Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

I just solved swf problems

Proximity chat. End of.

Any swf group will be talking to each other, so the killer can hear that if they're close enough. You either shut up when killer gets close or you're going to be given away.

Also solos will have the choice to join in those Comms or keep quiet. It also means everyone has more than 3 gestures e.g. I can get a heal off someone without following them for 5 minutes

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  • Member Posts: 3,426

    People would then start using third part communication, such as Discord or Skype.

  • Member Posts: 6

    Excellent idea, but as the poster above says, almost redundant due to third party apps.

  • Member Posts: 112

    Well people are using them now, but unless they're going to use them without a microphone proximity chat will pick it up.

    They're your choices, prox chat is always on so use it or unplug the mic

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    The only solution is to make people joining a Lobby as a GROUP automatically designated League play. That way we acknowledge they have a superpower Perk called Comms. That way they will either automatically be put against a higher Rank Killer or such Team Players will have greater issues to deal with like needing another Generator over standard to power the gates. I'm sure other balancing obstacles to balance the comms is possible.

  • Member Posts: 124

    I hope they never ever add something like this in the game. This is the type of idea that seems good on paper but its going to be horrendous to deal with for everyone.

    • First there is no need for in-game voice chat, it will be hard to implement, will make the devs put more effort into more stuff that is irrelevant instead of fixing the so many bugs the game already has. No, we dont need more in-game communication tools, I know solo is different from swf and swf has a massive advantage, but adding audio doesnt fix that fact at all because is still better to use an external program even if the killer can hear you, the fact that you can still communicate from the other side of the map using a third program doesnt change.
    • Second if you force people into the in-game voice without them actually being able to put it off, you will end up with people abusing the system to just troll and be #########, and nobody wants that, even worse if the killer is forced to permanently hear everything the survivors say the toxicity will be off the charts. You probably are already mad for those t-bags, how are you gonna feel every second that you are called a baby killer and a trash player? If you say "Ah, but the killer can deactivate it" then what is the point of this? The only reason for this idea is the give the killer more control in audio form, but for that purpose is better to improve the sounds (which right now are bugged again), maybe even add a "Whisper" sound when two survivors are close to each other, but not this.
    • Third, there will be a way to put the system off and people will find out how to do it, making it even more irrelevant. You cant force people to use a voice system, that will only hurt the player base more.

  • Member Posts: 3,348

    Even if we ignore the invasive nature of forced always-on voice chat, it's easy to circumvent (on PC at least).

    Just set different mics as default mic in the OS and the one used for whatever VOIP program, and leave the default one turned off. If someone doesn't have two mics they can use a virtual audio cable for the same purpose.

  • Member Posts: 112

    Actually those are good points, the whisper sounds more workable

  • Member Posts: 1,358

    Good luck lurking on my discord or phone call. Proximity chat would be cool and add to the realism and immersive gameplay feels but it'd probably go unused

  • Member Posts: 28

    sorry if im late but isnt that how its always been just use discord or steam chat or worse than any killer skype

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    The game cannot be programmed to work like that. Also it just buffs campers.

  • Member Posts: 3,426
  • Member Posts: 28

    i mean my point still stands just use discord on your phone there's not a good way to fix party chats if outside services exist, my defense with console would be like pc if your playing with randoms they can send you a mgs asking to join a call or not

  • Member Posts: 3,426

    Exactly, although for consoles (as some games with permission can disallow party chat, which could allow proximity) people would just move over to as mentioned Skype and Discord.

  • Member Posts: 136

    Consoles have built-in party chat and is 100% permitted by DbD.

  • Member Posts: 251
    edited August 2020

    Lol, no one would talk through the game, we all use discord... and you can't force in-game voice chat so your solution doesn't work.

    It's a team based game as survivors... Developpers have to find a way to balance the game even though it is 4v1 and even though the 4 survivors are communicating.

    How ? Not my job to find the solution, they earn enough money to have "thinkers" in their team.

    Anyway, maybe to add a half-game objective would be a good idea.

    Exemple :

    • add gaz cans around the map that survivors can take and bring somewhere (to gather them) or let them where they are
    • add 3 or 4 "gaz wells" where survivors can drop gaz inside, all connected to a gaz reserve; when fuelling a well with a gaz can, there is a progress bar as when you unhook for each gaz can
    • the event is randomly generated in every game. When 1 to 5 generators are done , the remaining generators (or the door) don't have enough gaz to work, survivors cannot repair them (or open the doors), all finished generator are shut down but progression on them is not reset (it's like an event thing with light going off)
    • survivors have to fuel the gaz reserve, through the wells, the amount of necessary gaz has to be determined (something that take 1 or 2 minutes for exemple)
    • when the reserve is full, finished generators start working again (light on, beautiful things blabla) and the remaining generators can be repaired or the door opened

    It will add a new dynamic to the game, killers will have more time to chase, survivors will see variety in the gameplay.

    But hey, developpers will never read this post so... :)

  • Member Posts: 234

    I personally would say that if they want to help killers against swf, once the match starts they are given a Mori.

  • Member Posts: 106

    On paper this seems like a good idea but all teams who want and currently do genrush just to be annoying (the current problem) will just keep using discord.

  • Member Posts: 2,259

    Don’t think this would work. They already use 3rd party chat. If in-game chat came with a downside (killer hearing them), then they’ll just keep using what they currently have.

    No, the solution is a The Imp. A 6th player with weak abilities that aids the killer. Most importantly, has in-game chat with killer.

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