Option To Have Crossplay for Just Consoles

Please BHVR can we have the option to just crossplay with consoles, or at least improve the FPS on Xbox, PS4 and Switch. It’s bad enough that we have to play against KB & M but the frame rate just doesn’t compare between platforms. One or the other please.
You don't have to play against people from other platforms. You can opt-out of the crossplay feature if you go into settings and disable or enable cross-play platform play. This will match you up only with players from your platform, but that could in return increase your lobby time.
It's not exactly the answer you asked for, but that way you can remain on your platform specifically.
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We want crossplay, just not with a platform that has double the FPS and better controls. Most (not all) console players feel the same, where Xbox, PS4 and Switch have the same issues, where no one platform has an advantage over the others. Thanks for your suggestion though 😊
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Just disable it. What is wrong with some of you people complaining about every damn thing?? So many players asked for crossplay and now it's here. Now you're asking to have crossplay only with consoles?? They gave you an option to do that, just turn crossplay off and you'll play with players on console only from your platform only. You make it seem like every player on PC is a pro. There are console players who play better than players who use KB/M.
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I take it you’re a PC player then. We want the faster queue times, but if you’ve even played one game on one of the consoles you would realise how bad the FPS is compared to PC.
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Ffs that's not the point they were making, we're fully aware a large number of pc players are not gods or even particularly good, it's just we have the worst optimisation and terrible FPS (even worse than usual right now) I'm happy if there's no issues between pc and console players going against each other but there probably will be.
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I play on both PS4 and PC.
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It's not a matter of skill but a matter of performance issues on console especially now since the current version of the game.
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The point OP is trying to make is we want more selective cross play. I'm on ps4, wouldn't mind playing against xbox player, not to keen on the pc aspect. It's not even the frame rates for me. It's thebpc players who use cheats. It's not all of them but I'd rather not even be near that.
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That's the point you are missing. Ps4 and xbox are console. Ps4 player and xbox players dont mind playing together. Many don't want to play with pc, aka not a console. Mostly for performance differences, but also the fact that pc mods and cheats exist. Trust me those will be the next posts. To many cheats and mods on pc end.
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I'd love to choose to just play with other consoles.
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hello everyone, just one thing, please dev make it so that we can choose whether we want to be cross platform with pc or not as it's unfair, PCs are more advantageous with consoles (ptb, keyboard mouse, ..) made that we can choose which platform we want to play with, I'm ps4 I would like to be with Xbox and not with pc
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You can disable cross play.
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I don't want to deactivate with all, just with pc
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This is true. I'll admit it, I have fortnite hangups about cross play. I'm giving it a chance because I'm hoping to run into a streamer I enjoy watching.
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It is not to be good or not it is that cnets totally different than on console, the pc are really too advantageous than the consoles, all the console players will tell you that
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It's true that my video card cost more than your console. It's also true that I would be lucky to get a solid non-stuttery 30 fps. Don't assume everyone has $5000 gaming rigs or that performance issues are limited to your platform, because they aren't.
EDIT: Also, why should you get faster match making at the expense of mine?
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Everyone understands that, you're missing the point tho. We console players like the idea of crossplay with PS4 or Xbox specifically, not PC so we would like to have a specific option to turn PC off.
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you don't speak for me
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Crossplay only between consoles with pc left outside would make sense, yes.
But take a look at it from the devs' perspective: If they would do that, they would acknowledge that such an option is necessary because performance on console is on an unacceptable level. That's not going to happen.
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I don't think it could get any more clear that that. This is the bane of my exisitance. Can can explain things in a way that a 5 yrs old who's is high on meth would understand perfectly. Intelligent people with no hinderances on the other hand... 0 comprehension.
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Do you console players have aim assist? I'm on PC and considering to disable cross-play because well, I mean you're talking to us about having an unfair advantage. I came across two Huntresses recently that somehow predicted my movement perfectly as they threw their hatchets even though usually against PC Huntresses I dodge throws well. Psh..if console Huntresses have homing hatchets that's messed up.
The only upside I see to this is from my most recent match against a console Legion. Was one of the funniest things I've experienced. This guy could not see me because I'm wearing all black and console players don't have a monitor right at their face. Literally staring at me for a solid seven seconds as if he's going "######### is that? is that a person?" before I moved and he freaked hitting a wall.
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PC has an advantage over console because
*looks at notes*
Yeah okay lol
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So many people? Only PC players wants crossplay. I also think it would be nice to have console crossplay, that is fair. We don't need or want PC-players.
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There is no aim assist on huntress, and barely anyone plays her on console. With the current FPS on console it's almost impossible to play her.
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I've asked around in Otz's discord. The average amount of cheaters to playtime people had was about 1 cheater every 500-750 hours, and that was for the 3 people out of 10 who'd actually played against a cheater. You're massively overblowing just how many cheaters you'd see, trust me when I say there are effectively as few cheaters on PC as there are on console.
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No, we have aim sabotage same as you lot.
