Special Theme Music for Rank 1 Killer Entering Lobby

*DC intensifies1
Meh. At least you have some badass music to listen to.0
God no - it's bad enough having Killers dc because theres something in the lobby they don't like, let alone having pleb survivors dcing until they get anything less than rank one.
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@DarkWo1f997 said:
Meh. At least you have some badass music to listen to.Oh yes, when i start my game, i'd much rather listen to music than actually play.
Just upload the soundtrack to YouTube, turn off menu music, then loop the YT video.
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Why not just let the killer here it instead of everybody in the lobby? And maybe do a similar thing for rank 1 survivor?
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@ShrimpTwiggs said:
Why not just let the killer here it instead of everybody in the lobby? And maybe do a similar thing for rank 1 survivor?I really like that song they made for the clown dlc teaser with Kate playing the guitar.
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@SenzuDuck said:
God no - it's bad enough having Killers dc because theres something in the lobby they don't like, let alone having pleb survivors dcing until they get anything less than rank one.Have to mark this day on the calendar!
I totally agree with you.0