Behavior has once again taken two steps back

Instead of fixing some framerates ps4 has had recently and trying to get out the server updates they promised in know what people really want? A billy nerf after we just got him in a good spot..great prioritization..not at all anti consumer...
Eh. I dunno. The heat dissipation was kinda.. high. Unless you tried to overheat, you couldn't.
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This will make him kind of dependant on the punctured muffler. Sad, but it's what it is.
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Framerate on PS4 is so janky after the last patch. Sometimes they change things that are not on the patch notes - so I will need to test after I install.
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love where this game
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It's the worst frames have been since their last engine update..its maddening
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At almost 4k posts you're surprised by this?
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So? That was ideal because it took the one bad thing in Billy's kit down..saw revving a hooked person forever..should've let it stay that way
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I'd at least figure with ps4 frames on the brink of non existance and a promised update to servers still not delivered there would at least be SOME prioritization here.....
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Four of his addons just raised some eyebrows. They were literally useless before.
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Its (framerate - lag too) gotten worse on console recently. To the point that I get weird whiffs at close range or survivors vanish somehow plus aim dressing becomes really apparent when the survivor moves even a little to the side.
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Yet they release likely the last patch for over a month to nerf Billy again lol
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They'll get around to us console plebs one day, I'm sure. But for now, repeatedly nerfing and unnerfing billy has to come first. It's just too important to worry about anything else.
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Ok that's Cool and all
But where's the problem in that?
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Yeaah hopefully, with PS5 around the corner. It 'feels' like they have downed tools on the PS4 version.
Billy will remain as is it seems unfortunately. He was my first main too so I feel for those who main him now - though I don't know the extent in game (not numbers) as to how much this affects things.
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They want overheating to happen. People didn't like it, said it was unnecessary and unfun, but they've already put effort into making it so it's gonna happen anyway. See also: the stupid roar. They've already recorded it, so into the game it goes.
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Really overheat should be there just to stop people from camping
also I like the roar1 -
Increasing base heat dissipation wasn’t the only adjustment they made for Hillbilly’s overheat mechanic.
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Cool..but it's a stupid mechanic to start..
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I don't know why certain game devs do this, they know a thing doesn't work or people are displeased about it/think it's dumb af (Billy's roar for example, I find it hilarious but dumb, but the fact that it goes off even during Stealth add-ons/tinkerer, aka completely ruining the stealth you're going for, is...asinine) but they put in anyway because...we already did the work and we don;t want to admit it doesn't fit with the game we're trying to make or is extremely bad/flawed, so here you go anyway!
Like they may make little tweaks to try to make it look like they're listening, but they've already determined in it goes (even though a PTB is supposed to realistically be about testing things to see if they're fit to go in or even fit with that game at all, not to mention finding bugs and testing bug fixes) but instead the PTB is usually: "Look at this thing we're going to immediately add as soon as the PTB is over and if it doesn't work right attempt to hotfix later"
Like it's not even just BHVR that does this, LoL does it a hell of a lot. To the point one of their patches was the buggiest patch in all of LoL history (which is frankly, saying something) (should start from the patch I'm talking about, if not go to about 16:51)
Like, what's the point of having a place where players can test things out if you're just going to implement them when you originally planned to anyway?
The biggest thing LoL and DBD have in common though is their absolute spaghetti code and loads of bugs, plus their determination to release things exactly on time even when they really really SHOULDN'T, and that's really really sad.
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I mean, it's BHVR. They care about money, and care dick all about the health of the game. Strong killers don't make them money. Happy survivors do.
Imagine expecting anything less.
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overheat is meant to be a drawback to his power. drawbacks dont only happen when you are being a scumbag they happen when you play poorly. overheat should be a mechanic to actually manage to punish bad/dumb play like needing to refill hatchets or mix new gas with clown or the cooldown on nurse after teleport or tantrum or needing to reload cowboys gun or you know like what most killers have.
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Agreed. And as for the roar I'm pretty sure it's because of the stealth addons, with their current theme of "stealth is fine if the survivors are informed about it happening first" i.e. trail of torment
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He already has a drawback it's called missing and suffering a cool-down he doesn't need multiple drawbacks
And how are people supposed to get good with his power if the punishment for not being good with his power is not allowing you to use it?
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But that...completely ruins stealth. That's the OPPOSITE of stealth. That'd be like if Urban Evasion made a crunching noise for every step you made with it. Like you're stealth, but the killer knows about it, so it's okay! You're using Lightweight and he can't see your scratches, but he can see your Aura, stealth! You're using Quick and Quiet, but the killer gets free Stridor for it, STEALTH!
