Still No Camping Counterplay?

Scrublo Member Posts: 45
edited August 2020 in General Discussions

Honestly, this game has given me the worst experience over the past few days and I've reached my breaking point with people. So we had a game on Limkin Lane against a ghostface, hes doing pretty terribly and takes a few minutes to get his first down, I kinda felt bad for him because I assumed its because of the new terrible matchmaking that either matches you with opponents that are far better than you or matches them with opponents that you destroy however thats a topic for another day. Now Im playing with 2 friends and the random gets downed and dragged to the basement. First peek in the house and we see the ghostface is camping in the house with the basement... right. Now its all well and good saying, leave that person, there is nothing you can do etc but man, its just not fun to play like that and why should a killer be entitled to one guarunteed kill every match just by downing someone once. Well, the guy plays like an ######### and we try to save the person in the basement and end up dedicating to it but its pretty hard without any communication from the random and we end up going down ourselves. I dont care that you can say, well you should bring this perk or that perk... no, the game shouldnt be based around luck if you happened to bring the right perk that counters a toxic strategy, how is it fair making a game where if you dont happen to bring the right perk you die. After post game chat and generally playing to altruistically and trying to save eachother from being camped (we got ######### over) we find out its because one of us brought a flashlight... a yellow one with no addons because they are just generally fun to use (unlike standing still at the top of the basement) and have tremendous counterplay.

The fact that the game has systems in check that can easily punish you if someone doesnt like something you do is ridiculous. Im not a game developer so I cant really suggest what would be a good fix for this other than maybe 2 exits for the basement (but then we would probably need some sort of counterbuff so it doesnt just destroy the basement) but either way its pretty dumb and just makes the game unfun. I got too heated and left after that game but it sucks, I like to play to have fun but that game was just stressful and stupid. Oh and not only that but I find it ridiculous that the game has abilities that endorse camping? Like seriously, why? The devs always seem to focus on non issues and dont fix the real problems this game has and always end up making it worse



  • Lusiem9
    Lusiem9 Member Posts: 87

    Borowed Time Adam Francis perk with Hook 2 Players run to the Hook one guy try to blind killer 2 player with borowed Time and we gonna live forever unhook guy and try to także defend hit. Decisive strike is also good for guy Who get unhooked. When all guys die and you have problem to find hatch stay close to exit when endgame colapse start hide and wait for killer when he look and exit and turn around to go for other exit fast go to the exit and escape. But i lf you want escape with hatch get left behind perk

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Also, you bring a flashlight because its "fun"? What is there to do other than blind killers? That's like saying camping is fun. Its useful, but it's not fun.

    If he wants to camp and waste his game to eliminate a flashlight user, that's his prerogative.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    There is plenty of "Camping Counter-play" as you call it. Your team works like demons to get other generators and totems done. Some of them could come up with flash lights and double and or triple team the killer to get you off the hook safely. Camping is a call on the part of the Killer. Some do it for dumb reasons, i.e. giving up early game generators to the rest of the team just to get one kill. Some do it for tactical reasons, i.e. the generators are almost done and they need bait. Some do it for spiteful, petty reasons; they got tea-bagged and want to make a point (I do this). Long story short, there is a trade off for Camping that the Killer pays. It is up to you and the others to MAKE one of many counter-plays available when they do it.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470
    edited August 2020

    Also, devs could add a blood meter that would simply measure killer total hooks and injures and nobody would really care to camp, unless they want to be toxic...

  • Chatkovski
    Chatkovski Member Posts: 309

    No, sorry. If you're on the hook, you're probably forced to just watch yourself die. Otherwise, we advise you to be bored just as much by repairing the generators without any fear of the killer (since he is camping). And since nothing changes, this is not at all problematic, of course. GLHF.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Can you use paragraphs? I can't read this at all.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219
    edited August 2020

    You say the game shouldn´t be based on luck, but it is. For the killer, the greatest factor is if he is lucky and gets solo survivors or unlucky and gets an swf (like you and your friends). Why is thats luck factor ok, but not if you bring a perk to counter a strategy?

