Ash vs Evil Dead "chapter" is severely lacking content/substance

As an Evil Dead fan, I was excited to see Ash Williams added to a console video game after so long.
The last time we saw him on a console game was back in 2005 when Evil Dead Regeneration came out.
However, I personally feel the Evil Dead content featured in DbD is lacking.
Similar to how content with LeatherFace (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre) and GhostFace (Scream) are lacking.
Though one could argue that since DbD's Ghostface isn't technically any of the killers from the Scream films, therefore there is no need for an iconic survivor or location from the franchise, characters like LeatherFace and Ash have plenty of content from their respective franchises that could've easily been used for DbD.
I personally feel as a hardcore fan of The Evil Dead franchise, that the ball was slightly dropped with bringing in Ash vs Evil Dead (AvED) content.
Now, I do understand that perhaps somethings weren't possible due to licensing issues, or because the powers that be behind the franchise may not want anything that can clash with the upcoming video game that they're working on, but assuming that the content that could very easily have been implemented into the game is accessible and unrestricted, then I fail to see why certain things weren't added to the "chapter".
I feel Ash Williams and AVED content as a whole was heavily shafted in comparison to not only just the original characters and content of DBD, but even in comparison to other licensed characters/properties/chapters.
AVED got a itty-bitty little trailer that as an announcement trailer goes, was awesome: It featured Bruce Campbell himself doing what he does as an entertainer, and showed a bit of Ash in the game. but that's all we got. We never got any other footage showing Ash in the game doing anything other than just running around, being on a hook, and fixing a gen. We never got a spotlight trailer showing off who he is as a character and what his perks are (don't even get me started on Mettle of Man getting nerfed) and as far as I know you can't even find the DbD rock cover song used in the announcement trailer.
And then on top of that there's a typo in his bio and one of his outfits is mislabeled (And to this day still have not been fixed/corrected). In his bio, the part where it mentions he sees Linda Bates (from season 2) it says "her daughter" when it should say "his daughter", since Ash is the one who wants to know about the whereabouts of his daughter. Spoiler alert: Linda already knows what happened to her daughter...her daughter is dead.
The outfit labeled as "Value Stop" isn't even the Value Stop outfit. Despite having the "Value Stop" badge, the outfit is actually the Ashy Slashy's Hardware store outfit.
Many of the characters in the game feature changeable hairstyles, and although at first glance it may not seem like Ash has more than one, there is a specific way his hair looks in the finale that would have been cool to see added into the game with the finale outfit that was released.
No offense to anyone who works on the game, but it feels more like a team of people simply watched trailers and looked at promo pics and vids for research on what to add to the game instead of actually watching the tv show.
And I feel there are those of us fans who after having a show we loved get cancelled, were excited to see more content related to the show via a video game, only to be slightly let down.
This isn't a knock on Behaviour or any of the folks who work on the game, this is just an expression feeling dissatisfied of how my favorite horror franchise has been handled/represented in a game that I enjoy to play.
I apologize for this lengthy post but I just wanted t get this out there. I highly doubt anything can or will be chnaged, but if there's a possibility, that'd be groovy.
Her's a link to an old twitter thread of suggestions/ideas I had on possible AVED themed content that would be cool to see in the game if it were ever possible to add anything in the future such as maps, killers, other survivors, cosmetics, items, etc.
Stay Groovy!
*crickets chirping*
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So alot of text there, but you are not wrong. As a chapter its lacking in content. However, its not a chapter. Behaviour themselves released it and rather to it as a "paragraph", which there are only 3 paragraphs in the game, as opposed to the 16 or so chapters.
The paragraphs are Bill, who is a licensed character much like Ash, who was released without a map or killer, and then the Cannibal, who is another licensed character and was added without a map or survivor. Ash is the same, released with no map or killer.
Does that excuse the typos and errors? Nah but they aint the end of the world. And as for cosmetics, its the same issue every licensed character has, they gotta hey the license holder to agree to any cosmetics they add, which is a ######### to do.
Ash is still groovy tho, and i still try to make mettle of man work
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Ash is THE BEST. I'm sure a lot of evil dead fans wanted more, but there is only so much that can be done in dbd regarding Ash. He shouldnt even be getting hooked, He should be hooking killers lol!
I'm not sure what the agreememt was for the licensing, but what we got is what was agreed upon.
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one thing they definitely need to do is make Ash's face actually look like Bruce Campbell, as of right now it looks on par with Quentin and Laurie and that's ridiculous since they are allowed to use his likeness.
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Do you guys feel more Ash vs Evil Dead themed content should be added?
And if so, what would y'all like to see?
Not Evil Dead 1, 2, or Army of Darkness (ugh). But specifically Ash vs Evil Dead
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Quinten has no cosmetics outside of P3 outfit and base outfits
Bill the same
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Isn’t Ghost Face a paragraph as well?
