MMR - After a whole lot of games

The new MMR is even worse than I expected it to be.
My killer (red to purple rank) experience so far:
In the beginning I was matched with only baby survivors that where literally just stomped giving me a bad feeling for them so I started to let some (or all) escape when I noted they were just beginners. But after some matches(with the same killer of course) it started to get more balanced what made me think like "hey great its working as it should". But after some more matches its more like that I am now the one thats being slaughtered (kind of) by always getting super sweaty tryhard survivors, so I sometimes not even have the tiniest chance to get even a down before three or four gens are done.
My survivor experience:
When playing solo its like a total random mess. I get mixed up with beginners and maybe one other experienced player. The killers are somewhat fluctuating between red rank and rank 20's. Without even any given scheme to it.
Should the MMR not make the games somewhat more balanced, so that one at least has kind of a chance of playing normally without tryharding?
The current state of it is just a big mess as far as I can tell and by far not working as it should.
Agree with this 100%.
In a sample of about 30 matches, I think I've joined 2 where the average rank was close to mine.
I'm a relatively new player - i came to the game during the release of the Silent Hill DLC. I'm currently rank 16 survivor (highest I've been was 13 prior to the new season), and rank 20 killer because I've only just delved into this area of the game.
This morning, as a killer, I was teamed against a prestiged rank 1, a normal rank 1, a rank 2 and a rank 3. It was embarrassing.
Since then I've played all day as a survivor, and it's been a bit of a s***show. Rank 1 prestiged killers vs ranks 13, 15, 16 and 7 players, and many more examples of this.
Not every game was awful - but it really does detract from the overall experience and needs fixing ASAP. The matchmaking prior to this was fine, or seemed it.
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I'm having a similar experience,
Killer (Rank 1)(Japan servers):
I usually play a lot of Ghostface, he's the killer I have the most hours in. From the start of the new MMR system my Queue times during the day usually lasted around 10 minutes. Whenever I get a match, I'm ALWAYS put in a lobby with a SWF team of at least 3. The matches have been frustrating to say the least. Most of them have consisted of gens popping at light-speed and all four survivors running the usual DH/DS/BT/UB build. I'm usually lucky if I can get 2 kills, however, it feels like whenever I do get 2 or more kills and no matter how well I play, I am always de-ranking due to the emblem system. I don't have an issue going against 3-4 man SWF teams, It's part of the game. I just don't enjoy playing against them back-to-back. I don't wanna feel like I have to sweat every match. I have also noticed that around the early morning, I'm matched against rank 20's as Ghostface. When I'm not playing GF, most of my other games are against new players.
Survivor (Rank 4 solo):
Solo queue has been wild, It's been completely random. I'll have games where I'm matched evenly, matched with new players, and also frequent rainbow matches.
With this new MMR system, playing both Killer and Survivor has become significantly less fun. :(
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I had to stop caring about the outcome of the match. The constant pairing of bad matches has made the game completely unfun. This isn't a case of being burnt out. Playing solo is utterly pointless. 1 in 10 games is slightly fun. And no, Fun =/= Surviving. One hook deaths, eternal slugging, being farmed and tunneled, people DCing constantly(this was an issue with the penalty as well, it didn't deter anyone at all). Then you have brand new players doing incredibly dumb things, typically suiciding first hook.
The new system is a dumpster fire that they claimed they had been gathering data for weeks with prior to implementing. So, since i'm out of Rift challenges, there's not much point in playing at the moment until the next part of the tome opens or if i have a daily. Its not really worth the headache.