    And in Terms of fairness, everyone knows that swf is busted for most killers, yet most survivors don´t want it balanced for such matchups. They call it "nerf for playing with friends".#

    For the last part, you are right. Devs avoid the important topics (like adressing swf) in fear of backlash, and see how long it might work.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    That hasn't been my experience. I've seen it from both sides. As a Survivor I've had my team maximize generator time while I sat on the hook and then came and double-teamed the killer to get me off. It is what you do. As a Killer I've been double or triple teamed to save a Survivor that I was using as bait to get the rest out.

    Truth be told, just this morning I had a Nea Tea-Bag me for no tactical reason. I ran her down, hooked her, and face-camped her. They did come to get her. They double teamed me and got her off the hook. Then I did a Mori on her. :) My point is it always is frustrating to sit on that hook. I've been there too. But the DEV have said time and time again, that Camping, Honey-Potting, whatever you want to call it is a viable, LEGAL tactic in the game. You can complain about it, but the sooner you accept it the better. We all accept that SWF (which is NOT part of the game) is here to stay. So if the Killers can simply shrug and take the fact that you are using a super power to communicate outside the game, you can man up and accept occasionally you are going to get camped. :)

  • Smoker101
    Smoker101 Member Posts: 52

    You could just run BT. I almost always run it just in case the killer is camping.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
    edited August 2020

    "Now its all well and good saying, leave that person, there is nothing you can do etc but man, its just not fun to play like that and why should a killer be entitled to one guarunteed kill every match just by downing someone once."

    Even the original post above admits that the counter play is simply do the gens and maybe try a rescue last minute if a killer is face camping. The killer WILL lose if they just stand around doing nothing while you do the gens, no question. You want to discourage face camping, do the gens. The killer will lose and hopefully learn that face camping mid-game is a bad strategy. Rushing in to save someone who is actively being defended is poor play by the survivors.

    "But then the killer might get one kill!" So what? The killer usually does get one kill either way and assuming that's the case someone has to be the first person to die, why wouldn't you expect the first person downed to be that victim? And if you really want to help rescue someone who is actively being defended you can run Borrowed Time, for example, which pretty much guarantees that at worst you will trade places with them on a rescue.

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985

    You counter camping by doing generators. If you reward the killer by foolishly throwing yourself at the hook to save your teammate, he'll continue doing it.

  • Yogerman1997
    Yogerman1997 Member Posts: 374

    i try to counter it by using Borrowed Time, and playing with friends who have it, and tell them if they dun't run it i not gonna help them, so they had to run it if want me to save them.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 2,002

    If you're being legit, I would hate to be your friend XD that's manipulative and toxic af

  • Samwise444
    Samwise444 Member Posts: 196

    You say that the game should not be based on luck, but the whole match is randomly generated. The entire map layout is luck. This luck can make games winnable or unwinnable of the bat.

    Many people have already said this, but if someone is camping, just do gens. It sucks, but the killer is screwing themselves over. They aren't learning how to play the game and letting 3 survivors do whatever they want. When that killer goes against skilled survivors, they are screwed. I would recommend that you try once in a while to go for the save to slowly learn the right timing, but otherwise punish the killer.

  • BestGame
    BestGame Member Posts: 69

    borrow time ? ds ? deliverance ?

    prove thyself + toolbox.. for gen rush when killer camp someone ?

    how could this is not counterplay camping ?

  • Pipefish
    Pipefish Member Posts: 331

    I think camping is a bad strategy however I will camp if they are SFW and will risk anything to save their teammate since that tilts the game in my favor :)

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    I’m not reading all of that but I will say there are counters to camping you have two perks to cancel it out bt and camaraderie

  • Yogerman1997
    Yogerman1997 Member Posts: 374

    yes, but when you die multiple times for being unhooked next to the killer without BT is that or go play as killer....

  • Scrublo
    Scrublo Member Posts: 45

    If you need to bring perks to counter something it isn't counterplay. At that point the game is unbalanced, perks should offer what you prefer, you shouldn't be locked into them because it's the only way you can stop a ######### playstyle

  • Scrublo
    Scrublo Member Posts: 45

    I know but my point is that shouldn't be an option. The game shouldn't guarantee the killer one kill and it isn't fun to play like that. Dead by daylights fun for a few reasons but man, if you don't have the looming threat of a killer coming round the corner at any moment then gens aren't fun at all and it's just boring waiting for the next game. I don't know why things like the basement exist when they aren't fun to play around at all for killer or survivors, and let's face it, if a killer is even half decent they can easily make it impossible to not at least 1k which just shouldn't be a mechanic in general. Personally I think they should weaken camping incentives like the basement (not sure how, maybe 2 exits or something) BUT buff something else so the killers aren't any weaker but camping just isn't a viable strat.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    This. The problem isn't killers are camping. It's that survivors keep falling for it. If more people learned to leave that person on the hook and do gens it would solve the problem. Those killers won't progress, they get the idea this isn't working and they will try something else. However survivors fail to punish campers and they end up feeding more hooks to the killer. Thus the killer continues playing this way because it's working for them.

