Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

First few Crossplay games (as Xbox player)

Member Posts: 295
edited August 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Played as survivor and got crucified by a PC Billy (be amazed if PS4 or switch as the turning/curving was not console like.

Got crucified by a nurse. Very precise blinks, again think it was PC.

And a plague, which was also on another platform but game was on par as normal.

What games you guys having?

Post edited by Mandy on

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  • Member Posts: 209
    edited August 2020

    I play ps4. First game was a slugging nurse. Refused to hook anyone which was annoying for me as I was the last survivor alive and still had loads of time on my bleed out timer.

    I feel like PC killers are flexing by showing off the worst they have to offer.

  • Member Posts: 194

    Not exactly, there are murderers who always want their 4k, I at least if I don't know where the 4th, the hatch belongs to whoever finds it first

    At least I respect people's time.

  • Member Posts: 348

    I feel like this is very similar to the swf argument, except you already can 100% opt out πŸ™ƒ

    Do you want fast queue times or do you want fair games? Is there a correct answer? Dunno.

  • Member Posts: 132

    We can get fair games and faster queue times with no advantage for xbox or PS4, it's up to the devs though.

  • Member Posts: 400

    I expect they wanted the mmr system to work before adding the cross play to make sure people got fair matches (we know how that went, but still) across platforms, but went along and launched it anyway. Possibly to get positive feedback/pr. Considering the instant queues Im getting right now I like it. Getting some slight potatoes (but thats actually mostly because of rank reset. Getting green rankers in most of my games(so the mmr system worked better for me xD). A lot of people dcing though. Really weird. Goddamn I want the mmr (when its fixed) and the dc (when its fixed xD) back.

  • Member Posts: 128

    I had my first match as killer (ps4) against pc players. It felt super super sluggish, even more so than usual, but i still managed to 4k.

  • Member Posts: 192

    There was a bad storm in my area monday and I'm waiting for power to be restored so I haven't played yet. Might not get til tomorrow. Will let you know how it goes.

  • Member Posts: 9

    I gotta dissapoint you that is daily pc red ranks "i BET THESE ARE 2443423423k HOURS SWF" Gaming.

  • Member Posts: 257

    Rip. I’ve played Xbox. Only got screwed once as Wraith in Haddonfield (then again it IS a Wraith in Haddonfield πŸ˜‚) and as Claudette against a tunneling Pyramid-Head on the Thompson House. Idk if I was just really hyped to show off my skills to other platforms but I almost always got the most points out of the people I was up with (least Survivor wise). There was this Pig Player who let me boop the snoot and they were fun and good to go up against. Legit most killers beforehand on Xbox got super tryhard since the anniversary began but this honestly made it more fun! πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘πŸΌ

  • Member Posts: 71

    I'm getting my ass handed to me by console survivors. And I've played only against consoles since this cross play started.

    I would happily take my 5 minutes killer queues back if I could opt out of cross play.

  • Member Posts: 400

    I mean....its right there in settings dude. At the very bottom. Have been there for a long ass time.

  • Member Posts: 400

    Nah those people just like playing like a dick. Dont worry they do it to other pc players as well its nothing personal. Dont console players have people that just play annoyingly like that?

    Honestly suprised you met those 3 killers its very rare for people to play them.

  • Member Posts: 71

    Yes, thank you. I knew that setting was there but it didn't occur to me that it encompassed the updated cross play. I found out about it shortly after my comment but could not find this thread again to update.

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