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If SWF aren't an issue, why not allow people to know they are going against it?



  • Member Posts: 1,497

    Bruh you need to calm down with all that logic and critical thinking, it's going to offend someone.

  • Member Posts: 907

    SWF gives an undenieable advantage, why shouldn't the killer be able to even the odds if he sees it's an SWF?

  • Member Posts: 597
    edited August 2020

    ACTUALLY someone said something smart in here...

    IF there were 2 separate ques entirely, 1 Que for SOLO Survivors aka Solo Que

    And another for SWF Survivors.

    A Killer can choose which they would like to play against, Solo or SWF , and there could be a BONUS Reward in BP or XP or whatever else for a Killer that chooses to play against SWF!

    The incentive for the BP + XP Bonus for Killers playing against SWF should be enough to still get Killers to pick SWF matches! And they could even add a little "Top 100" SWF Killers Ranking Chart or something for a little added motivation. It would actually create almost like an "actual Ranked" matchmaking as opposed to the way it is now, and the Solo Que players and Killers can remain mostly for casuals.

    This would actually work pretty well in my opinion! And may solve a lot of these issues people keep trying to find solutions to.

    EDIT: Honestly I'm not even that great of a Killer, but if I could get 100% Bonus XP/BP for choosing to play against a SWF Team I would most likely pick it almost every time! Unless I was just having a really rough day and didn't feel like being bullied at all and wanted a more chill casual game.. which does happen, but now the way things are I just choose to not even play DBD when I'm in such a mood because DBD games are always 100% sweaty now especially given the current matchmaking system.

    I miss having casual games on DBD haha. But yeah with a Bonus incentive I am sure I would be picking to play against SWF win or lose quite often.

  • Member Posts: 413
    edited August 2020

    They will never split the queues, especially considering how long they are now, maybe they get better tomorrow with crossplay but I doubt it.

    They can and should already be giving huge BP bonuses for playing against SWF and they should be clearly marked - both the bonus and the SWF.

    EDIT: I would also like to re-iterate what the OP said because over half of these postS are the same, tired, wrong "BUH BUH BUT QUEUE DODGERS!!?!!"

    🤔 Well, like I said, if SWFs aren't such an issue, it wouldn't hurt to let everybody know they are going against SWF.

    And if everybody is going to dodge SWF, then SWF is an issue that needs to be addressed. 🤔

  • Member Posts: 393

    Killers DC, or go afk in the corner all the time.

    It is why I disagree with punishment for afk or hook suicide. Players should have the right to throw a match. But not avoid the match outright. Of every 10 swf I run into, 1.5 are the super annoying ones, while 5 of 10 are the highly gen focused teams. Of the highly gen focused teams, 1 or 2 are so good that I'm lucky to get 2 kills.

    If I avoided every SWF due to 10% of my matches, that would destroy que times for me. Bad for the game all around.

  • Member Posts: 1,101

    In that case survivors would be dodging every legion they see because they would be having old legion ptsd and so on with every thing that used to be op/broken in past. Somehow this isn't the case, so your statement is wrong.

  • Member Posts: 1,101

    Haven't met at least one survivors who DCs instantly when seeing Legion for a long time. Perhaps I'm not having newbies every game.

    As for streamers you've mentioned, the pug is a clown who has been playing the game since release but hasn't got good ever since. The only reason I see people are watching him, because he is funny in some way. Using him and other person (I've kinda watched 2 his streams - 5-10 seconds from every game to see how he behaves and find a legion game which he hasn't dodged) as an argument that EVERYONE will DC bc of ptsd is kinda a bad one. If most (especially most popular streamers) insta DCed against X because of ptsd they had against broken version of X that has been patched, then I would've agreed with you, but as of now, your argument is still irrelevant here.

  • Member Posts: 106

    I made the same point about 2 months ago and literally every response was just "killers = dodge". In reality only killers who are really not confident in their ability would dodge unless it is like 4 p3 claudettes.

    Why do you just assume all killers will dodge? Yes there are good swfs but it's quite easy to tell who is going to try gen rush in the lobby if you know they are an swf.

    Yes a large percentage of survivors do play with friends but this kind of adds to the problem to be honest.

    No it would arguably remove toxicity from the community. Killers aren't cry babies they are players who like killing instead of surviving. If killers knew they were about to have a tough game they could change perks or put on addons (when the ability is readded).

    Again i have also made a similar point but there is almost no way the devs would mess with mmr this early unfortunately.

    I would be very appreciative if someone could give a good reason for why this shouldn't be added apart from "killers dodge swf".