  • Scrublo
    Scrublo Member Posts: 45

    Don't respond if your not going to bother reading mate, I addressed that completely and even so camaraderie buys you more time, it doesn't stop the killer from killing you if they are camping, and proccing BT is hard enough if the killer is smart at the top of the basement, at the very least you will save him but it will get you into the basement in the process and it's just a trade.

  • Scrublo
    Scrublo Member Posts: 45

    Did you read my post? Killers don't do it to win games, they do it to be toxic and ruin them which was the exact case in this one. One dude brought a yellow flashlight with no addons so the killer basement camped the whole game. The thing is, it's dumb saying just let someone die, that isn't fun at all, there really should be some viable counterplay to the basement. It should guarantee a killer a kill, saying leave someone is all well and good but the fact that it gives them a free kill to begin with is bollocks

  • Scrublo
    Scrublo Member Posts: 45

    A smart killer can basement camp and completely cancel BT, if the killer is smart they can make it a trade so there was no point doing it in general. This isn't just a normal facecamp I'm on about

  • Scrublo
    Scrublo Member Posts: 45

    Doesn't help against basement campers... If they are waiting at the top of the stairs that's a free hit just to get down there, sure you might be able to save them but it kills you in the process. I definitely used bad wording in the title but I meant to say basement camping

  • vogit10102
    vogit10102 Member Posts: 225

    So many trash campers out there. And BHVR do nothing about it

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,702

    Camping isn't always a bad strategy. I had this trapper game against an obvious swf group (names in lobby gave it away) where once they 3 genned themselves I kept my hooks in between the 3 gens so I could defend both the hook and gens. Sure I camped those hooks, but it was the smart play because otherwise I would just be walking away from both the hooks and gens.

  • Alphasoul05
    Alphasoul05 Member Posts: 601
    edited August 2020

    You realize that as long as 1 person is doing gens, that even if you hook trade all you have to do is rotate trades and you'll get every gen done, right? There will literally be no way the devs can do anything about camping, and the ways people offer up to punish them can often be abused to punish people who don't camp.

    The tools to deal with it are there. People who want to camp will camp regardless of any form of punishment. That's just how it is.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    1. Gen rush

    2. Feel sorry for camped survivor

    3. Gloat at the exit gate in front of killer.

    Killers camp because survivors take the bait, pure and simple.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,479

    Camping probably is by far the best strategy for him at this stage. If he's not a good killer he could get 0-1 kills per game playing the way survivors wants. But now perhaps he gets 2-4k every game.

  • vogit10102
    vogit10102 Member Posts: 225
    edited August 2020

    Killers camp because is so easy to kill survs if you camp. It's not a strategy, you don't need one neuron to do it. It's a bad design of a videogame, that's all. And there's a big country full of camper killers

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600

    Camping has plenty of counterplay. Do the gens and leave. A bad camp will throw the game for a killer unless the survivors choose to lose. A strategically sound camp is harder to counter, but then it's tough to fault the killer for it.

    Bad camping is one of the easiest things in the game to counter if you remember that DbD is 1v4. Yes, that person will die, but the killer will lose the game overall. And if you throw yourselves at a camping killer and get snowballed, I'm not really sure what to say to that. The killer made a bad play, but the survivors made a worse play.

  • RelentlessShadows009
    RelentlessShadows009 Member Posts: 192

    That was a situation where someone was going to die regardless. Camping can be countered. Provied you need the right perks. 2 survivors running both bt and ds can make it happen. Me personally, I often will sacrifice my self for the team so they can make it.

