Gen tapping

Why is that a thing? Why is killer subjected to kicking a gen for ten seconds but a survivor can cancel that kick in the killers face by touching the gen and running away?
My suggestion the moment you get on a regressing gen get a skillcheck that if you miss it (or get off it) you automatically regress the gen 2-5 percent. I know thats overcharge in a nutshell but gen tapping seriously shouldn't be here
Just use ruin
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I have another post about how totems spawn in the open and legit ruin gets destroyed within seconds of starting the game... ruin is not a viable option. Not until they hide totems better
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I'd change it so you have to work on the gen for a couple of seconds to stop it regressing. You'd gain progress during that time, but if you run it starts regressing.
Ruin is great, but if you get unlucky and it gets got quick it's annoying
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it s the 9872106875120387512387541216876873512418721 killer complain thread here and i must forgot some others
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It's almost like the consistent solo player who has to manage 4 people at once is accutely aware of the minor issues and things of the game because they can and do legit cost them chases which in turn costs them gens and thus cost them the game.
I mean...I agree. It's long worn out but there should of been a big mondo update to deal with all these little bugs and weird little "sort of shouldn't be as is" issues years ago.
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+1 those forums "in this state" shouldnt exist ... i mean its only a Complain forum mistake by devs
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Assuming you're talking about a survivor tapping a gen mid chase and continuing to run, I'd say you probably knew that survivor was there and it was a waste of time to kick that gen in the first place.
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I do wish they'd add even just a second of having to repair for the regression to stop.
Generally, it's not all that big of a deal but when a survivor (usually two of them as I suspect they're SWF, though it's not impossible it's two solos just in sync with tactics) is good at the gen tap loop, it makes it downright impossible to stop a gen from being done.
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^^^ dont kick a gen unless they aren't there o.o
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you've basically described Overcharge...
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Because devs sell solutions in DLCs. xD Overcharge, Ruin and Surge.. All these ideas dont have to be perks.
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What they should do is making kicking a gen do a "mini-PGTW" then nerf PGTW to compensate. For example kicking by default just regresses a gen by 5%, PGTW gets nerfed to be 20%, so it becomes 25% again. Then if someone taps a gen, you can just kick it again and you just regressed it by 10% for free.
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Why would you be kicking the gen instead of chasing that person anyway? This is how killers lose survivors in chase. You’re basically letting them run and hide so they can come back to tap and/or work on it and if there is more than 1 person near that gen then it isn’t going to matter what you do anyway, there will still be someone working on it not tapping it while you are chasing or looking for the person you let hide.
but yeah, you did describe overcharge, not sure what else you want 🤷♀️
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I still think Ruin should be base kit, at a reduced rate. . .
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Why ? You already forgot the survivor complaints.
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Not quite: Overcharge lets you hit the skill check when you run away. For a perk that's supposed to fix gen tapping it's not really that fair about it.
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If camping and tunneling are legit strats then gen tapping is fine lol your complaining about something that if done wrong or you check the right gen at the right time helps the killer so why complain about it
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i like that idea i hate gen tapping and ruin can only go so far.
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Well they did say it is Overcharge in a nutshell in their last bit of a sentence
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I swear that happens when I play killer all the flipping time but when I play survivor? I'll find all 4 dull totems and the hex spawned outside the map it feels like sometimes.
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Making you repair it for a second does actually sound like a good idea
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kicking starts regressing
tapping sets it to "neutral"
sitting on it makes it progress
Saying it's unfair that tapping leads to "neutral"state is, i'd say, the same thing as saying: killers just kicking it once and not staying by it to regress it like survivors have to, to progress, is unfair. Well overall this is quite pointless anyway, cuz when they change it to, let's say... one second, survivors will still be able to "not tapp" it in a chase, and i doubt they will change it to more than one sec.
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or at least until they take totems out of the game ... :D
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And how do you suggest they hide them better? There aren't a lot of places to hide when you really think about it and a decent player who's actively looking will find it easy enough. If the totems only spawned In well hidden spots they'd actually be easier to find because it'd narrow down the options, all you'd be doing is just delaying there destruction by a few seconds. I agree that they shouldn't spawn near survivors but asking the Dec's to hide the totems better is like asking them to balance the game for high and low ranks:,No easy solution and tbh it might be fine as it is under the right circumstances.
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Like survivors never complain. Can everyone quit this stupid narrative that only one side complains? Both sides complain, both sides have toxic #########. It's not killers or survivors, it's just ######### people.
