Can you guys unlink Janes head from the set pls

From the patch notes my understanding was that a set is 2 or more cosmetics linked together to stop clipping issues. We could see this with the Nea outfit with the bald spot in the back of her head which makes sense. However, for Jane it does not as there is no reason for why her head shouldn’t be unlinked since I’m decently confident that there would be no issues with mixing them. If you guys could pls consider it, it would be greatly appreciated towards all of us Jane mains. <3 @Peanits @Almo
It's not for clipping purposes. It's for money. They're charging $10 per skin because they want an influx of cash instead of working on improving the game by eliminating bugs.
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Like every company that has mtx. It's not like they do nothing else, but on a small pace. I am not a programmer, so i don't know how hard it is, to solve this bugs.
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If you really want just the head just do the Nea thing.
Go to the store then go full outfits buy one of her Brown recolors equipped it. That should keep the Greek legends head cosmetic on leave the store and then you're able to change the top and the bottoms freely.
If you change the head cosmetic you will have to repeat the process.
Do not buy the set and use this with the guarantee that you can mix and match with the head thinking it's going to remain forever as it's possible that it could be patched out so unless you want to do full cosmetic I suggest you don't try
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It wasn't even an issue with Nea's head. AT ALL. All they had to do was finish the back of her head by giving her a buzz cut and it would be good. The head worked fine with other cosmetics.
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They already patched that. I just tried it. It changed her head to the default one.
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Wasn’t it already patched out
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You know I could make a comment about how they patched that real quick.
But the silence survivor on the ground, the misalign a flashlight and and plague puking issue are still around
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To be fair the silent survivors can't be replicated in-studio; if you encounter the bug head over to the related thread in the Bug Reports section of the forums and provide as much detail as possible.
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No, that's not it.
I'm gonna just copy-paste what I always have to say.
You're aware that the "dev team" isn't one team, right? There are multiple separate teams working simultaneously on both balance, bug fixing, and revenue (AKA cosmetics).
Not only that, but cosmetics don't take as long to implement as bug fixes.
And don't say "wEll tHEn pUt mOre PeOPle oN bUgs" because most digital artists have little to no experience with code or troubleshooting bugs in general.
And this isn't a funding issue either; the art team likely generates its own revenue through the selling of cosmetics. The bug fix team is doing a fine job, and BHVR isn't just looking for a quick buck like you're saying they are.
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I get it with the Oni outfit due ot the straight up different proportions but why the heck are they doing this with Janes?
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It’s funny because they even made a seam at Janes waist which makes no sense because that’s what they do to all cosmetics to separate them
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Even with the seam, that's not where the cosmetics split. The seam is above her belly button and the cosmetics still split at the waist.
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Nobody asked for Sets, the only ones that can be get away with it are ones like the Lisa set, the rest are obvious cash grabs
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They want more money. None of the current skins need the entire set to be linked (even Minotaur Oni, his weapon doesn’t need to be linked).
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How are they going to be able to snatch a big $10 from every player who want the Jane skin if you could just get the head for a few dollars?
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Yeah but a lot of people won't buy it at all if they can't mix and match it.
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And I trought I was aiming badly. I knew it felt weird for some reason !
Tbh I'm not even sure if they're ABLE to code a two pieces set, so far we been they never released one, but they featured sets as : "two pieces or more skins."
Where are our two pieces sets then ?
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Won't stop BHVR from testing the waters to see if the fish take the bait. If there's enough fish in the pond, there's more $10-$15 linked skins coming.
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In the grand scheme of things it would make less Revenue.
People who want one piece one end up buying that one piece because it's linked meaning they just won't get the whole outfit in general.
It also means that even though there are some people out there who just wanted one piece of it but willing to buy the whole outfit to support behaviour just wouldn't
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🤣 is this a dev?
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Well all of Janes pants go past her belly button
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not only Jane. There would be no clipping with all the legion bunny weapons, clown weapon and oni weapon.
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"And don't say "wEll tHEn pUt mOre PeOPle oN bUgs" because most digital artists have little to no experience with code or troubleshooting bugs in general."
obviously u HIRE more coders!?? Like hello, are we not in 2020 anymore?
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Someone doesn't understand the concept of hiring people takes time, resources and money.
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No, I'm not.
But I believe people don't cut them enough slack.
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oh you mean the time and resources they spent to hire artists is different? Pls, dont fool yourself.
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Because the same team that fixes bugs also does cosmetics? Get real
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Is it bad that I bump this until we at least get a reply from a dev?
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Nah I’m right with ya let’s hope they read it
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@Peanits Can we at least get an answer as to why her head can't be unlinked? In the patch notes it said cosmetic sets are sets of "2 or more cosmetics". So I don't see why we can't use her head separately.