  • vogit10102
    vogit10102 Member Posts: 225

    to camping to be countered all survs need kindred or play SWF. Either way there will be at least 1 survs that comes to the hook. Easy game for the ruxxian camper

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,202

    If the Survivors play into the camping Killer and try to do foolish things, then yes, he could get a 2K-4K every game. If the Survivors just do gens, he will get one kill and de-pip.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Counter play to the basement. How about do go near it when your being chased? If I know where the basement is I don't loop the killer near it. Especially if it's bubba. The basement is a death sentence with him. The basement is suppose to be dangerous.

  • luvcraft
    luvcraft Member Posts: 1,235
  • Scrublo
    Scrublo Member Posts: 45

    Mate, you can't help it half the time, you can't just avoid a quarter of the map, sometimes more with agitation, that isn't how this game works, especially if you get zoned. On springwood it's dead in the middle of it by one of the houses and cuts off half the map. Not to mention you don't know where it initially spawns as there are 2 locations... This was a ghost face, no basement camp was expected and it's a random, they died far away but the killer smacked on agitation and the so small he could get there from nearly anywhere. Avoiding tons of the map isn't viable and it shouldn't guarantee the killer a kill. The basement is meant to be dangerous, sure, but in the same way that Moris are meant to be dangerous and keys are meant to be powerful, it doesn't mean they should be. They are just terrible game mechanic's with poor design oversights

  • Scrublo
    Scrublo Member Posts: 45

    One kill, you read my messages right? How is it fair that someone can be trash but there is a guaranteed dead survivor every game if they are an #########. One guy shouldn't be confirmed dead in a game, especially if all the survivors play well. Thats just a dumb game mechanic

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,202

    There was an attempt to stop this sort of behavior. It ended up being extremely abused by the Survivors. If you do not want to be camped, improve and rank up. Generally, Killers who face camp do not rank up, because most Survivors understand that 1K's de-pip the Killer.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    It sucks but its intended design. You have a few options. Do gens and punish the killer, distract with a hit and while someone else unhooks with or without BT, or a hook trade.

  • Cryopier
    Cryopier Member Posts: 71

    Can't be basement camped if you stay away from the basement.

  • Scrublo
    Scrublo Member Posts: 45

    The basement was in the middle of the map, springwood, which is already small. You start off with no knowledge of where the basement is anyway and it isn't viable to stay away from 2/3 of the map the whole game, especially since there are multiple generators in the vicinity

  • maderr
    maderr Member Posts: 251

    Camping is a bad strategy that doesn't work if survivors gen rush.

    Leaving the hook 10 seconds and come back to down the unhooked guy and then chase the savior is a strategy that work 100% of the time, especially if survivors don't use borrow.

    And last two days, every killer i have played against used it, and got their 3k+.

    Tried it today against a good swf (or trioQ). Got 4k.

    It's a shame that such a "strategy" is working. Developpers are dumb to call this a strategy, it's not as it always work. It's not mindgame or demonic 200IQ. It's just EZ.

    But well, when i saw Mathieu Coté playing the Hag and get bullied, i udnerstood this guy is just a noob who will never know what direction to give to DbD.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Pumping gens has been in the game a while actually. If your teammates don't do it then that's just unlucky eat a depip for no reason :)

  • Pandamonium
    Pandamonium Member Posts: 77

    So I was once camped by an insidious leatherface. My last 2 teammates noticed and instead of saving me they did the smart thing and did generators. They got 2 generators done and both the exit gates from the time I gave them through staying alive from first to third stage. When you're on hook and the killer camps, you can punish them by just not attempting to escape and struggle to the last bit of your bar. You buy your team a ton of time. The killer either stays there and your teammates punish, or the killer leaves you and your teammates get an opening to save.

    As for getting saved, there are perks that can help against camping killers. Now I know you said that you shouldn't be relying on being lucky to use that perk, but Borrowed Time is very meta. Even if the killer goes into undetectable, you can always take a hit, provided you are healthy. If you're unhealthy. the BT person can take a hit and you both get distance. Going by that, camping is not necessarily a guaranteed kill. If they facecamp, you can coordinate a save quite well. I've been saved and have saved many times by a well coordinated RANDOM team by taking hits and baiting the killer to grab a survivor without being able to, then unhooking and running for the gates or taking hits so everyone gets distance.

    You can still pressure generators near the basement. He could either stay there and you can apply maximum pressure, he could go away to pressure the gens, allowing that random to be saved, or you play right into the killer's cards by attempting to save without any perks that could help with saving while they're camping.