Any updates on Jason?

It´s gotten quiet around the legal action taking place around the F13 franchise. Does anyone have info on the current status of it?
It´s a shame the last great slasher has yet to be reunited with the others. Here´s a depiction of how great of a crew our heroes are when together:
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Did you even read the post?
The OP wants to know if there’s an update on the legal issue with F13 so that we can potentially get Jason in DBD.
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yeah I reread it lol
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To answer your question, not really. The only real good news is that the legal issues could end as soon as tomorrow... OR as late as sometime in the fall. :(
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Thank for your reply. I´ve been eagerly awaiting a F13 Chapter for the longest time :)
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I read somewhere that the legal case had been dropped? Perhaps that’s not true though. I’m not sure, I’ll have to do some reading because if that WERE true, there would probably be a lot more people talking about it in the forums.
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I´ve also come up with inaccurate, vague or contradictory information, hence I started this post.
You´re propably right though, if F13 became available today for licensing, the forums propably would have to shut down because of overuse.
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If you happen to have Twitter, Larry Zerner is a show business copyright attorney. He's been following the case from the beginning. He's also provided insights and breakdowns into how the case has progressing. If any settlement is reached he'll definitely go into it.
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As much as I want to see Jason get teabagged and humiliated, I doubt we will see such a thing anytime's soon. The game starring him as pretty fun and didn't bare the same amount of stress this one did so I hate to see good competition go.
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Thank you! Might get on twitter just for that.
Haven´t tried F13 myself. I agree though that competition is something DBD will profit from in the end. Ideally we´d have it both ways where Jason can keep his own game and starr in DBD at the same time.
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Solely judging by how humiliating Jason play is, from the game. I can only imagine DbD having Jason Voorhees pallet slammed, and him stunned to the ground only to be laying still for a few seconds long. (Long enough to tbag) 😆🤦♂️
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Well to answer your question as of July 2020 no official ruling has been made for the case since it was appealed.
I don't really want to see Jason because we have the Trapper who is supposed to be like Jason. Uses beartraps, wears a mask, has a machete-esque weapon. And even if they did add him, what would his power be?
And yeah, I know we have Hillbilly and Leatherface, but the only reason we have Hillbilly is because they wanted Leatherface from the beginning, but couldn't get the licensing. We never would've had the Hillbilly if they had been able to get Leatherface sooner.
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I get where you´re coming from, but I can only think of a one time use of a bear trap throughout the F13 series (the 2009 reboot). So yeah in the end Jason is a generic Slasher and my guess would be that his power would revolve around his inhuman strength and brutality - even compared to the likes of LF and MM.
I´d still very much appreciate if he made an appearance on DBD since he is undeniably right up there in the Slasher Pantheon with the other icons.
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I don't even know if I could suggest it at this stage, maybe when it was in its hay day? It was so fun and there was an actual reason to rank up
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Phew...I could tell you some horror stories. I played with some people I know and not only did they chase me around, but I was killed in front of a live audience. I think I was the first Roy Burns Jason death. 😂 Guy didn't even say my username right on stream.