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Why do survivors disconnect?

Playing games, I've noticed survivors constantly disconnect from matches when they get downed for the first time or when they get camped... If your getting camped then just struggle until someone gets you or so that other survivors can get gens done. The longer the killer camps you the more pips they lose...

If you disconnect when you get downed then just stop playing all together. It makes it difficult for other survivors left alive. DC'ing makes you lose pips and all the bloodpoints you gather over the match get taken away from you... Stop being selfish survivor mains!

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  • Member Posts: 1,289

    Because they are illiterate individuals who rarely think.

  • Member Posts: 1,117

    This is a good reason to like hide in a locker for a minute. I've used lockers for many poorly timed incidents, but I ain't never disconnected and I ain't never gonna did!

  • Member Posts: 1,138

    yo I'll be right back cause the pizza guys here and I don't have time to finish this comment

  • Member Posts: 178

    Because DC penalties are off right now. So if it's not going there way they just DC like a baby. No reason for them not too if they think they're not gonna win.

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    There are some legitimate reasons tbh. Killers abusing exploits or holding the game hostage, or if their teammates are hacking and they don't want to be a part of the game anymore, or if they're just incredibly frustrated and need a break (as in, they then go look at pictures of dogs and play another game, not join another queue). If they desperately need to go somewhere, or if their team are sandbagging/farming them, or if they're playing a VPNing killer from Zimbabwe and they're in London.

    There can be a few actual, valid reasons for a disconnect. Dcing to spite people and/or because you were downed first is not a valid reason.

  • Member Posts: 1,568

    This is why I prefer playing killer. Playing survivor is frustrating because of selfish teammates. I don't mind if you can't loop the killer, I know it takes time to learn how to mindgame. Focus on the gens then. But don't dc or suicide! I get survivors suicide even if when our team was winning with 1-2 gens left. Like why you go play if you don't want to play? I absolutely hate to lose when it is even not my fault! So when I play killer I know it is most of the time only my fault I lose and there is reason to think about mistakes and improve next time. As survivor losing because of someone don't want to play there is nothing I can get in result but frustration.

  • Member Posts: 320

    Because the devs have said it's ok to dc. At least, that's the answer they prefer over "can't seem to fix a hack".

  • Member Posts: 1,864
    edited August 2020

    As someone who used to d/c, when I 1st got the game, it was because it was scary. Once I got some experience it was entitlement, like that shouldn't have hit me I'm leaving, I'm not gonna let you Mori me I'm leaving ect.

  • Member Posts: 4

    It's something that frustrate me beyond words. I main survivor and 3 out of 5 games there is always a survivor that rage quits when he/she is downed/hooked/about to be killed. I had a game a few hours ago where the 3 survivors who were playing with me, rage-quit after Legion hit them with Feral Frenzy the FIRST time. I was busy with a generator when this happened and they just decided that they didn't want any of this action.

    I'm an average survivor (at rank 5 atm), so there is a LOT I still need to learn. As soon as someone rage-quits, the advantage automatically goes to the killer. Sometimes you're lucky and get a killer that slips up and you manage to win, but most of the time you get hammered because of the disadvantage. Doing 5 generators with 3 survivors can become really difficult.

    I understand that when you go up against a killer that face-camps or tunnels, you become frustrated and want to quit, but when you decide that you'd rather rage quit when things aren't going your way than try to help the other survivors, you are selfish and should rather not play the game.

    This type of toxicity is slowly killing the game by making the players who actually make effort to learn how to play the game properly, lose interest. Toxic players are taking the fun out of the game for me and I know that a lot of other people feel the same.

    Does reporting players like these for rage quitting actually do something, or am I throwing a drop of water into the ocean?

  • Member Posts: 2,803

    Sometimes people get tilted and instead of taking a break from the game like they should, they queue up another match and then something happens that tilts them more (a hit through a window that they feel was unfair, a lag spike, whatever) and they just rage quit because they’re not really thinking about the situation objectively.

