Advanced killer tips?

I've reached a point where I'm starting to go up against rank 1 swf and I keep getting my ass kicked. Survivors seem to be able to waste my time in several different ways but I don't know how to waste survivors time efficiently. Any of ya'll got any tips or builds that would help give me some extra time?


  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,711

    What killers do you play?

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    This is such a broad topic that it's really hard to give specific tips without watching you play.

    Regarding what you asked, if you down a survivor and there's another nearby that you're confident you can down quickly, that's a good spot to slug. By doing so, you'll get other survivors off gens aka you waste their time.

    Regarding survivor wasting your time, that might be an issue of you overcommitting to chases.

  • PissedWraithMain
    PissedWraithMain Member Posts: 93

    I'll try the slugging thing if I get the opportunity.

    As for chases I'm not sure what would be considered overcommitting or going against a good looper.

  • Nanglaur
    Nanglaur Member Posts: 124

    Show one of your games if you can. That way we can see what kind of issues you are having or what is the thing you struggle the most to achieve. Is is the chase? Is the lack of gen pressure? You cant find the survivors? Do you lose them on the chase? Are you getting looped? etc.

  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088

    Most rank 1 SWFs are very alturists so unfortunately if you want to win you have to play a bit dirty against them.

  • PissedWraithMain
    PissedWraithMain Member Posts: 93

    I think it's the chases and gen pressure. I don't have issues finding or keeping track of survivors but I usually run into the dilemma of hook someone and lose a gen or protect gens and get no hooks, both of which aren't good options.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Tip for Pig there would be make sure that at least one survivor has an RBT for as much of the game as possible. Also, slugging someone occasionally puts a lot of pressure on the survivors.

    If they have Unbreakable, they're also likely to waste it early.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    Don't be afraid to slug or tunnel. If you want to win at high ranks, the most optimal play is killing 1 Survivor ASAP because the odds drastically shift in your favor in a 3v1.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    yeah time management is a very big part of killer gemaplay.

    especially in early game is where killers struggle the most, which means that thats exactly the part you need to tackle the most.

    wasting a survivors time is key for good killer gameplay, making sure they are not working on generators and instead doing other things is a must, otherwise you will not be able to kill them with the time given to you before the exits are available.

    there are different approaches to this topic, the most common one is to make sure you down a survivor as fast as humanly possible. if you have a killer who is excellent in chases and who can down a survivor in just a few seconds that is also the best approach to take, as it allows you to start your snowball game super fast and basically ensures you kill most of them, should you not accidentally break your momentum (but thats a general thing - losing your momentum as killer is very, very bad).

    however this approach isnt always the best. sometimes its quite the opposite, actually. should you be playing a killer who isnt extremely dominant throughout chases, you will struggle with this approach, simply due to the fact that the other 3 survivors are working on generators while you chase down that one person.

    in my opinion the best way to get control over the game is to find as many survivors as you can early on and spread the damage. you should not be focussing down one person too much, instead you should see if others, easier targets, may offer you a potantial hit. if you have multiple survivors injured, you not only have the luxory of choosing your opponent for your first hook, but you also lure them off of generators and get them to heal up, which means their early game is a lot slower than with the first approach, plus they are left vulnerable for later scenarios, should they decide not to heal.

    the only time where this approach wont work is when you face a genrush SWF.

    then on the other hand, unless they massively screw up there is no real way for you to stop them. if they really want to get the gens done, they will. should you notice that they do not care about healing up at all, yet still power through the gens, all you can really do is to hard tunnel one person down to try to force them off of the gens. this however will only take effect once said player dies and you catch the next, which in most cases will already be too late.

    however, while its frowned uppon by the community to hardtunnel one player out of the match (for a good reason, thats the most unfun thing you can do to a survivor and imo you shouldnt be doing it without a good reason), its technically speaking the most effective approach, especially when combined with damage spread.

    if one is dead, you have the potential ability to completely stop any further gen progress by hooking one player, chasing a second and forcing the third to go and be altruistic.

    you can also kind of fake this scenario by keeping players slugged (at least two at a time), however this wont work if they are really coordinated and / or have Unbreakable. its a tactic that has potential, but which can easily backfire on you.

    in general i can only really give you this piece of advise:

    learn when to stop. at a certain point in time a chase isnt worth your time, so stop investing time into it and leave the survivor to interrupt gens and find a weaker target. do not be afraid to switch targets over and over again - it'll force them to heal, wastes their time and it can provide you with easier to kill survivors.

  • zoozoom6
    zoozoom6 Member Posts: 825

    dont respect pallets more than once

    when in a chase you should get something(eithier a pallet break or a hit) in 15 and if you think it will take another 15 seconds to get another you might want to do something else

    assume bt and ds on all survivors slug for ds only hit on bt for stacks

    have a good perk loadout that meshes with ur killer's power

    given your name and the fact i play red ranks with wraith ill give my build: addons: bone clapper, the ghost-soot

    perks: discordance(tier 1 is best), hex:ruin, nurse's calling and either sloppy butcher or thrilling tremors

    universal bell sound plus ghost makes them paranoid but ruin makes them stay on gen so either you get map wide regression for a few seconds everytime you use your bell or you get an easy hit or a grab. make sure to look away for scaredy cat to generate more paranoia if you are in a chase you are not within 5 secs of getting something and discordance goes off abandon the chase and pressure the gen.

    and of course defend your hex! save the best for last and haunted grounds are also great on the wraith.

    good luck

  • PissedWraithMain
    PissedWraithMain Member Posts: 93

    Some good stuff here. I agree with not being a hardass, I started being a bit more nicer as killer after I watched a streamer get pissed at me.

  • PissedWraithMain
    PissedWraithMain Member Posts: 93

    I'm not afraid of going after the weaker guy, I know the importance of it in the early game. I feel bad but I can't do much about it without ignoring specific people on purpose.

  • PissedWraithMain
    PissedWraithMain Member Posts: 93

    I literally just ran a game with the same addons lol, got 3k with the other dude camping hatch and escaping. I run Sloppy for blood and slow healing, Bloodhound, Franklin for flashlights because wraith can get bullied by them, and Whispers. I feel I don't really need Nurse because of Sloppy and Bloodhound but I'll throw in Ruin for a few matches. Don't have Legion and don't plan on buying so I'll wait on the Shrine to give me Discordance.

  • PissedWraithMain
    PissedWraithMain Member Posts: 93

    I've definitely noticed some gen rushers before. I think I made the mistake of protecting gens instead of getting a kill when I come to that realization. I'll try your suggestion next time.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    DC if someone brings a Midwich offering.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Midwich offering = OoO. It is AIDS. I can say from both the survivor and killer perspective.

  • zoozoom6
    zoozoom6 Member Posts: 825

    i usually dont run blood hound on wraith since he has an addon for it sloppy+ nurses on stealth killers is always amazing. i will bring a mori for flashlights if they get a light burn they are on my shitlist . i never feel i use whispers correctly so end up never taking it. i cant overstate how many free hits you get with nurses its well worth the slot on any stealth killer. new ruin pairs extremely well with the bone clapper if you are not using the bone clapper save the best for last is a better choice. yeah i dont own legion either he would be my last buy choice assuming i can get the next character he seems to be the weakest killer by alot rn i got discordance from the shrine.