Idek what they're thinking anymore, like they don't let the playerbase know when they know about gamebreaking bugs or an ETA for fixes, in a public announcement or anything. They push things from PTB to Live anyway, even if it's supremely broken or flawed. They occasionally released things without even letting the playerbase know about it, like Flashlights are broken right now possibly because they tried to fix the Teabag while pointing, but instead this somehow managed to break flashlights? How, why? Why did you try to "fix" this without telling anyone? Why prioritize this over other actual bugs? No bug fixes or changes should EVER go through without some notification to the playerbase. Even if it's as "simple" as a POV change, or a slight tweak to numbers, your playerbase should still know.
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i mean again many killers have multiple drawbacks bubba has charges and tantrum, huntress has to charge up hatchets and reload them, gorgon can only crawl to certain places that can be destroyed and there is a massive sound indicator and lunge has to be charged, myers has to stalk to build up power gauge and not be god awful slow and when he hits max stage he reverts after a bit and goes back a stage. The stun is punishment/drawback for missing and overheat is the punishment for stupidly revving/charging around the map and spamming your power instead of intelligently using it to down. Not letting you use it because you overused it isn't counter-intuitive like you say it teaches you to not use it in every conceivable moment by making it so you can't.
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you had to force overheat that’s why it got changed all the changes was dissipation rate
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But there is noting wrong with hillbilly having access to his power all the time He has upsides to using it but he also has downsides and it's perfectly balanced so there is no reason for it.
And when a new billy is learning how to play him it's better to let them try again after they make a mistake instead of taking it away from them. Yes it's more incentive to not fail but it also makes learning slower
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Plague is still broken, Oni still has the bug where he is locked out of his power, Nurse is still buggy like always and will forever be, console fps is trash and the sounds get worse with every new chapter.... Lets nerf Billy cause he can one shot unless he can get a curve or is not at a loop. Pretty Good Job So Far.
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It's literally just a non-traditional cooldown always having access to something that lets you charge across the map and one hits all the time is silly if overheat isnt a threat outside of intentionally forcing overheat or sitting revving in front of a hook it might as well not exist and just be a flat cooldown. Having it be a managed mechanic is a good thing it let's other changes happen without having to think ok well we cant do that because billy can always charge across the map and one hit someone then do it again and again.
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Ghost chainsaws are so common on ps4.
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He needed a nerf, and dont get me wrong console should he high priority, but dont try to put all the DBD community in a bag, forum is just the MINORITY in the community, and this forum isn't unbiased (you can clearly see some killers bias here)
So yeah saying the "community" didn't want a billy nerf is just false.
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Ps4 difficult to work with? Even Rockstar borked RDR2 and made it unplayable and they're a triple-A studio.
Also Billy deserved his nerf.
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Let's agree to disagree based off level of play
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Ii would..because it's the truth
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stupid roar is the main reason i stopped playing him i never real play him before anyway but now.
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Nerfing a killer who doesn't need a nerf just so they can do other things with stuff like perks and addons is stupid.
Billy was the most balanced killer where the best player comes out on top and he does not need to be nerfed in anyway. Billy takes immense skill to learn and play. If you have problems facing billy you need to git gud
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Oh level of play? Is that code for garbage potato?
I've already gone through numerous times why he was the most outstanding nail in the board that had to be nailed down. He's a walking bandaid for every problem in the game.
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A walking bandaid? For what?
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It's not even the change itself..its the fact they prioritized resources to this
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I can't imagine nerfing this killer before addressing other killers that are without a doubt over the edge.
Blame Leatherface for his demise. Money is the root of all evil.
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Honestly I don't really mind the roar, I think it's kinda cute and goofy and makes sense considering Billy is basically a mentally ######### child.
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Every killer is fine atm..maybe spirit could use a tell when her phase starts, but that's debatable
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Every killer problem. Downing people at loops, gen patrol, dealing with swf groups. They all follow the rules of the game but focus is taken away from them because you can just switch to Billy to deal with it. Nothing gets fixed
Billy is the only killer with the potential to down every person at the beginning of the game with no buildup using an on-demand instant down. He's a frozen snowball. It didn't just hit you, he crippled you.
Then there's the associated elitism. Oh he's using instant chainsaw? L-mayo, get better. Just sidestep him. EZ.
What a joke.
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I play billy double engravings flick billy super aggresively and it would happen quite often, I took it as a way of punishing you for missing hits so that you cant just try to chainsaw again if you miss twice.
Now double engravings is even worse because due to its nature of increasing charge time and longer revving at loops I think I'm gonna move on to Hag or Spirit.
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It's not a joke considering even billy in his prime still struggled with good teams..honestly characters like Nurse, Billy, spirit , and a couple others are saving this game..I'd appreciate them more if I were you
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They're all characters that skip gameplay mechanics. You don't think that's avoiding an issue?
Spirit is next.
Imagine if the survivors got a mechanic that instantly finished a gen. Oh wait they took that out of the game because it was busted. Killers are no different for balancing acts.
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Yeah, we can't have bad Survivors unhappy for too long. Otherwise we'll lose money.
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Doing things right is two steps back? Guess youre in no position to talk here with such a false premise.