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We got sets due to everyone willing to buy a cosmetic set for Bunny Feng. That is why they added sets. So outfits would like great and they could do special outfits that are different from the norm without it looking like a dumpster fire. I'm looking at you Bunny Feng. It wasn't connected so it's not that great looking. The new linked outfits look great, whether you like it, other's love it.
We wanted a linked outfit. We got linked outfits. Everyone is now complaining about linked outfits. Either choose something or don't bother opening your mouth. They gave us what we wanted. Be grateful.
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There are so much sentences, which doesn't fit with the most popular opinions here.
So u say, Bunny Feng doesn't look great?
Does that mean, Greek Feng looks better than Bunny Feng?
And we just wanted Linked Outfits, even if the linked heads and weapons aren't necessary?
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I've never seen anyone actually ask for cosmetic sets. The only exception was Bunny Feng because of the hood, and even then I've seen people complain that they can't change the legs.
I've seen way more complaints about the implementation of these sets then I have seen praise for them. In fact I've seen little to no praise. Sure there's some people that don't mind them, but when there are at least 4 or 5 threads complaining about these sets every time one comes out, I think that's enough to show BHVR that they're not wanted here.
TLDR - People care more about customizing their characters then they do about having an out of the box outfit that they can't customize.
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I don’t think there would be a problem with sets if they actually did cool stuff with them, besides legendary everything else has been somewhat lackluster.
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I think you really wasting your time calling for either devs or CM they never addressed answers for cosmetics so far.
Nea just got one (clipping issues) but Oni & stuff never! But unlike Nea the complaint is justified since the reason between locked weapon (or certain headpieces) is idiotic.
Maybe when it comes to clipping issues (and David knows that a lot with every of his new outfits) but thats about it.
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Seriously they'd make so much more money if they just unlinked it
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I can say with certainty that Bunny Feng is very lackluster and I own it. We asked for Bunny Feng and we didn't care if it was linked to get it when the devs said it would be hard to separate the head and hood due to it looking weird without it being linked and it really does look weird. Top of the hat is also pointy instead of smooth.
I really like the new Feng hair and the rest is alright. I said why. Don't try to change my words. The new outfits is it's own thing. I gave a reason. At the end of the day, they found a solution to a problem that we initially promoted and now that they're using it, people are complaining.
I said the reason. I didn't say how much people like them. This was the reason it was implemented. To fix issues that came from an outfit with different layers connected. That is all. Don't ask for something to fix a problem because everyone wanted something then complain later about the same time.
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Actually, yes it is.
Digital artists have much lower qualifications and are paid less than most coders. Hiring a coder costs more than an artist.
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So much for linked sets xd
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Because I watched dev stream and one of them was explaining how he changed the Nurse and said he will also be working on an out fit for clown.
I can provide you with a proof, just ask.
Now, tell me if what you were saying actually came out of a mouth of a developer or some random dev-lover guy.
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That happened to me a couple times.
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Like if the point of a set is to stop clipping then what is dis
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Bumping again this needs attention lol
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So your evidence is that one person in the company being able to do multiple tasks and you immediately assume that every person who works on the art knows how to do the same.
Please never get into law enforcement you might arrest or prosecute everyone because they had the slightly similar green shirt to the Killer
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Honestly the clipping issues just kind of go out the window at this stage.
I've suggested in a different thread just keeping link cosmetics but allowing someone to have the option to toggle off and on them linked aspects if they so choose so they would have to deal with the clipping issues if they really wanted to mix and match that badly.
But I guess it a pointless idea when even people who got the actual link set are having to deal with the clipping issues.
Don't get me wrong I feel like linked said fix a lot of the awkward segmented cosmetic issues but if they're still having the clipping issues like this what's the point just let people mix and match
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Yeah I saw your post and honestly I agree, I don’t think behavior can really deny that they’re doing these for cash grabs because nobody really wanted this but the option you have still fits their agenda so I don’t see why they wouldn’t just implement it.
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Honestly they should really do it in just see how it works and if they would be happy with it implication.
If they are happy with the implication for example increases the amount of sales at the sets. They could use that information to renegotiate licensed sets. I know there's a lot of people who are disappointed they can't mix and match with pyramid head or Cheryl.
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Let's keep the Cheryl head on Lisa's body at the fanfiction section please.
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I was more referencing Cheryl's green cosmetics and to a lesser extent purple one but thank you for jumping to that conclusion.
I didn't think I would have to state this but considering legendary cosmetics have different models and they should 100-percent stay permalinked