    The vast majority of the time survivors get three lives, so even if the match starts badly it doesn’t mean it will end badly. I’ve had teammates disconnect or give up on hook and the rest of us then went on to escape, so if they’d just continued with the match they would have been fine. But rage quits don’t come from a place of logical thinking.

    If it’s not that then it’s probably just entitlement. “I don’t wanna play against that killer/on this map/etc.” Or it could be legitimate reasons like their smoke alarm just started going off, they have a game breaking bug, the match is lagging beyond reason, whatever.

  • Member Posts: 623

    Why do killers care so much why survivors do anything they do?

  • Member Posts: 1,054
    edited August 2020

    Salt, same goes for killers

  • Member Posts: 5,612

    Love how for your best mmr your supposed to do your best aka probably get 4 kills but every time i slug the 3rd and walk away they insta dc (i still normally find the hatch first but seriously though this mmr better not be punishing me for salty survivors)

  • Member Posts: 1,568

    Killers don't care. Teammates of this selfish survivors do care because it make them lose.

  • Member Posts: 375

    Wow, what a statement.

    Do you really need a reason as to why Killers care when Survivors disconnect? I've seen a lot on this forum but you probably manage to top it all with this.

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    Why do people ragequit in any game? Hint, it's in the word. Something happens they don't like, they quit. For some people it takes a lot to make them do it, for others a slight inconvenience is all it takes. That's most disconnects anyway, in just about any game (assuming the player isn't on a connection that's honestly too unstable for multiplayer games of course)

  • Member Posts: 957

    I prefer hook suicide, denying the killer any descent amount of bp and potentially giving them a -1 pip or at least a black pip for being such a sweatlord. This is only in the case of 99.9% of bubbas who are all epic sweatlords. Most other killers are fine.

  • Member Posts: 225

    Campers/tunnelers/moris/iri head. Easy game for killers

  • Member Posts: 1,210

    In short: No consequences (aka they need to fix the penalty bug asap)

  • Member Posts: 629

    You’d probably see a lot less DC’s if you don’t run specific killers with certain add ons. When someone DC’s because you’re using slowdown Freddy don’t be surprised.

    Maybe if this game was balanced a lot better we’d see a lot less DC’s from both sides.

  • Member Posts: 773

    Some people are just dumb.

    Sometimes it's actually bad connection, but it happens rarely and usually you can tell if person had bad internet or just decided to rage quit.

  • Member Posts: 539

    You don't need to ask this question because ppl write about it all the time.

  • Member Posts: 3,272

    Because the weather is nice, they'll disconnect

    Because they had a good dream last night, they'll disconnect.

    Because they diskike your killer, theyll disconnect.

    Because theres a discount on a merchandise they're interested in, they'll disconnect.

    Because they went down first, they'll disconnect.

    Because someone else went down first, they'll disconnect.

    Because there's no punishment for doing so, they'll disconnect.

    Because they're looking forward to the next avengers movie, they'll disconnect.

    Because someone else isnt following their made up rules'they'll disconnect.

    For no reason whatoever, they'll disconnect.

    The'll disconnect because theyre told not to.

    Cant believe i could do a medaka box parody here.

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    I don't dc because I hate screwing over my team. But I know if someone's playing and an emergency comes up they weren't expecting then that emergy is more important than the game. If you blame them for leaving the match after that then I'm sorry but that's just wrong.

    ######### can come up, and that's a valid reason to leave match.

    However if you rage quit because you were downed first only to queue up again, then seriously just stop.

  • Member Posts: 1,520

    Well, if you really mean "emergencies". Aka. moments in your life, where real life knocks on your door while you are playing, then yes.

    But, some survivors dc so often, they have already run out of every grandma that could possible die for their inner excusement, a long time ago, if you get what I try to say here. I think we think pretty similar, I am just fed up with all the dc excuses, we read on this forum sometimes.

  • Member Posts: 646

    Yesterday I played on Midwich and heard a gen being done above me. While looking for (and not finding) a way up, the guy who was doing the gen actually jumped down and landed right next to me. He instantly disconnected. The game had literally just started...

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    Why wouldn't they, since they're also players and are also having their trial ruined by someone who can't handle losing?

