swf should not be in the game

Dear developer, remove this mode from the game and balance the single player game. Swf can be unfair.
if they do that some ppl will not play the game
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Game would die, plus I would like to play with friends
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no 80% of people that u think atr swf are jsut solo q
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They just need to balance around SWF. Give solo queues some buffs to equal everything out (information buffs mostly). & make killers strong enough to at least threaten a sweaty SWF enough to not be considered a pushover killer.
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Honestly, with the current matchmaking I think SWF is the least of your problems.
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Last night I vs Spirit.
Killer had Red mori & mori all other 3 except me, then let me escape through hatch. Post game I just realize others were 3 men SWF, looks like Killer just aim for the SWF and didnt care of me.
I get that but other 3 was Brown & Yellow rank, Im the only Green. And Spirit was Purple. Feel sorry for that SWF
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swf is breaking the game and its honestly a waste of resources to have to balance perks for solo and swf.
voice coms should be available to everyone in game (OPT-IN only) if people want to play with voice. that way survivors will all have more equal footing.
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I don't see anything bad, but new ones will appear. There should be no toxic players in the game. You know that most teams are involved in bullying killers. At the same time, it is often difficult for players to win alone. swf is a 99% toxicity that affects the entire community. Why are you ignoring this problem?
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I play with my family ,not friends or very rarely if they do that we ll leave the game , we got 4 accounts . If it can get you ideas ...
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Without SWF, there's no game in the first place.
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SWF is totally overrated. There are some things of course, but it does not completely outplay the killer. I even see on smaller streamers and also had that myself several times that there are problems to communicate where exactly the hex totem is.
Besides that, I play mostly solo and run frequently into situations that are popular to be accused as "SWF only" gameplay, which is simply BS. Not every flashlight or pallet save, bodyblock or team basement saves and whatsoever requires SWF
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What if I quit the game because I'm playing alone as a survivor and I don't want to play as a hitman because the SWF players are bullied, and if not, they have an advantage that I can't beat?
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At first, there was no swf mode in the game. And there was no need for that.
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Are you playing as a killer? Obviously not. The team of the red ranks is not encouraging.
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Thank. One reasonable answer!
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The most reasonable suggestion who has been made is to grants in the end game a BP bonus equal to how many players are in SWF, that way it would feel less frustrating for the killers to rewarded for their uh... Suffering?
Pretty sure SWF is what made this game more popular.
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People who agree with this is either toxic killer mains or have no friend. Sad...
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Maybe you're right. But ... many players don't want to play the game after colliding with SWF
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You are not right. And yes, I play single player because I really like it, not because I have no friends. When I'm a killer, I don't mind losing a solo to a survivor. These games are fun. And playing against swf, the result is predictable.
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I think some of you need to get out of their basement and get to know people, maybe you’ll make some friends too to play with :)
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It was intended to be in the game from the beginning, but was not ready at the release date. I think something like 1.0.3 already got it
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You are probably that kind that calls every surv team that is outplaying you an SWF Team. I get called out to be SWF while playing SoloQ WAY too often.
besides, in the first month where SWF was not an option, people dodged lobbies to get in a lobby with their friends. and disabling SWF would probably just result in this again. Or many people will just quit and the game would die very fast.
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I play both... on red ranks...
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You forgot to add. Mock the killer or have an almost one hundred percent guarantee of victory.
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You did not understood well we re not under the same house. Playing together withs sons is a way to keep talking to them and keep doing a same thing at the opposite side of the country. Delete that and we have no more reason to play the game . We could play on other as well , its in devs hands ^^
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Removing SWF is a stupid idea. Whilst it does give an extra advantage it takes 4 competent survivors to take full advantage. Most teams you come across are just casual players and 4 good solos are more of a threat.
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It's a modern multiplayer game so it's gonna have something like SWF. This has nothing to do with balance, this is an industry level expectation that no sane developer would try to mess with.
I'm not saying nothing can be done, but if you object to its existence in general I doubt anything that has even a tiny chance of being implemented would be "enough" for you.
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This game is different from the industry. Then let it enter the "killing for frends" mode, against swf. Why don't they give 2 killers against swf?
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It should be in the game, it just should be a different game mode than solo survivor and balanced accordingly.
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Before you criticize SWF, you need to go and play for an entire day as a survivor in SWF on the official DBD Discord server. Play with multiple groups. You will see that toxic, bullying, or OP SWF groups are the minority. SWF is already a minority, so it is a minority within that minority.
Most posts like this come from killers who are struggling for some reason . . . they are playing a weak killer/weak build or need to improve their skills. The common denominator when you play all day as a killer, is YOU. If you think that everyone is experiencing the same "unfairness" that is really a biased perspective because you are the only killer in all of those matches. Go play as SWF for a whole day and you will get a different perspective.
Also, you can't remove SWF from this game. People like to play with their friends. If they can't do that, they'll leave and the game will have very few people left.
Plus, SWF brings it's own challenges. It's not all smooth sailing. Most SWF aren't a well-oiled team that always plays together. As you will see if you take up my Discord challenge, there are folks who don't talk, folks with bad communication, folks who don't know how to play, and all kinds of pressure from voices on comms telling you what to do/not do. It's not peaceful and organized every time. In fact, by the time most SWF teams get to that point, someone leaves the group and you have to start again. Yes, there are advantages to being on comms, but some of that is offset by the additional challenges. There's even the pressure to perform knowing that you may hear the salt from your team via the comms if you don't. That alone can make people make bad choices or take risks they shouldn't have. I've seen folks all get downed on comms trying to show off with a flashlight save or something. Trust. The perfect team is a minority within a minority. No need to nerf that.
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Here I can agree. 2 modes. solo 1vs4 and kwf vs swf.
