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No nurses on ps4, red ranks?

Member Posts: 2,340
edited September 2018 in General Discussions
I only encountered one decent nurse but only at lower ranks, the rest of them were really bad. Is it hard to play her well on ps4 or are there some other reasons most people can't get good with her?

I find her interesting and I wish she was more challenging to play against. 

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  • Member Posts: 5,176
    Shes just extremely hard and frustrating on ps4 to play as because of fps problem. Once you get used to her it gets easier though 
  • Member Posts: 1,164
    edited September 2018
    But I assume that you see a lot of billies?
  • Member Posts: 2,340
    I see most of the killers except huntresses and nurses.
  • Member Posts: 82
    She can be played well.  I've played against nurses and huntress on ps4 that were good.  But, as with any game that has Skill Shots, their ability is made more difficult to use by 15-20fps as opposed to an optimal 60.
  • Member Posts: 1,642

    @Eveline said:
    I only encountered one decent nurse but only at lower ranks, the rest of them were really bad. Is it hard to play her well on ps4 or are there some other reasons most people can't get good with her?

    I find her interesting and I wish she was more challenging to play against. 

    Low framerate and controller aim kill nurse.

  • Member Posts: 2,771

    @Eveline said:
    I only encountered one decent nurse but only at lower ranks, the rest of them were really bad. Is it hard to play her well on ps4 or are there some other reasons most people can't get good with her?

    I find her interesting and I wish she was more challenging to play against. 

    Low framerate and controller aim kill nurse.

    I actually mained Nurse for some time and she is well playable with a controller. It takes practise but the FPS and lagspikes after blinking is a way bigger issue.
  • Member Posts: 2,582
    I've tried using her on PS4 a lot and always struggle with frame rate. Hitting someone with the first blink is easy but then the framerate drops and suddenly the survivor snd their scratches are nowhere to be seen. Not being able to whip around quickly on controller also makes it tough.
  • Member Posts: 487
    I've played against a handful of red rank nurses. Only one was bad enough to the point where I could tap gens and run circles around them.

    The good ones I have a 50/50 chance of escaping from depending on their add ons and my own mistakes.

    This was the most recent one as you can tell we're off to a great start lmao.

    My chases with nurse average from a 1:00+ to sometimes a pathetic 10 seconds lol. I ended up becoming friends with this nurse player too. I actually enjoy running from her because it's not your typical chase.
  • Member Posts: 543
    I don't play them because I don't have all teachables yet.
    Nurse is not that hard, expert for corn, which I was getting with 80% chance ;(
  • Member Posts: 246
    edited September 2018
    I only play nurse for her dailies. Yesterday I think I played her but I'm terrible with blinks the only way I could hit people was by surprise attack since we were on Mikey's map they never saw it coming. I never down anyone till the end because I had NOED. makes a bad killer good I say lol. Higher ranks people play here I hear but because people can pull can crazy things with her blinks I'm not good with those blinks.

    I'll stick to Mr. Bing Bong. Stealth is my thing which is why I like The Pig too. Sorry to break topic but She could use some kind of buff I saw someone say have them not see the the boxes I like that idea. 
  • Member Posts: 1,642

    @ChesterTheMolester said:
    DeadByFlashlight said:

    @Eveline said:

    I only encountered one decent nurse but only at lower ranks, the rest of them were really bad. Is it hard to play her well on ps4 or are there some other reasons most people can't get good with her?

    I find her interesting and I wish she was more challenging to play against. 

    Low framerate and controller aim kill nurse.

    I actually mained Nurse for some time and she is well playable with a controller. It takes practise but the FPS and lagspikes after blinking is a way bigger issue.

    I know its possible, but even on PC its already hard to get used to nurse and master her. I dont even wanna imagine how this is on console, but I can understand that our fellow console killers dont wanna go through this trouble

  • Member Posts: 160
    Eveline said:
    I only encountered one decent nurse but only at lower ranks, the rest of them were really bad. Is it hard to play her well on ps4 or are there some other reasons most people can't get good with her?

