The MMR is dead. Now what???

The devs needed to be more upfront about how the MMR actually ranked games. For example, what does the MMR consider a win? How does it define skill? And while it is easier to get to rank 1 as a survivor since you're working as a team, it's much harder to get to rank 1 as a killer since it takes a lot more skill. And going up against a rank 1 killer as a newer player was happening far too often under this new MMR.
I'm not a highly skilled DBD player, but I'm no potato either, and my rank 3 survivor kept getting matched against inexperienced rank 15 - 17 killers, which usually results in me escaping a lot of games. The MMR was so bad that sometimes the killer was so new that they barely got more than a single hook.
So on one hand I'm glad the MMR was turned off, but with the devs themselves even admitting that ranks mean nothing, means that the old MMR is just as broken. So just how the hell do you fairly balance this game??๐คจ
They only disabled the new MMR while they work out the issues they were having. There's no indication it's gone forever.
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Honestly I'm kind of looking at the writing on the wall here. According to the devs the MMR had been gathering data for months across all platforms before they turned it on. According to them, because of the amount of data it collected it should have only taken roughly 10 games iron out your experience when it comes to matchmaking. Clearly that wasn't happening.
Granted it may be off temporarily, but I think this is going to be a longer hiatus than we realize, and that's assuming it comes back at all.
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You cant.
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I hate not having it. Made it nice to grind some adepts and other achievements while having chill fun games where I can kinda relax as killer but all night tonight it's been sweaty squad after sweaty squad against my baby trapper skills.
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I'm a casual DBD player, so the highest rank I ever got with killer was 9. But what had me stop playing for the longest time was constantly getting matched against all red rank swf teams. And knowing that the new MMR is just as busted as the old MMR, pretty much guarantees that this game will never be fairly balanced for all players.
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Honestly i think an mmr is a mistake. Ive said this a few times but ill repeat here in the off chance the devs see it. The best way to handle this is create 2 groups. Anyone with less than a hundred hours falls in the first group, everyone else falls in the second group. Group 1 can only play with grouo 1 group 2 with group 2. Thats it. Having just 2 groups would mean quick match times and decent ping. Games would feel more random, and youd ensure 2 things: noobs never face really good other players and the game wouldnt feel like a sweatfest at the other end.
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We get a week of "Ranks don't matter" but now we're back to using ranks for matchmaking.
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The amount of time you have invested doesn't correlate into skill though. You could easily stretch 100 hours over the course of multiple weeks or months. For example, I only have a few hours each day to play a game, so when I hop into dead by daylight those few hours that I can commit every few days doesn't mean that I'm prepared to go against the best of the best by any means.
But if matchmaking is going to continue to be a total crapshoot, then I may move on because getting snowballed game after game isn't exactly a lot of fun.๐
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Right?! ๐ The inconsistency makes my head spin!
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Doesnt matter. You for sure arent a noob at 100 hours. The pool at 100+ will contain an extremely large group of people and skill levels would all be mixed. Some games youll get a bad killer and really good teammates, some games youd get wrecked. At that point, who cares. You can just have fun and nit worry about your rank and how good you are.
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My problem is for me it was working fine, ~10-15 games in and my matches seemed fair and balanced. They did fluctuate wildly in those first 10-15 but eventually they evened out. Now I can barely even touch an M1 killer and it might as well be gg ez from the Survivors because I don't have the skill at high ranks with them. I have the skill with Hag, Oni, Billy, and Legion but if the killer isn't high mobility with their power I can't play them without feeling angry and defeated and not learning anything from the toxic flashlight body block 2nd chance squads.
I was also a killer that would get my 4k when pitted against new Survivors with the mmr system but I would actually them play, not kill everyone immediately with no regard for them being other actual players.
This works in theory, but I have <1 hour played as Nurse and because of the cliff steep learning curve with her if I was unable to practice against newer players to actually figure things out I'd be deranked from 2-15 if I didn't give up before then because even a couple months ago when stuck in green ranks as killer I was always up against solid red squads that handed me my ass until I played only Legion and Hag to get up into red ranks to make things actually look fair in paper.
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Ranks do have meaning, just not as much as they use to after they changed match making range (+/- 8?) Ranks from you when it use to be less.
It is true that getting r1 is just a matter of time, but by nerfing rank reset, they removed the natural sorting system this game had developed because good players took less time to reach r1 than lesser skilled players. This caused the stigma of "ranks don't matter" as well as some streamers preaching it to justify smurfing lower rank killers.
In the old system good players got back to red ranks quickly while lesser skilled players took longer, spreading the ranks out and providing fairer games.
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You just described what the new MMR was - a bunch of people at all different ranks competing against one another - and it proved to be something that a majority of the community did not like.
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This is true that rank resets did nothing but cause more headaches. All anyone had to do was stop playing for a few months and they could have their rank reset all the way back to 20, despite the fact that you are not a legit 20. And honestly that's the kind of thing I was hoping this new MMR would have sorted out.
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Wrong. On a lot of levels. In what i descfibed noobs would never be facing off against god tier players, which is what peoole complained. The other side of that, when it is working every single game is a sweatfest, and thats lame. The mmr was trying to match people to reach a desired outcome (which it failed to do), what i described doesnt care about the outcome.
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So? Some games youd get people with 101 hours, some games you wouldnt. This game existed for 4 years before killer specific rankings were a thing and we all learned just fine even if it was frustrating. The good thing about what i described is ig would be more of a mixed bag. Chances are youre not going to face 4 really good players unless theyre swf. If they are take your lumps and move on like tge rest of us. Nobody wants to play against those guys
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There's no inconsistency, nothing they said about ranks before has changed. They disabled the MMR because something is causing it to make mismatches for some people. That's doesn't mean they suddenly think ranks have improved, it just means they saw there were serious enough issues with whatever went wrong that they needed to turn the new algorithm off until they can fix it.
Long story short the emblem rank system is pretty terrible, hopefully this new algorithm will get fixed and replace it.