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The current MM is like 90% sweaty af SWF. Speak for yourself.
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It's never going to happen. You're better off focusing your energy on other suggestions.
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Name a balanced 4 vs 1 PVP game.
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Or just stop complaining and play the game? 10's of thousands of killers have absolutely no problem playing against SWF groups. And 10's of thousands wouldnt keep playing DBD if we couldnt play with our friends.
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Do you think I have no SWF survival experience? In 90% of voice acting games, the assassin cannot resist and the match ends quickly. But when I play solo, I win 1 match out of 10. It's not normal that the game is so skewed.
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Look up the deathgarden thread from yesterday to see how many disagree. Naming a few games doesn't make them balanced nor good/valid comparisons. You, like most here, just want an easy win. Being the Home Alone cartoon villain getting the ######### kicked out of you by an SWF on comms after a 20 minute queue is insult to injury. I think all like you should be forced to play killer every day for a few weeks. See how it is.
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Overestimating a little aren't we. pairs are pretty common but every game isn't just sweaty 4 stacks. I love this notion that ever group of red ranks are SWF. Solos and Duos can be good at the game and smash killers you know
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Depends, if I play Trapper it's every game, because I play him a lot. If I play, as I mentioned elsewhere, Deathslinger for a daily like last night where I almost never play him, it's noobs, still, half of them SWF, but confused and scared - which frankly is how all survivors should be.
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The problem isn't necessarily SWF, It's killers being to easy to beat when you're a high rank survivor. And the fact that the 'skill' rating isn't how well you play the game but how much of each thing you do doesn't help things. Skill should be based on how long you survive for survivors and how fast/ how many kills you get as killer instead of all this point scoring in certain categories.
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Imagine a online-multiplayergame in 2020 in which you can't play with your friends....
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Im probably gonna blow your minds but...
Most of the swf are actually bad/barrage ans just wanna have fun
Not every swf play with coms
No loosing doesnt mean you just fought a swf squad, you can also loose to solo players
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swf improves efficiency by allowing you to trust that your friend will take a hit for you or come save you, you can also coordinate perks. You don't need to communicate with a friend in SWF to increase your survival rate and efficiency. If you know your friend is competent, you can make game changing plays based off of BT / DH / DS
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It is unfair. It undermines the entire system of Perks, cheats Killers, and puts Solos at a disadvantage. This is in the current system. I submit there should be three types of games rather than the current two. There should be:
- Standard games which are all Solos coming together and playing the game with communication only inside the game, i.e. via Perks, Gesture Animations, etc. You don't get any ID information until the end of the match, so you can't hook up with said players for comms. This same restriction would have to apply to all types, PC or Console.
- Custom Games would remain the SAME. You and your friends (and a willing Killer) can go in as a group and play. Everyone is there by consent and if there is an advantage given by the format, all are in agreement to it anyway.
- Team Play (i.e. Leagues) would be where people can enter a lobby as a GROUP, i.e. a registered team. Their games would earn Blood Points and they would be matched with a Killer who is ready, willing, and able to go up against a SWF match. This would allow the DEV to Rank the TEAM separately, and accurately. More to the point, the DEV can balance for the 5th Perk (Comms) by having a formula that pulls a better Killer and/or increases objectives, say like adding an additional Generator or two. My point is Comms is only becoming more and more common. The number of coordinated SWF Teams (some in matching outfits) I run into is better than 50% of my games now and I'm no where NEAR top tier. The problem is getting worse and needs to be addressed.
This is the best solution where it allows people to play with their friends in a way that will let them earn blood points and rank, but also allows maintains the balance and stability of the game. If playing with friend is just about FUN and not a competitive advantage using the 5th Perk (Comms) then this solution shouldn't offend ANYONE. It should get universal support. However, we all know this isn't true. SWF is about the ADVANTAGE that they don't want to give up.
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Well just as said, not all the swf are good and not all of them.will come and take the perfect hit you know?
And they arent always "Friends" some are just groups that formed to avoid playing with solo randoms or stuff like that, but even there, and even with coms they aint Godlike all of the sudden.
You dont need to be in a swf to make BT/UB/DS/DH plays tho
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All games have different modes. The biggest drawback of dbd is the lack of separation between solo and swf. This shouldn't be the case in 2020. This approach is ultimately doomed to failure. Better not to have swf in the game at all than this implementation.
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This would destroy the game. I honestly don’t care but give me a bonus to bp. Like 5% more for a 2 man, 10% for two 2 mans, 15% for a 3 man, and 20% for a four man. If I knew I was getting an extra bbq stack out of endless clicky clicky p3 claudettes i wouldn’t lobby dodge or sweat as much.
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This is a good idea...but only on the base
Cause you would have to separate the 2 ways to play meaning that you would willingly increase the queue time for everyone, wont be fun very long.
And most of the killers, at least when you read the forum, wouldnt even want to go face the swf mode.
The reason devs dont give coms to the game is for people that are solo, to feel alone, which can work pretty well depending the map tbh.
For me, i just wanna stay the same on not destroy the queue time for everyone cause people want to enjoy a video game with their friends...
Dont look at their profiles when preparing for a game, assume theyre solo and do your best
(Well actually yes for now DO look at their profiles to spare the new players and give them a fun time and not a tryharder time)
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You're not getting what im saying. SWF improves efficiency and artificially inflates skill, regardless of communications or skill level of the survivors. Bad or good, they're going to be better players because they can play more efficiently. There's a reason why people utilize SWF to prevent solo queuing, and that's to remove the inefficiency of random teams, to improve efficiency.
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The very fact that killer players don't want to play against SWF should get developers' attention. This topic comes up all the time, but the developers are blind. Someone is happy, and someone is sad. Have you thought about it? Moreover, I play for both sides and I am against swf or for the output to a separate mode.