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What people need to consider that is not just a mechanical (KB&M) advantage PC players have over consoles. Their version is far more optimized than console - a recent thread on FPS on consoles took 8 pages to get a Dev response so that they would just look at it.
They also have more tools to that give them an advantage in the game. Dowsey made a video a few months back - where you can enable spatial sounds (Windows Sonic) on windows 10 and gain a distinct advantage. Link below.
Then you have players who play on stretched resolution on PC to gain an advantage. Adetha's video below.
I am sure there are other tools that PC player may use. I am not against crossplay between consoles and PC - but they need to be on a near level playing field before you can do so.
It would be fair to have an option between consoles only available so that players can decide. Opting out of crossplay seems that your queue time may increase - as other console players may be matched instead with PC players (i.e. small matchmaking pool for platform only MM).
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DBD probably wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for PC players, I really hope they don't cave in and give Console players the chance to cuck their lobbies.
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People using crossplay on console should be able to have the option to just match with other people on console. Playing on console against pc players is complete bs and unbalanced for multiple reasons. For starters pc get alot better fps, there game is smoother, they can turn down there graphics to see the red stain threw walls, there on keyboard and mouse and plenty more.
BHVR, i can promise you just about everyone on console will have crossplay turned off until we have the option to go up against just people on console. We just want the ability to play PS4<->XB1 because Console<->PC is just unfair and a straight up disadvantage to console players.
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I'm not over blowing anything. Checking with one person/group(a person I've never even heard of in 4 years outside of this forum mind you) who may have lucked up proves nothing. It's much harder to cheat on consoles these days as opposed to pc.
Guess we will just have to wait and see though. That's enough out of me.
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Have you tried cross play out yet? Is it really that bad console players going against PC players? I haven't tried yet but I'm on PS4.
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Only PC players want crossplay? That is not true at all.
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If you are on Xbox you can also have Dolby Atmos and Windows Sonic. Virtual Surround is not exclusive to PC. But the stretched res is technically an exploit, so it is frowned upon and viewed as a cheat, not a right for PC players.
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yeah its very unfair for the console players, not even worth having crossplay on tbh. just makes the game unfun when you have some rank 1 legacy p3 nurse on keyboard and mouse.
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PS4 Player here : I will observe it for a while and if I come to a conclusion I will disable it or let in enable.
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I have 5000 hours and have played against less than 15 cheaters, this whole cheater narrative the console players on the forums have begun concocting is ridiculous.
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I am on PS4. Interesting didn't know Xbox had this option.
To be honest the FPS is the main issue here. Since patch 4.10 the game has been a nightmare to play (especially as killer) - the thread with a response from a Dev has nearly 4k views and 250 replies which is a lot compared to the average showing how much of an issue its been.
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console to pc is bullshit. console players need a way to connect to just other consoles and no pc
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Console players are only asking for fair matches, either console-only crossplay or optimization for console (most important: increase fps).
Why do some pc players present it as if asking for a fair match was a bad thing?
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Console should have the option to just match with another console and not pc. Console and pc playing together would be unbalanced as #########.
until console players get the option to not match with pc, crossplay stays off because that’s just complete bs.
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You cant speak for everyone, im quite happy we got it and i don't mind PC players at all.
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PC and Console survivors(no matter the rank) are mostly the same, barely any difference, killers too up to purple ranks, a purple rank killer on PC is way better than a purple rank killer on Console, nothing impossible, it's just now console survivors are getting matched with killers on their skill level
If you dont want crossplay dont ask to ######### the PC players over, just disable crossplay on your end.
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I mentioned it was Otz as he (Otzdarva) is one of the biggest DBD streamers. Personally I have 500 hours in this game, and the most I've ever seen that's pc exclusive are macros that spam flashlight clicks lol. There are so few cheaters in pc that in 500 hours I've never seen one. This isn't just me living in some server with less cheaters, I'm playing in South East Asia, and even with China right next door I don't get any cheaters.
Just give matchmaking a try, unless you're the unluckiest person in history you'll stop playing this game before you come across an actual pc cheater rather than someone abusing bugs (like the superspeed nurse that anyone on any console could do).
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If you dont want crossplay dont ask to ######### the PC players over, just disable crossplay on your end. Also, if you think the performance issues also aren't a problem on PC then you are kidding yourself, Freddy and the new maps make the game go under 50 fps on any non monster PC
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Under 50 fps? Console players would be in heaven if they got constant 25 fps.
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50 FPS is the max, my PC that can run DOOM Eternal on max can't get over 30 on the new map if I'm not standing still, optmization is a dev related issue, not a platform one
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double the fps? pc can have like 8x the fps console has. I've seen pc players run dbd at 200fps.
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The exception, not the rule, most PC players have average PCs that cant get the up to 60 without running on low graphics
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I don't think it's that unbalanced. Console killers are a little bit weaker than PC killers due to mechanical limitations (especially nurse, and now that I notice your name I think you might be a masochist). Survivors on the other hand, aren't as limited. If they optimize consoles better it should be fine.