  • Member Posts: 45

    Sorry, you aren't that smart, you haven't solved the problem. People like you don't realise how many people play the game that are SWF, it would absolutely ######### queue times for everyone and screw over games. Not only that but 90% of SWF players want to play casually against their friends, A) In this ######### league idea you have you haven't factored in 3man SWF, where would you get the solo from B) Most SWF are more casual than solo survivors because they are trying to have a laugh with friends, not play some awful match that will be a sweatfest

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    I never claimed to be smart, but my vocabulary is broad enough that I don't rely on profanity for emphasis. The solution I offered provides two out of three methods for SWF to continue playing, and for fun. The only thing it does is take them out of unfair advantage with Solos and gives the Devs a grouping to balance again. In short, the suggestion takes nothing away from SWF except an unfair advantage. I don't think it would affect the Que at all, it might even speed it up. We have not data on that. But I suspect that the lobby would have fewer d/c for Solos and the lobby for groups would move too if the Killers knew what they were facing and it had been balanced accordingly.

  • Member Posts: 45

    Yes, it takes away and chance of queuing into a game as very few killers will opt into that and it will probably take upwards of 30 minutes each game. On top of that every killer you go against will likely sweat their ass off to get you

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    If the group has been re-balanced to reflect it is a group, say by adding an additional Generator to power the gates (something like that) Killers aren't going to hesitate to deal with SWF and their 5th Perk (Comms). As I said, I think it may even speed the ques up overall. There is no way to know as it hasn't been tested. It can't slow things down worse. :) And so what if EVERY Killer you go up against is going to sweat to kill you. That is how it is SUPPOSED to be. That is the game. You play hard.

  • Member Posts: 21

    Unsurprisingly those killers iv seen dc have(relatively few but red rank killers dont usually dc for me) are shockingly rank 18 + with 1 perk slot for spies from the shadows.

    Let me get this straight you'd rather a system where people prematurely kill themselves or throw ,ruining the game for others instead of just flat out avoiding the ######### show? No one is saying you HAVE to dodge on swf. Hell it could help, if I knew a 2 man was in lobby I could lose the sweat build but 4 man with toolkits? That a meta game 4 sure.

  • Member Posts: 16
    edited August 2020

    don't people just see the killer and leave as of now? its a pretty big thing iirc

  • Member Posts: 383

    SWF have information that solo survivors do not. They have an inherent advantage that regularly isn't there. As a killer main I personally don't make taking an L to SWF sometimes, but there are a fairly large number of instances where I get flashlight spammed and tea bagged and post game messages saying I'm trash, and why? Because they could literally just tell each other where I was at all times, add onto that 4 DS, 4 BT, 4 Adrenaline and 4 other random perks that serve to annoy and you have a very unpleasant experience. At least having the knowledge BEFORE going into a match that you're facing a premade can allow you to switch up your build/offering if applicable to give you the best chance at winning.

  • Member Posts: 383

    Calm down there kid. You're making assumptions that you have no way of backing up. Both sides might have it "easier" than they did 2/3 years ago, when the game was new...and hadn't been iterated on or improved. So naturally it makes sense if the process for both sides becomes more fluid and "easy", that doesn't invalidate the OP argument though, it has absolutely nothing to do with it actually as that was 2-3 years ago and this is now.

  • Member Posts: 383

    That's an opinion. Don't tell OP not to have one though.

  • Member Posts: 383
  • Member Posts: 2,340

    I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again:

    I’d rather not be criticized and disrespected by Killers for enjoying a game with my friends. That’s all it will bring, that and dodging.

  • Member Posts: 6

    I'd just like to know so I can account for SWF playstyles and maybe tweak my build a little. Instead I end up bullying solos all the time because I'm preparing for swfs.

  • Member Posts: 393

    Lobby dodging was an absolute nightmare back before SWF. Survivors would dodge lobbies just to get in matches together. You could sit for an hour in a lobby.

    It would be the same. Killers would dodge then survivors would circumnavigate by dodging in solo que

    It would be an absolute nightmare. Not worth it just to spare a few sensitive players their ego being hurt.

    Seriously, I just ran 7 matches as Pig. 2 were very good SWF who had 3 gens down before first hook. I 4k'd in one and 2 k the other. Were the matches a little frustrating, sure, but also challenging. No sweat off my back. I mostly play lower tier killers like Trapper, Pig and Doc

  • Member Posts: 1,528

    It's a good idea, don't get me wrong, but with queue times, this would never work. With 2 modes, it takes 30 minutes. Imagine how bad they would be if this happened.

  • Member Posts: 756

    But you want SWF to criticize and disrespect killers constantly as they are doing now? Got it.

  • Member Posts: 994

    Always this bullcrap about swat swf. You don't have to play like that, to have an advantage over the killer. You know everything, what a solo surv does not know. Just watch any youtube video where somebody plays SWF. Much more information, you can talk to them, which perks they should use, if they should lure the killer away and not directly running in to a gen where ppl working on it. That happens as solo surv all the time. And many more times.

    Solution? None. Deal with it or the devs have to nerf particullar groups with perks restriction etc.

  • Member Posts: 597

    Except for if what I said was implemented, then chances are more people would actually enjoy playing the game because there would be a choice between more casual play or SWF play.. and there would be added rewards and incentives.

