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If SWF aren't an issue, why not allow people to know they are going against it?



  • Member Posts: 3,099

    That was only half of what I said. SWF still renders knockout, third seal and blindness add-ons useless.

  • Member Posts: 186

    There are killers who can and will take on SWFs. Just let them have it and let killers who don't want to sweat enjoy the damn game.

  • Member Posts: 114

    Baby killers maybe (anything out of red ranks) I'm a rank 1 that enjoys the challenge. It really tests your mettle as a killer and improves your competence as well. It can be frustrating back to back to back with no chill games in between. Still it's much more enjoyable to crush a swat squad then bad players that just put in tons of time into the game. I'm not the only one who thinks like this either most of my buddies are the same. I know not everyone's like that but still everyone assumes none wants to play vs swf.

  • Member Posts: 114

    I'm sure its different for everyone but I think 15% is low. In my experience at rank 1 with killer. It's been about 50/50 with some leeway before the new mmr of course. I used to play mostly rank 1-2 survivors that appeared to be highly organized so I would guess swf but it's always just that a guess. More often than not they deserved their rank. It made me much better at the game than I already was. Its stressful and intense but it's an addicting rush. I do think in the post game it would be good info to have so you can better judge the overall outcome of the match.

  • Member Posts: 1,972

    And I assume you also want survivors to see the killer before the match starts? Might as well at this point, then everyone can dodge everything they dislike.

  • Member Posts: 321

    You're naive if you think things that aren't an issue would be dodged. You think spirit, or legion or clown isnt an issue to anyone? You want to expose swf in the lobby you might as well show who the killer is too. Oni or Nurse aren't an issue right? Right? Surely nobody would dodge any of your killers! Just let us see then! And if we dodge, they must be an issue!

    Sorry but your logic doesnt work.

  • Member Posts: 1,319
    edited August 2020

    It could be resolved by adding a concede/forfeit option to close the match and give the survivors a win but force the conceding player (whether survivor or killer) to play one match to completion without it to enable it as an option for them in their following match each time they've used it. Then they could be like, "well, fugget... if it's a swat team /ff move on and if I am unlucky enough to actually get 2 in a row I'll just afk the second one so I can /ff again on the unlikely chance I win the lottery and actually get a third a match or two later already." problem not entirely solved, but that will offset a lot of dodges when they are not forced to be so committed or punished for doing anything other than afking or working as an entertainment provider without being paid at least a minimum wage for it. A survivor using the option would just count as an immediate sacrifice, but not for the hooks that didn't occur already in the match which is better than a disconnection still. It might also make some feel less frustrated, leading to being less susceptible to being goaded by toxic swf into reportable chat end game.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    Funny, i actually do play solo all day over killer with just the chance to play every other game vs swf.

    But i dont have any problem with playing solo, while you seem to struggle. Maybe your survivor performance is simply lacking?

    Its not meant as an insult, because i know i dont perform well as killer. But "SWF is fine" is just not true for me, neither on the killer side, nor the survivor side.

  • Member Posts: 48

    SWF in it's self is not an issue ,

    It's cry baby killers that say SWF is an issue

    As a killer I go into the game with the advantage , and if I get beat it's like a hit ego

    It's basically like I (the killer) going to fight 4 ,10 year old kids (survivor) , I should be able to just Molly wop the lot of them , but if I lose I'm going to feel ashamed and cry

  • Member Posts: 47

    You are painting with too broad a brush, and it is intentionally misleading. Yes, there are some really great gamers out there that meet other really great gamers and become SWAT SWFs, but there are other average gamers out there that just want to play with friends and have fun. The 2nd group is not OP and often loses to altruism and other mistakes. When I play with friends, I play worse at times just chatting with them and not really paying attention to the game. Surviving with Friends is completely different than winning with other exceptional gamers.

    You want to trip someone into saying swfs are a problem. I don't think they are, and there is a pretty logical reason why not to show which you continuously gloss over with your brush.

