it except the already established killer mains

  • BenTenSimpForMen
    BenTenSimpForMen Member Posts: 6

    I notice these are ps4... Meanwhile on xbox you get told to ######### off or STFU.. I've always tried to make the effort of saying gg even when I die and get nothing but toxic replies.

    On pc naturally no one ever replies unless they hit 30k or are salty for whatever reason..but the amount of times I've had killers ######### talk me there for being "swf trash" even though I play solo is beyond a joke... Honestly both sides are shitters and this community is becoming as toxic as smite but that probably has something to do with the fact the smite player base are moving to dbd UNFORTUNATELY

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    Goes to show that in both sides there aren't only monsters !