    I find her interesting and I wish she was more challenging to play against. 
    No need to
    I’m a Rank 2 Killer and was able to get a 4K with Wraith without Ruin but with Dying Light
    i guess Survivors aren’t THAT good on PS4 so you can Do whatever you want

  • Member Posts: 4,172

    @Eveline said:
    I only encountered one decent nurse but only at lower ranks, the rest of them were really bad. Is it hard to play her well on ps4 or are there some other reasons most people can't get good with her?

    I find her interesting and I wish she was more challenging to play against. 

    As others have said poor fps and limited sensitivity on controller make her difficult to play, and even the "good" Nurse players will struggle against competent survivors.

  • Member Posts: 2,919

    I also don’t encounter Nurse players as often at red ranks. I see a good rotation of all the killers except Nurse and Clown. The ones I see most often at red ranks are Myers, Billy, and Leatherface. All the other ones I see pretty frequently as well except Nurse. She’s hard to use on console.

  • Member Posts: 23
    If anyone wants to join us console Nurses, C2S has and Incredible guide on YT. He converted me to a nurse main.
  • Member Posts: 246

    @thenurse1248_PS4 said:
    If anyone wants to join us console Nurses, C2S has and Incredible guide on YT. He converted me to a nurse main.

    is there a great wraith Guide?

  • Member Posts: 1,273
    We’re a rare breed that’s for sure. We work hard for the power granted by Nurse. Though I’m taking an extended vacation with my mistress The Spirit at the moment. 
  • Member Posts: 539
    I’ve ran into about 3 in red ranks (that are good) and I’ve played this game since release (on PS4)
  • Member Posts: 614
    is the FPS an issue on PS4Pro too?
  • Member Posts: 2,340
    Yep. Not sure about the nurse but it's either a lag or fps issues that you get used to.
  • Member Posts: 8,223
    edited October 2018

    There are a handful of really good Nurse players on Xbox, I run into them a lot at rank 1 though they play multiple killers not always the Nurse. For the most part, there is a solid mix of killers at red rank on Xbox, if I had to pick one that I see most it'd either be Myers or Billy.

  • Member Posts: 923

    I'm one of those but against competent survivors i'm suffering because lag , FoV and sensibility is a pain. @Peanits you think sensibility and FoV can be fixed on Console.

  • Member Posts: 1,158

    I enjoy leaning the nurse on the ps4 some games are horrible on the rare few matches it clicks and omg it's beauitful lol the terror of survivors when your rocking decent nurse play on console is just the best. I struggle with frame rates with her and the chase music being so overpowering now is really not helping my play but I'm a sound person always have been.

    I would love to see more nurses I've seen a few clearly just doing daily but ran into one you could tell they was trying to learn so I stayed in done some loops helping them practice not being rude or anything and they thanked me after very cool

    I have nothing but respect for killers that are trying to learn and wish people could be more understanding and supportive we need each other to play the game ❤️

  • Member Posts: 965

    Hope console optimization fixes her

  • Member Posts: 923
  • Member Posts: 923

    Is it wrong to be a nurse main i really like her and she deserve her place on console too.

  • Member Posts: 1,043

    I used to play against a beast of a nurse at rank 1 probably back around start of last year, she was on point with her blinks and a true force to be feared, now you mention it I rarely see any of the high rank killers I used to see. But nurse most of all, respect to anyone who can play her decently on console, I just find the blinks are inconsistent, sometimes I'll blink as intended other times I'll lag and move like 1cm while holding charge for the same amount of time or get stuck on things which shouldn't be the case, makes learning her more difficult. I think I've only seen 2 red rank nurses in the past year, that says something about console...I wish she was more streamlined/optimised though, I do like playing against good nurses. You feel the pressure. Always.

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