Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Spirit's Power Tweaks



  • Member Posts: 84

    I am absolutely allowed to assume something given your previous comment and the comment you quoted. Its very reasonable to assume you favour the killer side from that post. You can say you dont and that is fine I wont press that matter.

    "All you need to do is get in their head they are human just like you and can be counter played."

    hoowwwww this doesnt make sense are we talking about the same killer here? Spirit? get in her head? Spirit?

    I could also just say you are right about all the counter plays you just mentioned. Though nothing you said wouldn't still be true if her husk glowed or her husk marked her location at certain intervals. I never wrote that there are no counterplays to Spirit and I also never wrote anything about her not being able to lose a match. Im merely asking for a tell during a chase forget everything else please and I mean if you liked Spirit back when she was a lot stronger then great.

  • Member Posts: 194

    Anyway, they will almost certainly receive another nerf and you know it 🤷‍♀️

  • Member Posts: 4,335

    Only nerf spirit will see may be another look at her addons. I don't think they will nerf her basekit.

  • Member Posts: 84

    Knowing the devs they probably wont listen to the complaints that many people really want which is a better way to evade her during a chase. It'll just be a random surprise thing that no one asked for.

  • Member Posts: 899
    edited August 2020

    There are def things you can do to counter her and i wont sit here and argue with someone who obv already has their mind made up. If you are unclear if she is phasing or not at a pallet bounce to the next tile. If you know for a fact she is phasing do things she isn't expecting. Pulling the pallet on the front side instead of going through it. Fast vault then immediately slow vault back through. There are other ways but those are quick ones.

    Post edited by ill_Boston_lli on
  • Member Posts: 84

    I decided to look up videos by trusted veteran players of dbd because so far everything I said has been mostly what I have deciphered from this issue. Turns out for the most part my views align with their thoughts on the subject.

    "There are def things you can do to counter her and i wont sit here and argue with someone who obv already has their mind made up."

    ok...... but this is me:

    "I never wrote that there are no counterplays to Spirit and I also never wrote anything about her not being able to lose a match."

    There is no argument here because I havent taken the opposing side to what you have been saying. I will say you cant necessarily "counter" the Spirit with what you suggested those are merely things survivors do to trick her. I will also point out that these scenarios do not guarantee anything. Im curious to know how many hours you have in the game and which role do you play the most as well as average rank.

  • Member Posts: 899
    edited August 2020

    I have over 7k hours rank one on both sides. So what is your argument then?? Trick her out play her counter play her all the same to me. Yes there are spirits where it feels almost impossible to beat but you can figure out their faults and use them against her. I play rank one spirits ALL the time and escape and pip against them. I just honestly think she just needed a few tweaks to her addons and of course ill agree with you on the collision factor but all in all I do enjoy playing against a good spirit.

  • Member Posts: 163

    Spirit does not need any base kit changes; however, her movement speed add ons are way too strong, and need to be changed.

  • Member Posts: 84

    Dont worry everything I said was cordial. Though you must understand, you have the potential to last as long in a chase against a spirit as a rank 15 survivor more often than not. Thats simply not good game design. You also have to understand that you are missing my overall point which is the chase. If you survive against the spirit good for you but you arent telling me you are consistently looping Spirits with your methods. If your argument just boils down to you like her now then that should not change with my tweaks. I feel an inevitable Spirit rework anyways and I doubt im going to find you in the discussions saying how you are going to quit the game after 7k hours because of the Spirit changes. lxl

  • Member Posts: 899

    No I wont stop playing for that. I just don't see a need to change her again. I also feel that a chase should be that hard as a survivor I enjoy the challenge. But no way in hell would let a killer getting nerfed lol. MY views are different from yours and i respect it. I in no way have any ill will against you for you thoughts either. I just honestly love when i out play her as i know she is the queen of mind games.

  • Member Posts: 135
    edited August 2020


  • Member Posts: 135

    Nurse does have counterplay. However, if you are facing a really good nurse, you must be a really good survivor to be able to stand a chance. Which makes sense doesn't it ? In order to beat a high skill level player you are supposed to be one, or am i speaking nonse here?

    Imo she is the best killer-survivor we have so far. She is extremely difficult to play to this level, i'm even thinking you haven't face this kind of nurse so far.

    To be able to make accurate blink predictions when LOS is lost (which is what separates a god nurse from a superb) you don't only require to play her to a close to perfect level but yet also understand a lot how survivors think and act under certain situations. And even then, if you face someone that understands nurse to this level you can still get juked. So it is an endless situation where the better player comes on top. Chances are if you struggle against a nurse either she is better than you, or you are not that good. I already stated that to play nurse to this level is actually really difficult, so to be able to counter her should be as difficult as well. Which is fine, youshouldn'tt be able to beat better players than you.

    Spirit on the other side, might need some tweaks but not nerfs, and she can still be countered. Most survivors don't bother playing killer to a high level, so it makes sense they don't understand how to play around these killers (which are the only ones that allow someone to outplay you, the others are just a chase simulator honestly).

  • Member Posts: 135
    edited August 2020

    Forgot to add, she can still get hurt a lot no matter how good she is by some maps. Those extremely large ones. But i think no killer actually stands a chance in these maps. At least not against good organized teams. Chances are these maps will get tweaked however (hopefully)

  • Member Posts: 39

    When I go against a good nurse I don't get angry about it because I know that they deserved the kill because they put time and effort into learning her and are reaping the rewards. But to as Spirit all they really need is <10 games as her and stridor. And outplaying spirit isn't rewarding compared to outplaying good nurses.

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