  • Member Posts: 544

    Since the game is so favorable towards survivors, it tends to attract the most entitled / spoiled people that are more likely to just disconnect when things don't go their way.

  • Member Posts: 221
    edited August 2020



    Huntres with one shot op hatchets=DC

    Need to stop playing for any reason=DC

    just get over it and contiue playing the game..

    this problem will be solved with bots when someone DC btw

  • Member Posts: 5,270

    When they get facecamped with devour hope, which I learned today is how the perk is actually used

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    With no DC penalty I see both sides do it for dumb reasons pretty often. Killer they don't like. Map that they don't like - maybe they think is killer/survivor sided or they just aren't a fan of the map. Survivor was downed too quickly. Killer couldn't down someone quick enough. Multiple gens popped. Hex totem destroyed. Downed by 1 hit like iri hatchet or Devour Hope or Haunted Grounds. Survivor upset they're about to be hooked for third time. Killer upset they lost chase during end game.

    I was playing as Trapper. Had set my first trap of the match and was on way to grab second trap. As I picked up second trap someone stepped in first trap and immediately DC. 😂

    On PS4 have come across multiple killers with rage quit in their gamer tags. I've seen them quit before first gen is even completed because they didn't find anyone during after first patrol of gens or someone looped them around a wall several times /pallet stunned them. They were in red ranks too. 😂

  • Member Posts: 179

    Why? Because you get sick of facing forever Legions and Freddys, moris, 4k sluggers, iri-heads, tunnelers, campers..

    There's a multitude of more reasons for why someone would DC.

    People who get offended by a DC, mostly killers, are just mad they couldn't use their scummy tactics on everyone. A DC on either side just gets a laugh from me.

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    Killers DC too. Not only survivors.

  • Member Posts: 21,675
    edited August 2020

    I get "offended" (I'm guessing you're using "offended" in place of "rightfully pissed off", like most people who say everyone else is "offended" by anything that would and should upset any normal human being) because I'd prefer if my teammates weren't DCing every time the killer sneezed in their general direction.

  • Member Posts: 179

    You have worse problems if you become "rightfully pissed off" when someone DCs.

  • Member Posts: 21,675
  • Member Posts: 2,557
    edited August 2020

    I got disconnected last night, pop up warning said "Eac detected files had been changed" or something like that, I restarted the game and it worked, didnt have DC penalty or anything but was like, what? Thats a first.

  • Member Posts: 9

    Well, the number of disconnects is crazy now. Yesterday's game. And this is just one of them((

  • Member Posts: 571

    Most DC's I see is from rank 3 to 1 survivors, so I think is a little bit of entitlement with a lot of disregard from rankings/BP/other players.

  • Member Posts: 623

    Is it going to make them stop disconnecting or doing whatever thing you are going to complain about next? Nope. Asking "Why do people do x" when you already know the answer and it won't change anything is stupid and way too repetitive.

    It's like I make a topic right now asking "Why do killers camp?" Because they can do so and decided to do so at that specific moment. SHOCKING, I know.

  • Member Posts: 40

    That's actually quite easy to answer: I play this game to have fun. Have exciting chases, do my objective and help my teammates.

    If I'm facing a killer, who thinks he can tunnel or facecamp the hell out of me, my fun is ruined. Tell me one good reason why I should stay in a match, that makes absolutely ZERO fun and gift those baby killers any more bloodpoints?

    So...d/c it is and on to the next match!

  • Member Posts: 710
    edited August 2020

    Cause they are cry babies

  • Member Posts: 710

    Not only hacks, but also à fiew bugs cause of game errors or in game bugs that forced you to DC

  • Member Posts: 279

    Ranking up in this game is a penality in this game not an reward. You don't get rewarded with more interesting match instead you get the same full sweat freddy slowdown build with ebony mori that tunnel your rank 20 teammate. Thats a huge problem in this game.

    You lost before it even started.

    I'm actually very happy when i lose mmr/rank/pip. I'm not dcing tho i just hook suicide.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    I’m not gonna sit here and act like I’ve never DC’d. Main reason I’ve done it is because I got tunneled off first hook with an ebony mori.

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