Minor Nurse Change

Bowls_of_Chili Member Posts: 25
edited August 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

I like playing Nurse a lot, as bad as I am with her, on PS4. My only issue with her is her cool down animation after her blinks. Could BHVR possibly take a look at changing the animation in first person from the horrible forced staring down perspective and darkening screen effect? I don't mind the cooldown after her ability, but the animation is ridiculously disorienting and uncomfortable to play with. Perhaps she could have some sort of interaction with her hands instead (maybe flickering in and out of the spirit world) while looking forward and minus the dark screen after each blink?


Change the Nurse fatigue animation to something less disorienting please.

Post edited by Mandy on


  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117

    I don't get any disorientation (well, any unintended disorientation) from it, but it does make for kind of a poor play experience. This kind of fatigue probably made a lot more sense when she was blinking around 6 times. Seems a little excessive for just 2. I'd rather literally be stuck in place and be able to freely look around.

  • Bowls_of_Chili
    Bowls_of_Chili Member Posts: 25

    That's exactly what I mean, it just seems unecessary. I'm all for a cool animation and actually being able to see afterward rather than a lame violent screen shake.

  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117

    I also gotta say, her ultra rare add-ons are just complete trash. "Blink less to walk a little faster" "make your blink complete trash to get 1 extra charge." Really? These are the hot ultra rare add-ons? I mean, it's great in that I don't have to spend BP on them, but you'd think for such rare items there wouldn't be so many drawbacks. I know it's not quite the same as an add-on, but an ebony mori doesn't come with a list of crazy requirements, even though it should. Poor girl needs her base kit looked at in a way that makes it more fun to play.

  • Turretcube
    Turretcube Member Posts: 460

    I could honestly take or leave the fatigue animation, it's really not an inconvenience or a bother.

    However, i will address that having to look at the ground is part of her balance for chase's. There was a bug around a year or two ago where nurse's camera didnt look at the ground and the amount of chase pressure you got was somewhat strong and very noticeable. Nurse has such a strong catch-up game compared to other killer's that being forced to relocate the survivor is just balanced with her power.

    If you want the fatigue animation changed, maybe aim for Legion's fatigue, they just look straight down.

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    i think the most disorienting aspect is the forced camera perspective ie taking control away. i hate this with hag too, but with that it has gameplay benefits, and is kinda neccessary for her to be good on both sides

    if they did a sidegrade change that did the exact same thing ie like with the flashlights, where instead of being blinded with a white screen, it blurs and colorgrades it in order to not like completely blind an actual player, i think that would be an amazing change.

    ie they could give you full camera control, but change the visual effect to that of the spirit in phase ie no survivors, no scratch marks and no like tracking during her fatigue/even less so then now, just without the massive camera lock, and allowing one to rely on audio instead, as the world fades back into existence.

  • Turretcube
    Turretcube Member Posts: 460

    No killer should be forced to rely on sounds, considering how sounds keep breaking each update.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    It's intended, just like the cooldown on her cooldown.

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238

    Try running Shadowborn. Makes it easier to see while you're fatigued.

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    Nurse is already pretty reliant on sounds anyways in her fatigue...? I'm just saying instead of a camera tilt which can be a bit icky, make it a different visual effect.

  • clem1710
    clem1710 Member Posts: 275

    An advice for you: run shadowborn.

    But yeah this mechanic is really annoying, especially in maps such as coldwind

  • Veen
    Veen Member Posts: 706
    edited August 2020

    I think it's intended, Nurse already denies so many elements of gameplay compared to other killers it seems fine she has trouble to see once she uses her power, to slow the game down.

    And mostly because breaking line of sight is the only way to hope loosing her.

    I mean Nurse has a high skillcap for a reason.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    the point is to prevent you from being able to look around. I would support an option to just make the entire screen black to help people avoid vertigo, but I won't support the removal of the only feature that can prevent a Nurse from knowing where your buns are whenever she has her next blink ready.

  • naitsirhC
    naitsirhC Member Posts: 65

    This is supposed to happen. If you stared straight up, it would be incredibly easy to see where survivors go to try and mindgame you, and just blink there. The fatigue offers a fair counterplay form the survivor's side.

  • Bowls_of_Chili
    Bowls_of_Chili Member Posts: 25

    I understand the need for something that breaks the chases for a second. It's just a very unecessary way to do it. Just make a more thematic animation that accomplishes the same job, without it just being a massive screen-shaking seizure. Have her flicker into the spirit world where she can't see survivors for a second, anything is better than the current animation in my opinion.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    I quite enjoy the effect, personally, and have the same feeling about the Minecraft nausea effect (that I would suspect you also have issues with). That's why I'm very supportive of accessibility options (eg. black out) but not supportive of removing the effect.

  • Bowls_of_Chili
    Bowls_of_Chili Member Posts: 25

    I have no issue with the Minecraft nausea effect actually. I just don't enjoy Nurses fatigue animation. I feel it could be improved thematically, while maintaining the same chase lengthening effect. Much like I how I enjoy "new" Hillbilly simply due to all of his new sound effects and chase music.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559
    edited August 2020

    oh lol, I hate him because of it.

    Edit: he sounds comical/stupid, and I don't want to be laughing at a killer / thinking about whatever else I want to when I should be putting myself in a tense, life-or-death situation.

  • Bowls_of_Chili
    Bowls_of_Chili Member Posts: 25

    I'm a sucker for sound design and thematic stuff on killers. Hillbilly's new chase track is really cool in my opinion just because they managed to incorporate a sort of chainsaw revving effect into it. That's why I main Pyramid Head in fact, because his sword dragging over various materials is really cool in my opinion. Not to mention he's one of the few killers I can play up in red ranks and have a decent shot at a couple kills a match.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    same, I'm super invested in sound design on killers, but I'm much more interested in sticking with the theme of the game rather than forcing each killer be their own "thing".