plague vomit angular changes

tlehky Member Posts: 78
edited August 2020 in Bug Reporting

I assume that the vomiting is some interpolation of parabola; something like p = -k*x^2. (^2 == squared) where x is Real etc.

The angle at which plague vomits has changed drastically, it has increased; its insanely annoying and I cannot get over it and play her like this.

At this point when you spawn and puke, you throw up high into air (" parabola " going through maximum and then falling off down; Now it literally feels like an artillery kekw.

Before current patch; when you spawned and puked with the same camera angle, the result would look something like the same parabola, but it wouldnt puke through the maximum, it would be falling off straight from the begining. It felt as if the origin of the vomit was the maximum point of parabola [her mouth];

(in my mind, the point where the height of vomit either stops increasing or starts decreasing/decaying is the maximum of p)

At the current patch, playing plague and puking directly on people is impossible for me, because you literally have to watch into the ground to vomit at them - at this point you cant even see them properly lol.

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