    1. Killers see SWATs (good group of gamers) as a problem. Going against good gamers is tough for everyone. I've gone against incredible killers and survivors.
    2. Devs implement SWF indicator. It does not differentiate SWAT and any other SWF.
    3. All killers avoid SWF because of their disdain for SWAT and want to have their 4ks easy-mode.
    4. The whole group of SWFs which are not SWAT (maybe like 90%) never find matches because baby killers.
    5. Game ceases to be played with friends and loses large player base.
    6. No more survivors
    7. Killers in empty lobbies waiting long times for 4 solo-survivors so they can get their 4ks.
  • Member Posts: 1,319

    that could be a good idea if they include a voip option in the game as a form of party chat for those groups, just to keep it quick and simple for them. Since voip eliminates the need for many informational perks, and does a better job than many of them if they have somebody keeping tabs on the killer. So provide the voip option in game, or they can use whatever they're on already outside the game, and then remove a perk slot. But only for 3 and 4 man swf, not for duos.

    With duo you only need to mark one to kill, and if you've been able to check the profiles and identify a double duo lobby you can know which are which and take one out from each should the opportunity present itself easily enough and then the remaining two are basically solo players the rest of that match. So duo should not be subject to the perk loss, but 3 man and certainly 4 man should. 4 man lobbies should have a green mori active without the need for an offering too actually, but maybe base that on the mmr of the group or it's highest two members.

  • Member Posts: 649

    I had to read your post several times. Do you mean to say “it’s the killers” instead of “not the killers”? English is not my first language so I’m sorry if this isn’t what you mean.


    Yes it would be nice and useful to know but like others have said, a lot of killers will just dodge lobbies. This will not only be frustrating to SWF groups because that means they’ll have to keep waiting for a killer that is willing to play against a SWF group but also frustrating for killers since they have to re-queue and we all know queue times for killer is much longer than survivor. However, I think killer in this case should not even complain about having to queue again because it’s their decision to dodge.

  • Member Posts: 2,114

    It's a double negation sentence. I meant to say that the Devs are the ones who do not have any issues with SWF. The killers however do not agree with Dev's opinions.

    SWF will most certainly lead to either a toxic or a very stressful match and there are people who would rather wait than to get an unfun experience.

  • Member Posts: 420

    Who has ever said SWF is a minority? SWF depip squads are a minority. But 75% of games are some form of SWF according to BHVR themselves. So I have no idea where you go argument 2 from.

  • Member Posts: 6,342

    What is this "checking profiles" I keep seeing? Is that a PC thing? Not sure it is doable on Xbox, especially with private ones...

  • Member Posts: 48

    Maybe , just maybe adding in something at the end game screen that said , 2 or more players que'd together , so the killer could know if the just murdered a swf successfully , or got beat by a coordinated team

    Other than that no info should actually be given to either team no player name or anything

    The fact that the killer can see player names or player items is already too far in the killers favor

    I think both teams should show up up a default shadow

    Survivors already have to run to middle of the map to view things to get killer info

    They should make it the same with killer by not letting killer see survivors so you don't find out if your going against 4 blendettes until you find them in game

  • Member Posts: 1,319
    edited August 2020

    yeah I solo survivor, since I don't wanna deal with killer. I didn't play it too much before, but now I don't play it at all any more starting last week. You get used to solo survivor, but while gritty is sometimes thrilling and fun as survivor killer is just plain stress sometimes even the moment you simply queue up as one let alone once you see some lobbies, check profiles, and get trolled in game.

  • Member Posts: 24

    Lol lobby dodging is due to killers feeling slighted if they dont 4K. That is what would come from this. That doesnt fix anything, it just adds to the toxicity of this community.