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I haven’t gotten around to Ash vs Evil Dead yet, its still sitting in my backlog. But I’d love to see a map based around the house in the og and remake or a medieval map from army of darkness. I think a deadite that possesses stuff could be a cool killer.
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Ghostface is technically considered a Chapter because his power and add ons, unlike Leatherface, wasn't made using the same coding as another killer. His power is similar to Michael and Pig, but uses its own coding. Leatherface, who is listed as a Paragraph, used an edited version of Hillbilly's power and shared all of Billy's add ons before the two of them got reworked.
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Thats a pretty specific and obscure way of doing things, either way thank you for educating me.
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No problem dood
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The only thing I wanted with the Ash paragraph was a Cabin map. We could have had a lot of cool things with the Cabin being featured in a spooky forest. Maybe include the tree somehow and the bridge along with expanding the basement a little and have the shed with the chainsaw. A lot of wasted potential I feel like but that's all I wanted. I wouldn't mind a killer but an Evil Dead map with all the cameos would have been so ######### cool.
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I would definitely love more cosmetics for Ash. He’s one of my favourites and it sucks that you rarely see survivors playing as him. I’m not sure why, as he’s such a cool dude. But maybe I’m biased as I’m an Evil Dead fan? 😂
I know it was probably down to licensing but not having a cabin map was such an oversight. That’s one of the most iconic horror movie settings. I know we have Red Forest, but it’s not the same.
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I think he's the largest survivor and he's also one of the loudest. You pretty much only see people who are good at running play him and to be honest there's not many of those players who are cocky and good enough to do that all game as Ash.
If I P3 Level 50 another survivor it's probably going to be Ash. Right now it's Ace and the main thing is as a killer player primarily it's really not worth leveling up survivors past 40 or even multiple survivors. Absolutely no point unless you want bloody clothes. I'd imagine most people just stuck with their mains instead of switching to Ash. That's at least how I know I am. If I didn't max out Ace I definitely would have Ash.
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He is definitely loud. But he just makes me laugh so much. I find the noises he makes hilarious. I don’t have a problem with having to loop killers so his size and sound have never bothered me. This is the same reason I also play Jeff a lot.
My mains are Meg and David but I go through phases of wanting to play every character. I’ve got 90% of the roster at P3. My eventual goal is to have them all P3. But I can see why most people don’t bother. I think it’s mostly an OCD thing with me. 😂
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Not really. Ghostface IS a paragraph since he wasn't release along a new surv with a map. He was only a new killer
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Yeah that's perfectly fair. I'd personally feel different if each survivor had their own abilities. Right now I pretty much max all my killers to P3 Level 50 but I only P3 Level 50'd David And Ace. Ash is the next one I'll probably do that too but that's about it. Maybe Cheryl or any Resident Evil crossover characters if it happens but that's about it.
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Hmm, Well I'd like Ash to actually have at least one perk that's meta. I bought him and dlc for him but I don't even want to level him up because I don't want those trash perks on my blood web.
As far as more content goes I think the only thing else I'd want is the cabin for a map. I guess that's kind of hard to do though as the cabin isn't quite big enough to be a map in itself and just having a mostly forest map would be too similar to Macmillan and Red Forest. Perhaps they could do a third red forest map that's Evil Dead inspired? As much as I liked Pedro and Kelly I don't feel that they warrant dlc. Neither does Lucy Lawless's character.
Evil Ash is a bit too cartoony, and he's the only real antagonist that would somewhat work within the game as a killer. So as much as it sucks to say, I think they did the right thing only having Ash as the dlc. Just improve his damn perks....
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Id like to see pablo and maybe a killer like ba’al or the guys in the red cloaks (forgot the names) itd be cool to have an evil ash hilbilly or leatherface legendary skin aswell
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I would of liked to see an extension to Leatherface/Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The Sawyer estate would of been an interesting map.
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P3 Ash main here - would love more cosmetics for him, though it would be down to licensing which I don't see happening.
I play him because of Bruce Campbell (Evil dead and Burn Notice) and he has done the voice acting for the in-game model.
Only thing he does need is Iron Will though. As he is loud AF when you play killer.
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Ashy Slashy as the killer.
Seriously though, Evil Ash with a chainsaw would be lit.
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For me it was really disappointing for Ash to be unable to utilize his boomstick or his chainsaw in any way. I think it would have been a smart idea if he was able to use his boomstick as a guaranteed stun against killers, but like a flashlight it only has a limited amount of use.
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No because both wiki, the in game stores, and the trailers for Dead By Daylight all call it CHAPTER XII: GHOSTFACE
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You mean the Thompson house?
It's basically the Cannibals map before they were allowed to bring him in. The house, the abattoir (meat barn), etc.
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Yeah but it would be nice to have the actual house with all the props etc.
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I think it's mostly a marketing decision rather technically defined what's a chapter or a paragraph. They love their all three months for a next chapter concept and considering that Ghostface was released at an anniversary is the main reason why they called it a full Chapter. Otherwise it woulf feel like too much less etc.
