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A Beginner’s View On DBD

cabilldence Member Posts: 2
edited August 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hi everyone!! It’s my first post here so I thought I’d like to share my experiences with DBD within these past few months and how I feel about MMR/the whole game.

I’m a beginner at DBD. I’ve known about the game since the spirit update and have been playing for almost four months now. I only got into DBD after having an Ohmwrecker video recommended into my feed. I saw all of the comments mentioning how bad DBD is now, but I didn’t care and I finally got the game. When i finally saw it in the Playstation store, my first thought was the price. It was too much in my opinion, knowing that most of the characters are DLC, and I’m broke, it kind of made me shy away from the game. But I was too hyperfixated at that point to care.

When it comes to survivors:

I wanted to be a survivor main from the start. I’m good with the teamwork and objectives and I’ve gotten almost all of the survivors I have to level 30 for their teachables, with a few being level 50. I’m pretty much okay at everything except for looping, which I am the worst at. I’ve watched so many videos and I’ve tried to practice (as much as i can, because you cant practice freely in this game) to no avail. Since i suck at looping and can usually only do so for 30 seconds before I get hit, from day one of me being a rank 20 survivor to today where I’m somehow rank 7, in all of the games I’ve played, I’ve had about a low escape rate. I die in a majority of my games and I stop playing earlier than expected because of it. Yet, even though I keep dying, my rank is somehow 7, one pip from being rank 6. How?! I never depip. I got to rank 5 one time within my SECOND month of playing. I feel like I should be a rank 10 or lower if we’re being honest. All of the games I go in now because of MMR usually feature me playing against a rank 1 or a rank 16 killer that somehow destroys my team. There IS NO RANK SYSTEM. It was better before MMR and if they don’t change it soon then I don’t know what I can do. (MMR stands for the new match making ‘resolution’, right?)

With killer it’s just as bad.

I’m rank 15, and somehow I get toxic survivors who tbag me every game. It was better before MMR because I’d at least have a chance, since even though i’d still play with one/two high ranked survivors, the others would be low rank. But now? ALL of the games I try to play with my mains I’m genrushed by experienced survivors and it’s infuriating. Because of this new system playing a killer you never play will guarantee you are with low ranked survivors, and I don’t want to do that. They’re not even leveled up because I don’t play them for a REASON. And so... Every game I have to play sweaty or I’ll literally get demolished. I have to use really good or op perks, and its never enough. I refuse to camp unless its the endgame collapse and I refuse to tunnel unless someone unhooks right next to me, and even then I just leave them on the ground and refuse to hook them until I hook someone else. I just like to have fun as killer with ghostie. If can, I don’t usually get the 4K because I give hatch if they’re nice, but with this new system, I’m forced to down everyone I see because theres no guarantee I can even get a kill. It’s terrible.

I love the game so so much and I love playing with cooperative teammates and with fun killers. But the whole ranking system and matchmaking have been terrible from the start. I really hope BHVR can listen to the community when it comes to stuff like this but from what I’ve seen it’s a slim chance.

Please tell me your experiences with the game and what you like/don’t like about survivors and killers, because I’d really like to improve if it’s just me.

Post edited by cabilldence on


  • Scorvy
    Scorvy Member Posts: 3

    Yeah the sad thing about the game right now is the match making changes. I love this game, I love this concept, I love the gameplay, and I espacially love the charachters but the matchmaking almost made me quit today. Just to let you know I have a total of 25 hours on this game and I mostly play as a killer but I am pretty sure you can guess why I almost quit today. Oh I also have proof too. This is a match I played today and this was my first time playing as the cannibal and the toxicity of these red players are also unimaginable. I chased and hooked one of them and they just kept throwing themselfs into the hooks so they can save him and when I saw them all going to the hook you can probably guess what I did. I turned around and I stood there and they kept wasting there time waiting.When the game ended they kept calling me names, racial slurs and calling me a camper. I dont think these rank 1 survivors realize the point of playing as the killer is killing the survivors this means I have to kill them (lmao) and when they are all there what the hell am I supposed to do? go to the gens that have no people fixing them? anyways not only is the matchmaking broken it also seems that the people in the higher ranks are also broken.

  • GhostGnat
    GhostGnat Member Posts: 3

    I get the idea behind the mmr but I've had the same experience getting a huge disparity between Killer and Survivor ranks in match.

    I've been mostly playing Survivor, but now that I've got an ok handle on that I've been wanting to play Killer.

    But it's too difficult to learn anything when you're a level 20 Killer and get matched against all red and purple ranked Survivors. I tried several times but got really discouraged by not having any clue how to even use my Killer's abilities, while a bunch of 4s and 5s ran around me being toxic.

    I thought I just didnt like playing Killer, but then I got matched against some 15s and another 20 and I had a lot of fun as I could actually find/hit them occasionally and finally felt like I was learning some strategy and had a fair chance to learn how to use my Abilities. Lost the match but felt encouraged to keep trying!