  • Member Posts: 1,319
    edited August 2020

    it has nothing to do with that. the way you feel watching your team getting ebony'd, a few minutes into a match, is the way akiller feels seeing gens pop and barely being able to find anybody due to the abuse of voip and spotters especially abusing perks like object and being good at not letting it 2-way or using things like distortion making it more annoying. And the whole team will go out of their to make it hard for you to get the prick out of the game too if they're easy to catch. Throw in fleshlights, tea dunking, and often the spotter or bait being the only ones you can find in those kind of groups while also being the hardest to catch and you have yourself a bad time. I honestly have no clue how this game survived four for years. If it wasn't for the lawsuit bs friday the 13th eventually would have edged this out. There's probably an alternate timeline where dead by daylight is the dead game and friday the 13th is a lot better right now. But we are in the darkest timeline, 2020 has proven it to me.

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    The cold hard truth of it is that no matter what the balance is like, it's a perfectly legal part of the game and people are no more entitled to avoid it than a survivor is to avoid a killer they dislike. Is everything perfectly fine and dandy and there should be no changes made? That's not what I'm saying, and I'm not claiming I know any perfect solutions (they don't exist so I'd be lying if I said I did) but the "I don't want to play against them, so I shouldn't have to" stance is quite simply irrelevant.

    On Steam you can click on survivor names -> view profile, and assuming they don't have their entire profile or relevant bits (friends list, it's an option) set to private or friends only you can check if they're friends on steam. If other parts are public you can also see their playtime.

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    I wouldn't know as I haven't played much on consoles the last few years. I know that depending on privacy settings one can see someone's achievements, wouldn't know about friends lists.

  • Member Posts: 1,209

    Same can be said about your post if their isn’t an issue with swf why do you need to see them?

    The point is yes there is an obvious gap between comms and no comms which is why you should not see them as people would dodge every lobby with comms and que times would be ridiculous as most don’t want to play solo que and would just leave the game altogether

  • Member Posts: 6,342

    Got it, thank you. Seems us consolers are often fogotten in many posts and responses where it turns out to be a PC-only thing. Most on Xbox seem to have locked up all of the info you talked about, from the scrounging around I've done.

  • Member Posts: 987

    Because all the baby killers would dodge every SWF, even if it’s not a full group :)

  • Member Posts: 1,045

    becuz SWF is not fine but they dont wanna fix it too complicated.I just run noed plus blood warden and enjoy those SWAT team that doesnt commit mistakes to enjoy entity claws :D

  • Member Posts: 2,870

    A killer main who knows finally all these new killer mains dont know only the ogs.

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    Maybe my survivor is lacking, it doesn't take away from the fact that playing killer is the easiest it has ever been, you saying I'm a bad survivor doesn't take away from the fact killer vs swf is so far from being hard it's laughable.

  • Member Posts: 1

    Maybe the devs just don't give a damn about SWF Survivors and hackers. If they did they'd ban nearly 85-90% of players because only 10% of players of this game are honest horror fans unlike Friday he 13th he Game which more even 50/50 game and horror fans. Which sucks they cater to these ######### players just like Sony does. Sony suspended my account for 2 months playing this 6 months so I got my account on PSN suspended 8 x times because of salty SWF toxic players who believes they are superior to you and you should cater to their cyberbullying techniques and if you dare so much show any type of Skill against them falsely reported not on the game itself despite a ban and report button in game these sweaty salty cheating people who cyber Bully would ban your PSN account for 3 months by falsely reporting you for something you probably never said or done in the game that isn't a skill or technique killers take advantage of survivors think is considered toxic or cheating despite being an in-game mechanic killers can use to out smart you which is Ghost Face's stalk, simply camping for several seconds at the person you hooked or even being forced to face camp with all 3 other survivors being stupid to try to help the one with killer on tail endorsing the killer to be forced to face camp that one person to down everyone who went for the hooked person in the game and now SWFs and normal toxic players ban players for using a killer's skill to their advantage as Pyramid to knock them down as much as the killer could to hook rhem. Survivors are a disgrace and destroy this game by forcing us to accept toxicity or get banned in game or suspended on your account because they whiny little cheating pussies who can't handle smart killer players like myself and they should be on the receiving end with the suspensions and bans for once because they are cheating and or being the SWFs and toxic ######### not me.