    The idea is that if the ques were split, but more people enjoyed playing the game, more people would que, there would be a larger player base, and ultimately the ques would actually end up shorter than they are now because it would create a healthier game as a whole. You get what I'm saying?

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    I would rather you not quote me. You’re comments towards me are never turned into discussions, but always just one sentence straight shot “I’m assuming this is what you’re saying, it’s in stone no matter what you say. Bye” interactions. Just don’t interact with me if you’re not down for a conversation, thanks.

  • Member Posts: 756

    Because you blatantly defend SWF no matter the scenario and disregard everything when it comes to killer. You are incredibly biased in all your posts.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    And you’re not?

    Actually the last post you @‘d me and disappeared in was because I said one of the reasons dedicated servers were placed in the game was so when Killers dodged the lobby wouldn’t reset and send Survivors back to the match finding screen. You literally got all upset because you ASSUMED (once again) that I was blaming Killers for dedicated servers being placed into the game. You are clearly biased, yet you point fingers at me for being so.

    It would’ve been nice to engage in a discussion on why you felt it necessary to be so negative for no reason instead of just debating with me but of course, it’s cooler to be mean and follow the “I’m too good to talk to people” trends on the forums.

  • Member Posts: 756

    To be honest I don't want to argue with you, that's not the point im trying to make. Also it's not just you, its just overall I see a lot of survivor mains who are in extreme favor of SWF acknowledge that it is unbalanced, but they don't care. They also don't want sweaty games themselves against certain killers, maps, moris or play styles etc. They only want killers to suffer and deal with it, but not the other way around.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    I can acknowledge that SWF is a hassle to deal with. As much as you may not believe it, I love playing with Freddy from time though I am indeed a Survivor main and I’ve gone against some pain in the behind survivors. I don’t always assume their SWF but I can guess that most are. It’s not fun sometimes, but when I said what I said above I was speaking out for all casual SWF groups including mine.

    Me and my friends aren’t pro loopers, in fact we’re altruistic idiots 99.9% of the match which results in us getting owned by a good Killer lol. You and I both know that if they unlocked the ability for Killers to see who’s in a SWF group, it would only cause dodging & more toxic behavior from the Killers side. Let’s think about the community we’re playing in and how toxic it is already. Do we want to add to that?

    Also to answer your previous question, hell no I don’t think it’s okay for Killers to be disrespected & criticized. I have a whole thread about me being bullied while playing Killer and screenshots of the harassment/the horrendous things the group said and did out of game that made me not want to be a Killer main. I’ll reference below:

    to be quite frank, I’m not biased. I can relate to Killers issues and I’ve defended them countless amount of times, but when I disagree with something I’m gonna speak up and I welcome debates.

  • Member Posts: 756

    The issue that comes up then is why do killers have to be the ones to continue to suffer with this unbalance and whenever any solution is offered it's immediately shot down by SWF enthusiasts while they tell killers to suck it up, or they just want easy solo games for easy 4k?

    Since you are pro SWF what is a reasonable solution to you?

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    Lol, me and my group are FARRRR from pro SWF as I mentioned in my previous post. We are just, there... that’s our title “there” xD

    But, I don’t really know what they can do to help Killers who struggle with SWF. As said above by plenty of people who like playing with their friends, taking SWF away will kill DBD. Most people bought this game because they had licensed characters or like me, because I wanted to play a co-op horror game with my friends.

    A possible solution: I play Overwatch as well. When you reach Master/Grandmaster in rank, you can only queue up with 2/1 friend. Once you’re in top 500 you can’t be in a group when queuing in. (The problem is that Overwatch is an esports game and DBD isn’t so I don’t know if this would fit in or be a reasonable system in DBD. Also, I have a strong feeling that if this is implemented into the game, it’d cause people to start throwing games to derank just so they can play with friends & most likely more smurf accounts)

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    There is only one way to resolve this, Players entering a Lobby as a Group are automatically in their own League Ranking, and thus only go against Killers that agree to go against SWF. It is unethical any other way because of the 5th Perk (Comms). I don't think we will have trouble getting Killers to take up the challenge as long as that Perk is balanced. For example, SWF might have to get one more Generator operative to power the Gates.

    Everyone playing Solo would not have their ID information visible until the end of the match, to prevent Comms. Simple as that. This "the sky is falling" mentality that ques will be terrible or it will kill DbD is a load of garbage. Nobody can know what it will do; that is just spin. It could just as easily speed ques up or keep them the same. What we do know is the problem of SWF is only accelerating the longer it goes on as the so-called "just playing for fun" Teams continue to hone their coordination.

  • Member Posts: 5
  • Member Posts: 427

    Please no

    i play with my friends and play solo is bad and annoyng because everyone it just an imersive claudets and its boring to play alone

    everyone will jsut lobby dodge and will make the unplayable to play with my friends

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