5th locked perk?

I'm thinking of a 5th added locked perk to each character (survivor or killer)
I feel like this would good because it would mean that survivors are more than just reskins. They would each have their own little quirks.
Any opinions? Would love for some feedback.
Having 5 perks would just make the game way more survivor sided and unbalance the game way too much so no it is not gonna happen if we are being realistic.
But it would be a good idea if they implemented it when they designed the game and at the same time very bad because what if someone needed or wanted the survivor locked perk but didn't wanna play the survivor ? it would be very unfair to force people to play a certain survivor just for the perk and if you make the perks bad enough that nobody would care then also nobody would care about the locked unique survivor perk so.
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The killer can have locked perk as well. It would definitely make the game more interesting because you would have to find out what perks work best for that survivor or killer.
I do appreciate the feedback!
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Every Survivor and killer would have a 5th locked perk.
Said locked perk would be the weakest perk they have out of their 3 teachables to have some balance.
Example: Meg: Quick & Quiet, Wraith: Bloodhound.
My argument would be that it adds some variety to each survivor, but in some ways it could be unbalanced.
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I can definitely see that.
Thanks for the feedback!!
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By that argument though; what about people like Laurie, Dwight, Nurse, Plague ect.. where every perk is pretty strong?
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I guess it would probably means on how you use them. You're not necessarily locked to having every perk of that specific character. I like running a specific build on every survivor I play and I love it. It would be the cherry on top of I could have that one locked perk for that specific character where you have to learn the advantages and the disadvantages of selecting that survivor
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Would be nice if it was like a passive thing, you would unlock it and equip it, for example, vigil, make it a passive that goes in that 5th slot, like a mini perk. But to add passive perks, you would need to change teachable perks as well.
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It would create a meta between characters but either way i wouldn't care, i would love to have something exciting like that to change the meta a little bit and also would be great to not see a lobby full of claudettes.
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Take the weak perks, convert them into passives, but for people who would have a teachable passive perk, they would need another 'main' teachable perk.
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Following my other comments, it would be a big hassle to implement into dbd.
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Dead by Daylight already had 5 Perks at one point I thought.
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Definitely something to look at
Thanks for the feedback!!
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Thank you for your feedback! I appreciate it
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Definitely would have to reshape the characters teachables a little bit. Can't say it won't be interesting tho!!
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Definitely. Just a thought though
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It's not just any perk slot. This is the character's locked perk which means you can't change it at all. Would give some diversity to the survivors just like the killers have
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I argued something similar but the last perk would be an "information" perk. Like an aura perk or maybe something like spine chill/whispers. Maybe even make so "information perks" are only available in the 5th slot. That last one is only maybe. But I still think the first one is a good one.
My problem with the "locked to the weakest teachable perk for that survivor" is how do you decide which ones the weakest. I mean in the plagues case I think its obvious. Dark devotion is good but it cant compete with Infectious/Corrupt.
But someone like Ace who has got at least 2 bad perks. Which one is the worst one and how is that decided.
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Good point. How would they decide on the weakest perk? Probably gather some data to see which perk doesn't get used as often or maybe a unique new perk all together
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Tough, want the perk? Play the character. The state it's at now we might as well have one survivor with different looks. At the very least a survivor's own perks should be stronger than teachable versions.
Imo killers don't need this so much as they actually differ enough to be worthwhile, e.g. I can't play nurse to save my life but can often 3k with huntress and myers
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I like the idea that every survivor has something unique except their skin. One of the (already existing) perks is a bad idea imo.
Just give them a buff in one specific thing just like this:
Meg: x% faster run speed
Dwight: getting in a locker is 20% faster
Ace: Luck is increased by 3% all the time
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Survivors already have a 5th perk slot; it's called SWF 😆
In all seriousness, no that's a terrible idea. We would only ever see meta characters like we do perk loadouts. And we all know that's inevitable if bhvr tries to implement something like this since they have SUCH a great track record with balance changes.
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How about those of us who play solo? I'm pretty sure not everyone plays with SWF
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Right!! But also have them have some kind of debuff for say if someone is injured Ace now has a 8% chance to pull a brown item from a chest. Definitely would make the game more interesting
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There needs to be a differentiation between the survivors, they need to play differently. As it stands now the only reason I don't use Meg or Claudette is because there's a daily challenge involving another character, and the only real difference is I've leveled up Claudette more...
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And yet plenty of people play other characters? So I guess no need for there to be any difference? People will play what they prefer to play. If you wanna play someone different just do it, if you dont why force the game to when people are playing different characters.
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My point is that the difference is purely cosmetic and imo there should be more than that, all the killers play differently why shouldn't the survivors?
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Perhaps the proposed 5th perk slot could be a restricted slot containing one of the character's teachables. From level 1-24 it's tier 1, from 25-49 it's tier 2, and at level 50 it reaches tier 3. Perhaps you start with the level 30 teachable, upon reaching p1 it switches to the level 35 teachable, at p2 it switches to the level 40 teachable, and at p3 you get to choose the teachable.