I'm even sure that they avoided calling the Ash vs. Evil Dead DLC a paragraph compared to Bubba and Bill. I know the DbD fan wiki does, but I think the official material doesn't give it any reference. In general I think they broke all rules what will be called a chapter or a paragraph at this point.
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True. I just like to think of it as that since we may never get the real deal. It's a decent standin.
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Jokes on you, I never used MoM or any of his perks. I just needed Ash in my game. One of my favorite b rated horror actors.
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Duuude P
ut Ash vs Evil Dead (AVED) at the top of your list. You're missing out. Like massively
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I'll move it up a bit. Theres so much, I normally try to watch one horror media at a time and that is currently Stranger Things.
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1.) There used to be a FPS mobile game called "Deploy and Destroy" that had a map for the Evil Dead cabin, they somehow made it work PERFECTLY.
I think if they had the Cabin and took liberties with the surrounding woods/mountains around the cabin, they could make it work.
2.)*Pablo not Pedro. And Pablo, Kelly, and Brandy would be great survivors.
As far as killers go the kne that makes the most sense would be Eligos. Since he had a ton of cool powers that would work well in this game.
3.) We were robbed of Ash havibg one of the best perks in their game: Mettle of Man. I'll never let it go that theh should have NEVER nerfed it. And now not only does it suck ass through a color changing solly straw, but it's functions in relation to its name make no sense when you think about what the term/phrase "mettle of man" means in the show...
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Red Cloak guys are "The Dark Ones"
The ones who wrote the book of the dead
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I personally wouldn't even say Mettle of Man was OP. There were ways for killers to work around it.
Its just there were to many bad killer mains complaining about it.
And Ash definitely felt like bait. Him and the friends I've made along the way are the ONLY reasons why I still play this godforsaken game
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If You like Evil Dead, you'll love AVED.
AVED > Stranger things
And it moves much quicker too:
3 seasons
Each season is 10 eps
Each ep is only 30 mins
Post edited by HeroFromTheSky on1 -
You've got me hyped, I'm excited to check it out. Hopefully it will live up to it.
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Ummm...I like Evil Dead too but....uhhh....yikes
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They tried to sell the chapter with introducing MoM.
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I know this isn't from Ash Vs. Evil Dead but ever since they put him in DBD ALL I HAVE WISHED FOR IS FOR THEM TO ADD Henrietta as a killer!
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The Main reason I don't play Ash is because he is loud as hell. Iron Will is a must have on him. And if you happen to play against a Stridor Spirit, just mute your Volume, it'll be for the better.
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jesus can this communtiy every be satisfied? DUDE YOU GOT ASH WILLIAMS FROM EVIL DEAD!!! stop complaining
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How Is my stance a yikes?
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Something tells me you haven't seen season 2 of AVED 😜
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The complete opposite of bullshit
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I'm Not complaining, I'm expressing legit issues. Don't be a screwhead.
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To be fair, even Ash vs. Evil Dead, the actual show, lacked content/substance. It was a nostalgia fest. It wasn't anything close to grade A writing, and it wasn't supposed to be.
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I think you're confused with Stan Against Evil.
Ash vs Evil Dead, nostalgia aside, was everything hard-core fans could hope for...and then some.
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This... is my BOOMSTICK!
So TL,DR: Ash's perks were meant to counter the meta and he needs a face-lift or redesign.
The year is 2019, movie theaters were open, bats were the new gourmet in China, and people still whined and complain about the dumbest things in politics. Dbd had finally addressed Decisive Strike after years of allowing it to carry the Survivors with a free let-go mechanic to a degree that Rancor was looked at as a Decisive Strike counter. Let that sink in.
Now Decisive Strike helps all users, not just the Obsession but oh no! You realize Killers may begin to slug the unhooked Survivors instead, what do you do? Lucky for you, we got a fresh piece of man meat right around the corner ready to make his debut into your game with his charisma and awesomeness. With his addition you will bring in three new perks to add to your game, and now is the time to address that slugging meta you fear for.
Buckle Up! Rewards you for rescuing a slugged slug.
Flip-Flop! Handle yourself and wiggle out freely to punish being slugged.
Mettle of Man! 3 basic attacks will be the bane of their existence, baby.
But then you realize, Mettle of Man is too strong versus the weaker killers, and you forgot that Unbreakable already exists thus making Buckle Up and Flip-Flop mute perks. Now we have a conundrum in our hands, nerf the new Meta of Man and reap the rewards for the massive money gained from countless Ash dlc purchases. Cha-Ching! As you fan yourself with endless cash and forget about your troubles, you feel satisfied for taking the kings advice in the end. That's right, shop smart. Shop S-mart.
Also, the man looks like Bill Clinton and George Bush's illegitimate son. Fix his face 🤣
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It would have been nice to get the Season 2 asylum outfit considering we got Ashy Slashy