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Sounds like this might be a new perk rather than adding it to the game by default. Jokes aside though, I agree that it might be problematic, but a decent killer at least would check the area a bit before kicking a gen (no offense just saying that is normally the case). This idea would not be bad because it would not completely destroy the survivor side and not change the game towards the killers direction at all. Just a few seconds rather than tapping it wouldn't kill anyone feelings (at least I hope not).
Post edited by Psychobeastz on0 -
While I don't personally agree with it, this is the only post saying it's ok as is that actually makes use of logic instead of self serving bias.
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Actually not anymore, now it just explodes when you try that, idk when they fixed it.
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If it does that, it's bugged or they missed the check. The Devs literally said it is an intentional design feature to allow survivors to make the check after tapping and running away, but that Overcharge is the anti-tapping perk. Go figure.
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That would be way too strong, especially on 3 and 4 gen situations.
I wouldnt mind a base kit Pop, every killer gets a 5% regression after hooking someone and then adjust Pop to maintain its value.
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There doesn't need to be a change to regression to fix gen tapping, it just needs to be that survivors initiate a repair animation to stop regression rather than just tap and go.
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Currently, kicking gens is a big waste of time, unless you have Pop. The speed of the game in this meta is too fast and you can't spend time kicking, when instead you have to down survivors as fast as possible. I believe it was 4 seconds of regression undoes 1 second of repair, which is really slow.
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how are y'all getting gen tapped? lmfao...Do you literally stop mid chase to re-break the gen right after the survivor tapped it?..
That's stupid... If the survivor taps the gen he's literally giving you time to catch up and slug him...
We already have so many gen regression perks out... already..If you're getting "gen tapped" it's your own skill to blame... I've been playing for about 6 months red rank survivor purple rank killer and I've never been "gen tapped" not by the dude I'm currently in chase of.. How do you let that happen? bruh
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10 seconds huh?
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The game is already killer favored
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Ya this is one thing that has always grinded my gears. A killer can't instantly break a gen, but survivors can instantly tap it? A survivor should at least have to commit for 2-3 seconds before the gen stops regressing.
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You can still do the skill check while running away, tho.
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I Run overcharged and PGTW for that reason only, lmao it's so funny popping a gen and walking away hearing the gen pop instantly again cause they didn't expect it.
Those 2 perks are a must run for me, ruin never does it for me anymore. I only run ruin on Mikey but the totem gets destroyed before I'm even in level 3
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Sorry, Entity doesnt take killers side for free.. xD
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The generators are already extremely slow. A Killer using POP can regress 25% in 5 seconds. Prevent Survivor from stopping the regression of a generator that it took 1 minute to progress? Okay. Delete the "ultra-rare Mori" (is in all the webs of blood basically) from the game, and maybe this is a valid discussion.
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If you are 3 genning yourself you are already probably going to lose.
As everyone already pointed out, there is literally no point to kicking gens if you don't have pop, or maybe surveillance. The amount of regression you get is usually not worth the few seconds you take to kick it, especially when gen tapping is a thing.
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My game must be bugged then, I was against a doc and the gen kept exploding when I tapped it, I can’t remember how long it’s been since I’ve gotten the skill check while running away
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I’m on PS4 and the gens just explode when I tapp them, no chance for a skill check unless I stay on it, idk what’s happening if you’re supposed to still be able to get it
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The difference is that killers need to take several seconds to begin regression, while survivors barely need one frame to stop it.
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Totem spawns are complete ass.
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there really is no reason for gen tapping at all anymore. Are you referring to when survivors work on a gen, sneak away when killer is near, and work on it more after the killer kicks it and leaves? I'm trying to get a better understanding of this post.
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With a base 5% regression 3gen would be inevitable in a lot of maps and there is a point in kicking a gen, sure it might get taped 10 seconds after you leave it but it might not be taped at all.
Ive seen enough generators regress from more than 70% to 0% with base, regular kicks both as Survivor and as a Killer to know that not kicking a gen is not always the best course of action, as everything in this game it depends on a lot of variables and adhering to a rule just because is recipe for mistakes.
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Here is a basic example, (note I don't do this all the time just when the survivor sees me coming with like spine chill or something) I come to a gen thats not being worked on and no survivor in sight I kick it and i know theres a survivor in the area as I use whispers, I check around the area and find the survivor. He loops the gen and in one of the loops touches the gen for .00001 seconds and stops the regression and runs away. Now my options are to make chase with the survivor without kicking the gen and get a earlier hit on him and leave the gen not regressing, OR kick the gen and add another min to the chase
That was just a basic example
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I do this sometimes. I also tap gens to test for hexes.
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Bring Pop Goes The Weasel.