  • Member Posts: 1

    yeah I actually just started playing a new killer, nurse btw, but i’ve matched with several swf teams, who are all red ranks. and when i do, i get people who t-bag, use head on, flashlight, decisive, and borrowed. it’s terrible. so that’s been annoying. so i think it’d be nice.

  • Member Posts: 413

    I love that there are pages and pages of survivor mains who just want an easy win and don't give a ######### about anyone else trying to defend against this perfect crystalline logic. I would pay to see you lay this out in a BHVR DEV meeting.

  • Member Posts: 5

    For every extra member of SWF group restrict them to only their characters default perks. 2 players 2 default perks - 3 players 3 default perks - etc

  • Member Posts: 6,342

    This does not help the lot of solo survs, who are having a rough time as well, and only punishes. Better to buff up the solos and then killers around that, reducing whatever advantages a group on comms has, real or imagined.

  • Member Posts: 282

    Because a lot of people believe it is an issue, and will dodge SWF, which would then be an issue.

  • Member Posts: 21

    Your right instead they just kill themselves on hook when it's a killer they don't like.

    Suprise people dont want to play a game as a killer to be bullied into a corner by people with quite literally 100x the amount of hours they have. Iv seen killers with one perk against 4 rank 1s. Swf changes the game - comms , they dont need many perks because of mics, very little loss of efficiency as you know who's being chased , who's on gen and who's doing totems, know when to block or not. Etc etc. But Devs can make more money off swfs so screw killer that's been evident for awhile now.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Because swf doesn’t have to be an issue for people to feel it’s an issue and lobby dodge as a result.

    There is no value in telegraphing swf as it will just increase queue times as people skip lobbies over and over.

    swf can be hard to outplay. Some enjoy the challenge but many people don’t want that level of challenge. So the lobby dodging and wait time fiesta will commence the moment folk know it’s swf or not.

  • Member Posts: 3,022

    Because devs don't want to put the time, money, and effort into rebalancing the game with SWF in mind. So, they pretend to ignore it. You notice they never respond, in depth, to SWF posts? They look the other way.

  • Member Posts: 3

    Swf isn't an issue. Killers are just complaining because it's not as easy to kill a swf

  • Member Posts: 3

    What are they doing to do? Remove multiplayer entirely to get rid of swf? No. That's dumb. Spend less time.complaining about swf and just get a better tactic

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    Na, just play less killer and play swf instead.

  • Member Posts: 5,926

    Doesn't matter, shows that the game is inherently unbalanced. It doesn't matter if only a few groups exploit it, the fact that it CAN be done shows that the game is tipped too far their favor, and needs to be fixed. There are plenty things the devs can do to fix SWF swat teams while not nerfing, and maybe even buffing the solos or the friends who just goof around together.

  • Member Posts: 1,893

    if SWF is that busted that people knowing they were going against it would dodge and destroy the game.....why not fix the aspects of the game that make SWF broken?

  • Member Posts: 2,184

    You guys hardcore over estimate mics and SWF...SWF isn't bad its individual survivor skill thats the problem

  • Member Posts: 340

    For the same reason that survivors aren't supposed to know who the Killer is.

    Is the 4 man SWF Seal Team 6 a problem? Sure. It's way less of a problem than Killers say (but probably a bigger problem than Survivors think) though. And if you give Killers the option to dodge SWF, then all that is going to happen is that every killer will dodge SWFs until the SWFs can't play with their friends, in which case they'll stop playing.

    I almost literally only play this game with friends, and if I'm going to be punished because I play with friends, just going to stop playing.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    Well, i used to play swf, and i play solo, so i have a comparision. And there is no overestmiating mics. Because you always know you are save on the gen, because you always know who is chased by the killer. You know if you have to be carefull, or just go for it.

    That is a lot of information, that usually comes from perks if you play solo. Also, it makes several killer perks useless, like third seal or knockout.

  • Member Posts: 1,358

    the only change that could work its that those that are SWF get some debuff of action speed

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