What Is Your Favorite Perk and Why?
Head on.
It’s so rewarding when once in a blue moon you can use it to free a teammate from killers shoulder.
I also use it in my stealth builds so I can use lockers safely.
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That's a tough one. For sheer cheese on Killer I'm gunna have to go for Save the Best For Last due to the snowball effect that builds hope early match but strips it away end game as long as I get lucky and don't hit the obsession with M1 early on.
For Survivor that's gotta be Spine Chill. It's in ALL my builds all the time always without question because it just has to be.
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Killer: Deathbound is so fun. Always keeping survivors together for serious pain or secretly getting the drop on a survivor that doesn’t play with my rules is fun.
Survivor: Adrenaline is just so good and it’s saved me and helped me countless times.
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Have you tried Unnerving Presence + Distressing + Coulrophobia? (especially on Legion with Iridescent Button) I've tried it a few times and can only imagine how annoying it must be for Survivors lol. Though no ones ever commented about the build post match.
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My favorite perk is pop, because I enjoy having a game that lasts longer than 4min. In all seriousness though I think my favorite perk is repressed alliance, it's just fun to block a gen when you know the killer is going to regress it by a large amount (pop or ruin.)
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Spine Chill is my favourite Survivor perk. I don't have a favourite Killer perk, because almost all, are fng useless (where the ones that are 'good' still don't really help for me to call any, 'a favourite')
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Soul Guard: it is so satisfying when The Killer is hovering over you during the Dying State and proceeds to try to re-slug and you absorb the hit and get pushed forward. A friend I often plays with always says "That killer is gonna go cry on the forums about how unfair SG is."
Bloodhound: no one runs Lucky Break so even against Iron Will, you can easily track blood stains and I never lose a chase! You are guaranteed to find whoever is bleeding.
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On Killer, it's easily BBQ & Chili. For Survivor, either We're Gonna Live Forever (what can I say, I love Bloodpoints) or Inner Strength. Although Borrowed Time is the one I never take off. Especially since I run WGLF so much.
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My favourite is Diversion. Nothing beats the feeling of a successful pebble and saying "get pebbled" in chat.
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Whispers, I find it to be an incredibly useful tracking perk.
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Spine chill absolutely, no cooldowns almost everything is good of this perk, the only downside are the skillcheks, but no one has problems with that nowdays. And it's easy to tell if the killer is going directly to you
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Kindred. It makes solo q so much better and gives you a ton of information whenever you or someone is hooked. Lets you know if you can go for the save safely or if someone else is going so you can work on a gen. It works great with open handed as well. 24 meter killer aura reading? Yes please.
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Plunderer's instinct. 100 items of each type is my target. Same with ace in the hole
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Survivor: detectives hunch and inner strength tied. These perks are so good. Detectives counters noed and allows me to get totems to heal myself with inner strength, which is my favourite healing perk.
Also, tenacity because I love crawling fast and recovering at the same time. For the people, because it's an insta heal.
Killer: save the best for last, because it is extremely satisfying. Dark devotion, because of how underrated it is, and because it helps me get gen grabs.
Surge and pop, because they have me so much time. Monitor and infectious, because of the terror radius decrease and the increased value on infectious. Love the FOV as well.
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Survivor: Fixated! To be able to walk fast and leave no scratchmarks is very powerful. Can also help you lose killer in chase.
Killer: Discordance! It's very powerful and in games were you 4k with 1-2 gens left the survivors might have finished all of them without the perk.
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Head On and Urban Evasion are the ones I could think of.
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I love STBFL. It really is super satisfying when you get 8 stacks!
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Franklin's Demise as Killer, for sure. I know it's not meta, but it's so much fun. Nobody never expects it.
And as survivor, Adrenaline is my favorite, even tho i don't run it that much currently.
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Sprint burst because it's a wonderfully strategic escape
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Survivor: Bond cause I know everything
Killer: BBQ cause bloodpoints and sloppy butcher
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As a vet with 3K hours probably brutal strength. Is it worth it? Not really no, but it makes breaking pallets sounds cooler 🤷♂️
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You right. I wish Brutal Strength was a bit faster to make it worth it, but that would probably just make it ludicrously OP
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Personally, as a Ghostie main, I have to say I'm All Ears. This is mainly due to the fact that if a survivor performs a rushed action (most often by accident), it gives me a chance to highlight that survivor and take advantage of their positioning. Not only does it allow me to pick off their location, but I can easily manipulate their current placement by leaning on them and charging Night Shroud. God I love sneaky stealthy boi
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Every time I have used Flip Flop, it has saved me at least once in a match. Hell, it is the reason I got adept ash in the first place. So I have a soft spot for that perk. In the right build it can do wonders!
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I actually like using I'm All Ears on Legion. It helps when people try to fool you after you vault through a window
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Kindred was one of my favorite, go-to Survivor Perks even before it was buffed, when all it did was show people where everyone was when I was hooked.
For Killer I have to say Dark Devotion. I love the idea of playing around with my Terror Radius so DD appeals to me.
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Yes. But for me, personally, OG Ghostie perk = OP Ghostie Perk haha
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My favorite survivor perk(s) are Iron will and Spine chill. And my favorite killer perk(s) are Whispers and Shadow Born.
Iron will: Because I stay injured most time of my games and I don't like the loud moaning everyone does when they're injured. And I'm less likely to get spotted by the killer.
Spine Chill: Because I can get really good information from it, and I know when the killer is coming, so I've more time to decide if I should hide, loop, or commit to a gen. It can also be used to know if it's safe to unhook or to know if the killer is still chasing you. It's also pretty decent against Spirit(my hardest killer to go up against).
Whispers: Because It makes the beginning and the endgame a lot easier. And it's good for tracking.
Shadow Born: Zoom Zoom I'm addicted ;-;
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Kindred. It's actually my crutch perk. I'm usually in at least a 2 man swf, sometimes 4 and I will always have kindred.
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Head On, no contest. There's nothing more satisfying than stunning a killer as they walk past your locker.
For killer it's a little more difficult, but probably Devour Hope or Haunted Grounds. HG is great for it's "gotcha" effect, but DH feels like it takes some skill to pull off (with some luck that it doesn't get cleansed too soon) and that makes it more rewarding.